Alan Mclawhorn Digital Literacy Journal

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Alan McLawhorn

Connie S. Douglas
UWRT 1101
11 December 2016
Portfolio pgs. 793-808
A portfolio is used in class to put all of our work together in one place for others to view.
There are two different types of portfolios: paper and online. Portfolios include a number of
your best essays and all of their drafts. They also include other projects, writing representing
growth, media, freewriting, notes, response from readers, and a statement reflecting all of the
work put in. To improve huge essays, it is prominent to write many drafts, and actually take
heed in what peers say about your work. Organization is also critical for portfolios. Review
each piece of writing in your portfolio, analyze the writing process, describe the strategies used
to write, reflect on the work as an author, and define your goals. Printed portfolios go into a
small folder, while e-portfolios can go on a word document. Then publish the e-portfolio writing
with blogs, social media, collaborative writing document sharing tools, wikis, comments,
reviews, and fan favorite websites, like weebly.

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