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Institute for Political and Civic Engagement (iPACE)

American Center, Yangon

Term 1, 2017 Application
(January 23 to March 3, 2017)
Application Instructions:
Please submit the completed application by midnight, December 26, 2017. You may deliver
the completed application to the American Center guard booth, attention iPACE Program, or
via email to
() () ()

You may complete the application in English or Myanmar language. If you are selecting
English for Advocates course, we strongly encourage you to complete the essay questions
in English.

( )
English for
Advocates (Advocates )

Institute for Political and Civic Engagement (iPACE)

Please type or handwrite clearly in pen.
One )


Section 1 Class Selection


Please write down up to two classes you would like to take and based on your own schedule, in
order of priority (1 = 1st priority, 2 = 2nd priority). NOTE iPACE offers concurrent courses
in the afternoon. Please be advised that you cannot take courses which take place at the same

( =
= )

Term 1: January 23 March 3, 2017 (6-week course. See page 7 for the course description)

iPACE 2017 Application: Term 1

Class: Civic Education

Monday & Wednesday: 2 pm 6 pm

Class: Organizational Development for Civil

Tuesday & Thursday: 2 pm 6 pm

Class: Political Engagement

Monday & Wednesday: 2 pm 6 pm

Class: Peace Advocacy

Tuesday & Thursday: 2 pm 6 pm

Class: Advocacy for Ending Gender-Based

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 am 12 pm

Class: English for Advocates

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 9 am 12 pm

I would like to take the following course(s):

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
Section 2 Certification and Committment

Certification: I certify that I completed this application personally and that the information
contained therein is factual and accurate.

Commitment: Should my application be successful, I am committed to complete the course(s).

If I fail to comply with my commitment, without a compelling reason, I agree that my
application will not be considered for the next 2 upcoming terms at iPACE.


I undersand the points above (check the box).

( )

iPACE 2017 Application: Term 1

( )

Section 3 Background Information


1. Full Name (in English):

Full Name (in Burmese):

( )

( )

2. Current Address (Street, City, Division/ State):

( - )

3. Would you be traveling from outside Yangon to attend iPACE? Yes or No?:
( )

4. Email Address:

5. Telephone:

6. Sex (M/ F):

7. Date of Birth (day/

month/ year):

8. Organization:

9. Job Title:

10. Ethnicity:

11. Religion:

( )

( )


(- )

( )



( - )

( )

Are you an iPACE

alumni? Yes/No:



Please indicate your current position level in your organization using the following scale.



iPACE 2017 Application: Term 1

Technical Staff



14. Are you physically disabled person?



If you answered yes, do you need special support services? e.g. hearing-impaired
captioning, wheelchair access, etc? If so please mention:


Section 4 Professional and Volunteer Experience


What work or activities, both paid and volunteer, are you doing now or have you done in the
past? Please fill out the table below in the order of your most recent experiences first.
( )


15-a. Professional Experience (Paid)

Job Title

Work You Do

End: mm/yy

15-b. Volunteer Experience (Unpaid)

Job Title

Work You Do

Start: mm/yy
End: mm/yy

iPACE 2017 Application: Term 1



Section 5 Essay Section


Please write a one or two paragraph response for each of the following questions. Please write
in complete sentences and be sure to provide all of the requested information and details.
(Remember, this is a competitive application process and we are looking for the best answers.)
You may write on the back of this page if necessary.


16-a. Please give an example of a time you led an activity to change something in your
organization or community.

( )

16-b. What is the example of something you want your organization or political party to do in

iPACE 2017 Application: Term 1

2017 to help the transition process? And how will iPACE's course help you achieve your

( ) ()



We encourage anyone who is working for community development in political parties, labor
movements/institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGO) or civil society
organizations (CSO) to apply. Members of international NGOs are not eligible. iPACE hopes
to attract participants who will use what they learn in the courses in their work and
organizations to promote positive democratic change.


( )

( )


Term 1, 2017
Below is a list of course descriptions and who the course is intended for:

1. NEW Advocacy for Ending Gender-Based Violence (GBV): This course will focus
on developing a strong understanding and background in GBV among participants
and building their capacity to more effectively lead impactful GBV advocacy
campaigns and service provision interventions. It will include information on best
practices in combatting GBV, proven strategies and approaches to coalition and
network building, and designing and evaluating GBV projects. A centerpiece of the
course will be a module on how to effectively advocate and collaborate with
government officials to combat GBV. The course will be open to participants with
little or basic formal training in GBV issues or advocacy skills, with preference given
to those affiliated with organizations active in combatting GBV. The course is
developed by Peter Pawlak, GVB Expert in consultation with Gender Equality
Networ (GEN).
(GBV) ()

GVB Peter Pawlak Gender Equality Networ

2. English for Advocates: This class will assist students to communicate about civic
education in English, including topics related to political systems, policy issues,
community engagement, and advocacy. The class will help develop students English
vocabulary and communication abilities around these issues to communicate with
donors and the wider international audience about their advocacy and civic
engagement efforts. Course designed by iPACE Senior Program Trainer, Kirt

iPACE 2017 Application: Term 1

Mausert. The English for Advocates is led in English, so please be confident in your
basic English speaking skills if you select this course.

( )



Kirt Mausert

3. Peace Advocacy: The Peace Advocacy course provides a conceptual overview of

peace building and reconciliation, universal human rights, social pluralism, and good
governance. The course focuses on community-driven activities and practices to
promote tangible peace building and coalition building around peace processes. This
course also introduces advocacy techniques needed for sustainable peace building,
including how peace builders utilize media or public messaging campaigns to
promote peace in their communities, as well as developing recommendations for good
peace advocacy at a policy level, particularly with governmental entities.
Peace Advocacy is designed for independent peace advocates or those closely
involved with peace building activities in their organizations. The course is designed
by Simon Harris, a peace-building and humanitarian action specialist with over 20
years international experience.



Peace Advocacy Advocates ( )

Simon Harris

4. Civic Education: Informed citizens are necessary for a strong democracy. This class
will help build understanding of democratic principles, including: political and social
stakeholders; political and governing processes; civil society rights and
responsibilities; human rights and marginalized groups, including women, the
disabled, youth and other underrepresented groups; pluralism and religious tolerance
as critical features of democratic development. Course designed for iPACE by Jena
Karim, Technical Advisor on Civil Society and Governance, World Learning. The
Civic Education course is designed for students seeking a basic introduction to
governance and legal frameworks. Civic Education will lay the foundation for
students looking to take follow-on courses related to federalism, constitutional law,
advocacy, etc.

Civic Education

Pluralism World Learning

5. Organizational Development for Civil Society: The Organizational Development for

Civil Society course will focus on the needs of advocates and civil society
representatives from small- to medium-sized organizations by providing basic,
introductory concepts to organizational learning and team management. The course
will provide introductions to participatory project planning, management, monitoring
and evaluation, and strategic networking and coalition building. This course will also
explore concepts of good leadership within vertically structured teams, negotiation
and consensus building, strategic approaches to inclusion, and how to build-in
democratic values within your organization. The course aims to support
organizational and grassroots leaders who are concerned with expanding the impact of
their civil society organizations on local development. Course designed by Louise
Coventry, organizational development consultant.



6. Political Engagement: This class will address advocacy, debating, campaigning, and
strategic planning for political change and practical problem solving. It will also
include sector-specific communications relating to public policy. It will be an active
process-based political engagement class. Course designed by Dr. Richard Nuccio,
democaracy expert and chief of party for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in

Democratic Institute Dr. Richard Nuccio

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