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English 101: Analysis Essay Assignment Sheet

Purpose: Write an essay where you provide an overall interpretation

of some song lyrics and support that interpretation with evidence and
analysis. (You are treating the song lyrics like a text, so you will not
consider the singers voice or the songs rhythm in your analysis.)

Audience: A group of literature professors who are creating an

anthology of essays that analyze popular song lyrics

Point of View: Third person

Additional Guidelines:
The essay must have a title, an introduction, three body paragraphs,
and a conclusion.
The thesis statement must be abstract (without points listed).
All essay drafts must be typed, use proper MLA format, and contain
at least 800 words.
Each body paragraph must have at least two separate quotes from
the song.

Rough Draft #1:

Due Thursday, November 3
If you do not have a complete (introduction, three body paragraphs,
and conclusion), printed-out rough draft submitted at the beginning of
class, you will lose 10 points from the final draft. (You cannot
participate in the Writing Workshop if you dont have a rough draft; you
will spend the time working on your draft.)
You must bring a copy of your song lyrics with you as well.

Final Draft:
Due Tuesday, November 8
Here are some important details to remember:

Song lyrics must be submitted with the final draft or you will lose
10 points from your final score.

Staple the revision form to the final draft

Submit Writing Workshop Form with the final draft as well
The final draft is worth 100 points.

Outline: On the backside of this sheet is the outline to follow for this
essay. You will be submitting an outline on Tuesday, October 25. It will
be worth 10 points. The outline must be typed and single-spaced. You
must also submit a copy of your song lyrics with the outline, or
the outline will not be graded.

Analysis Essay Outline

I. Introduction

A. Introduce the Subject (song)

B. Thesis Statement (overall analysis/interpretation of the
II. Topic Sentence (first reason for analysis)

A. Major Idea (evidence/song lyric)

1. Minor idea (analysis)
2. Minor idea (analysis)
B. Major Idea (evidence/song lyric)
1. Minor idea (analysis)
2. Minor idea (analysis)
III. Topic Sentence (second reason for analysis)

A. Major idea (evidence/song lyric)

1. Minor idea (analysis)
2. Minor idea (analysis)
B. Major idea (evidence/song lyric)
1. Minor idea (analysis)
2. Minor idea (analysis)
IV. Topic Sentence (third reason for analysis)

A. Major idea (evidence/song lyric)

1. Minor idea (analysis)
2. Minor idea (analysis)
B. Major idea (evidence/song lyric)
1. Minor idea (analysis)
2. Minor idea (analysis)
V. Conclusion

A. Reflect on subject of essay

B. Enlightening thought

Analysis Essay Outline Sample

I. Introduction

A. Smashing Pumpkins, Disarm

B. While finally choosing to use his voice, Corgan recalls the
scarring, physical abuse from his parents, and now no
longer an innocent child but an adult, he can leave those
who abused him to be tormented by their actions.
II. As a child, Corgan tried all he could to please his parents, but
it was never enough.

A. disarm with a smile

1. unhappy
2. coping techniques
B. inside of me and such a part of you
1. confusion
2. conditional love
III. From this neglect, he suffers through more pain than any
one that age should.

A. I used to be a little boy

1. robbed of childhood
2. making adult decisions too young
B. the killer in you is the killer than me
1. suicide
2. still loves parents
IV. Now grown up and able to support himself, he has a chance
to get back at his parents.

A. And leave you like they left me to whither in denial.

1. confrontation
2. distances from parents
B. the years burn
1. years of pain
2. revenge
V. Conclusion

A. Effects of abuse
B. Still longs for his parents love

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