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Rethoric and Composition 1301

Prrofessor Sidouane Patcha Lum

Community Problem Report
Mariana Ydalith Bayona

In this essay I will present a community observed in the border community,particularly in
the city of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico and El Paso,Tx. United States of America : the
attention given to citizens with disabilities. Both countries have initiatives and laws to help
every citizen, but I have chosen to make a special emphasis on the way handicapped
individuals are assisted. While both the government and other private associations join in
an effort to adapt the city to the needs of this community there are still some deficiencies in
both systems.

Being one of the most important border cities in Mexico, Juarez is one of the strongest ones
economically,but unfortunately the revenues are not always used to benefit vulnerable
communities,among them being those with special needs.
On the 24th of July on the year 2004, the state government of Chihuahua published the Law
for the attention for people with disabilities in the state of Chihuahua (Ley para la atencin
de las personas con discapacidad en el Estado de Chihuahua). In this document, the
government explains,through several articles, how the government and society will work
together for the inclusion of those with special needs. Some of those initiatives include
rehabilitation and the erradication of physical and social barriers, meaning the adaptation of
public spaces for the use of wheelchairs and the promotion of equity.
Not only the government cares for the inclusion of those with special needs, many civilians
have joined efforts to create and maintain organizations dedicated to serve this specific part
of Juarezs population. One of them is called Villa Integra , which is a center created to
serve children and adults with disabilities,as well as their families. According to the
organizations website, they provide physical and psychological attention for the
individuals,as well as transportation and social inclusion programs.( Fundacin Jurez
Integra A.C. Fundacin Integra-Servicios (Integra Foundation-Services) Another institution dedicated to serve people with
dsabilities, those who are visually impaired to be specific is the CEIAC (Centro de Estudios
para Invidentes A.C.- Center of Studies for visually-challenged people Civil Association)
Mariza Colmener, a psychologist at the center explains that the patients of the center
receive visual rehabilitation,psychomotor rehabilitation and early
stimulation/development, academic support, pre-Braille courses and orientation for dealing

with day to day situations.( Jazmn Cano, April 18,2014 Jurez es una ciudad hostil para
los discapacitados,con calles que son trampas mortals para los ciegos-Jurez is a hostile
city for the disabled, with streets that are mortal traps for the
But,regardless of the organizations that serve people with special abilities, the border city
of Jurez is not very disability-friendly: its constant road works and overall planning make
it very difficult for people in wheelchairs of who are visually-impaired to move around the
An article published in describes Jurez as a hostile city towards the
disabled population and even states that the roads are mortal traps for blind people.The
article further describes the various incidents in the life of a visually-impaired man, named
Armando Martinez , a man who earns a living by singing on the streets of a known section
of the city. Martnez describes how constant road work poses a threat to people who have
visual impairment. He even mentions having hurt his arms before, after tripping due to the
road works. (Jazmn Cano, April 18,2014 Jurez es una ciudad hostil para los
discapacitados,con calles que son trampas mortals para los ciegos-Jurez is a hostile city
for the disabled, with streets that are mortal traps for the
Not only does the road represent a hazard for those who are visually impaired or in a
wheelchair,but the overall public transportation system is not fit to serve this important part

of Juarezs population. Marisela, a women who along with Armando tries to earn a living
through the donations from passers-by while she sings,explains how the buses and its
personnel are not prepared.
But not only do the road works or public transportation systems affect how handicapped
people move around the city but the construction of malls,theaters and other public places
was not done including them as users. The bad planning of ramps, lack of elevators or the
maintenance of elevators makes it hard for people to attend these places and be able to
enjoy themselves.
My mother Claudia, is an amputee since 2012 and having seen her experience certain
difficulties have made me realize how both the government and other civil authorities do
not take the special needs community much into consideration.
When I go out it is very frustrating to see that the parking lots are not designed to fit the
needs of people in wheelchairs. Sometimes ramps are built where they will eventually be
blocked by a car making it almost impossible for someone in a wheelchair to use that ramp
to get on the sidewalk. Also, the authorities do not ensure that only those with disabilities
use the parking spots reserved for them. It is mandatory for each disabled person to apply
for a special permission to park in the reserved spots. However sometimes,people who do
not need those spots park there and the police sometimes does not avoid it, and fines are not
issued.(Claudia Mendoza,personal communication.)
Mariza Colmener, psychologist for CEIAC explains that the ideal transportation system for
the visually-impaired would be like the one offered in El Paso,Texas(Jazmn Cano, April
18,2014 Jurez es una ciudad hostil para los discapacitados,con calles que son trampas

mortals para los ciegos-Jurez is a hostile city for the disabled, with streets that are mortal
traps for the blind
Some organizations that work with individuals with disabilities in El Paso,Texas are the
Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services and

Emergence Health

Network. The Texas Department of Assistive &Rehabilitative Services lead rehabilitation

programs through vocations for people with disabilities,and also offer guidance,training for
several jobs and assistance for work-related activites. The Emergence Health Network
focuses on individual with intellectual disabilitiesand mental health issues. Some of the
services offers are medical insurance waivers and other services in the county.( The Arc El
Paso- For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Apart from these organizations,
educational institutions offer their services to those members of the student body that need
them. Here in the University of El Paso, the Center for Accomodations and Support
Services provides services like note takers, extended time for tests,sign language
interprets(The University of Texas at El Paso, Miner Guide 2016-2017 p.16)
Even while some institutions focus on the inclusion of all students with special needs there
are still some schools that are not very accessible. For example, the high school I attended
for three years, Loretto Academy, even though it is well-ranked and provides great
education services is not yet equipped to admit students in wheelchairs for middle school
and high school. If any student was injured they would have to stay at one classroom and a
student from each of the injured students classes would have to take her instructions from
the teachers for assignments and projects. Not only does the main bulding not count with

any elevators but the general structure of the school has a lot of very inclined ramps that are
not suited for wheelchairs or at least not for students who wish to move around by

The attention given to individuals with special needs in the border area is still in process
even though great things have already been accomplished.. Juarez counts with programs
like Villa Integra or CEIAC,while El Paso has programs like Texas Department of Assistive
& Rehabilitative Services and the Emergence Health Network. However some public
spaces and educational institutions still need to adapt to the needs of disabled
individuals,but the most important thing is that we a society learn to embrace our
differences and contribute to an inclusive society for everyone.

Works Cited
1 Jazmn Cano, April 18,2014 Jurez es una ciudad hostil para los discapacitados,con
calles que son trampas mortals para los ciegos-Jurez is a hostile city for the disabled,
with streets that are mortal traps for the blind
2- Fundacin Jurez Integra A.C. Fundacin Integra-Servicios (Integra FoundationServices)
3 The Arc El Paso- For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

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