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EDIT 4170 Flipped or Blended Lesson Plan Template

Name: Michelle Lopez

Is this lesson flipped or blended?: Flipped
Standard (CCSS, NGSS, State): NGSS HS-LS4-4. Construct an
explanation based on evidence for how natural selection leads to
adaptation of populations.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to explain natural selection by providing at least 2
examples of populations that have adapted to a changing environment.
Students will understand natural selection by participating in an activity
that demonstrates how natural selection works by mimicking adaptations
of Darwins finches.
Discuss any challenges associated with teaching the standard and
learning objectives in a traditional classroom, and highlight
how/why a flipped or blended model might mitigate these
The challenges associated with teaching the standard and learning
objective in a traditional classroom is that for a subject matter like natural
selection, students will understand the material better when they are
presented with real life examples. In order for students to really delve into
and explore the evidence that backs natural selection, the use of
technology as a tool is an extreme advantage. It is much more engaging
for students to see images, videos, and simulations depicting natural
selection, rather than simply reading it from a text or listening to my direct
instruction. Some secondary schools have provided students with their own
laptops, which they can use in class under the instruction of a teacher.
However, I would rather have the students learn the concept at home so
they can learn it at their own pace. Natural selection can be a complex
subject when it is explained at the molecular level.
By teaching this standard and learning objective using a flipped classroom,
I can concentrate most of my time in the classroom on clarifying the
concept to students who have not fully grasped it. In addition, since the
lesson largely uses technology I do not want to waste time in the
classroom addressing tech issues, troubleshooting, students getting
distracted, or students asking me questions before viewing the lesson in its
entirety. I believe that students, through various tech tools, can easily learn
the concept of natural selection. Once they view and complete the lesson
on their own, class time would be dedicated to clarify the concept to those
students who did not fully understand it and for a class discussion and/or
activity on natural selection. The flipped model will allow me to make this
lesson more student centered.

Provide a step-by-step discussion of your lesson in a narrative

(first-person) format. Be detailed and specific by discussing what
you are going to do and how you will do it. This section should be
about 1-2 pages long:
Flipped Classroom
1. Students will be able to access the lesson they are to complete
independently through a Google Form.
a. The Google Form will have:
i. Google Slides with audio I pre-recorded explaining each
1. I will introduce the concept of natural selection to
students by defining what it is and how it relates to
evolution. I will also define the following
a. Species
b. Population
c. Traits
d. Genetic Variation
e. Decent with modification
f. Adaptation
g. Selection
h. Competition
2. I will present to students who was Charles Darwin.
3. I will present to students how Charles Darwin came
up with the concept of natural selection by
observing the finches in the Galapagos Islands.
4. Attached to the slides will be a short video talking
about Darwins finches, where it will pause at
certain times for students to answer questions
about the video.
5. Once students finish viewing the video I will
proceed to show them two more examples of
natural selection.
a. Peppered Moth
b. Giraffes long necks
6. Students will then complete a natural selection

7. I will assign students to find one example of natural
selection on their own, and fill out the Google Form
explaining their example.
8. Once students finish the lesson, they will complete
a KWL Exit ticket on the Google form as well as any
questions they have for me regarding the lesson.
NOTE: The Google Form will have questions for students to answer as they
view each video and complete the simulation.

In the Classroom
2. I will choose the most frequent questions asked (on exit ticket) and
answer them in class.
3. Students will participate in an activity that demonstrates how natural
selection works by mimicking adaptations of Darwins finches.
a. Materials
i. 1 cup per student
ii. 1 type of beak per student (chopsticks, plastic spoon,
plastic fork, and plastic knife).
iii. 1 paper plate per table group
iv. 1 bag of food (dry macaroni, corn, rice, green peas,
marshmallows, beans, rice).
b. Students will be divided into groups of 4
c. One person from each group will grab all of the materials for
their respective group.
d. Each group will place the paper plate at the center of the table.
e. One student in the group will empty the food onto the plate.
f. Each group member will choose one beak and grab a cup.
g. When instructed to do so, the students will grab as many food
items as they can with their beaks and collect them in the
cup (stomach).
h. They will have 40 seconds to collect as many food items as
they can.
i. I will instruct them to stop after 40 seconds.
j. Each group member will sort and count each food item they
were able to place into their stomach with their respective
k. Students will fill out a table and answer questions in their
l. I will discuss the questions with all of the class, once most
students have completed the worksheet.
If this is a blended lesson, discuss how lesson utilizes one of the
models discussed in this weeks lecture. When responding, first
highlight and define the model, then discuss how your lesson
integrates elements of that model. Also, discuss how your lesson
promotes an active learning environment that builds on student
interests where your students have control over their own
learning experiences. Write NA if your lesson is flipped.
If this is a flipped lesson, discuss where (and how) your lesson
utilizes direct instruction (at home), and dynamic/interactive
instructional strategies in the classroom. Also, discuss how your
lesson aligns to all four pillars of a flipped model (discussed in the

lecture this week).

My lesson utilized direct instruction through the Google slides with prerecorded audio of me explaining each slide. In addition, some of the videos
I provided for the students to watch also provided direct instruction in that
the speaker explains each concept. The dynamic/interactive activity in the
classroom is the Darwins Finch Adaptation Lab, which will take up most of
class time. However, before class time I may have some direct instruction
as I answer students questions regarding concepts they did not
understand at home.
My lesson aligns with the four pillars of a flipped model as follows:
I. Flexible Environment
a. The lesson I created for students to independently complete at
home can be done in a group, if students chose to work
together. In addition, the students can view and complete the
lesson using their phones, tablet, or laptops since it is all
online. The only part of the lesson they may want to complete
using a computer is the simulation, since they will be able to
navigate it more easily. I also made sure the lesson at home
did not surpass more than an hour so students can have time
to complete it within one day. The lesson in the classroom is
primarily group work, allowing students to help each other out
and collaborate together.
Learning Culture
a. For the at home lesson, I provided slides, videos, and a userfriendly simulation so students can learn the concepts on their
own through various methods.
III. Intentional Content
a. The at home lesson is primarily introductory. I did not want to
provide them with something too complex that would
completely loose them. Especially, since I would not be present
to be able to assist them. Both my at home lesson and
classroom lesson is mostly student centered.
Professional Educator
a. At the beginning of the class I will address all questions or
problems the students had regarding the lesson they
completed at home. In addition, if some students are still
completely lost after the in class lab, I would provide them with
one on one assistance.

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