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English Term Test



Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. You
can use between 2 to 5 words.

In the morning I have a twenty-minute walk to school. (TAKES)

In the morningto walk to school

This is a very dry part of the country. (HARDLY)

In this part of the countryrains.

Taking photos in the art gallery is forbidden. (ALLOWED)

Youphotos in the art gallery.

Barbara always has a shower before going to work. (UNTIL)

Barbara never goes to worka shower

No teacher will tolerate bad behavior in class. (PUT)

No teacher willbad behavior in class.


Fill in each gap with a word from the word in capitals.

The Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race
The first Boat Race was a 1 (MEMORY) occasion and took place in 1829. One of the 2 (FOUND) of the
Race was Charles Wordsworth who had 3 (SUCCESS) established the university cricket match in 1827.
Today, almost two centuries later, one of the most 4 (AMAZE) things about the Race is its 5 (POPULAR)
worldwide. In fact, there is even a Boat Race Society which is responsible for the annual 6 (DISTRIBUTE)
of videos of the Race to all its members.
The Race is rowed on the river Thames in London over a 7 (LONG) of about 4 miles. Thousand stand on the
banks to watch, however 8 (PLEASE) and cold the weather might be. Just 9 (OCCASION) if the weather is
very windy, a boat may fill with water and sink, a 10 (DRAMA) sight and obviously a great embarrassment
to the boats crew.


Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense:

On the 30th of January, people in the south-east of England were thrilled as the first flakes of white snow 1
(BEGIN) to fall. But within two hours, mass chaos 2 (DEVELOP). That day 3 (TURN OUT) to be the worst
day for traffic on record, with motorists trapped in their cars on the M11 for up to 11 hours. Gary Barnicott 4
(DRIVE) one of the first breakdown vehicles to arrive on the scene when the police 5 (REOPEN) the
motorway. His first priority was to deal with a vehicle stranded near one of the junctions.
The guy 6 (BE) in his car all night with a wife and three young children and 7 (BE) also a diabetic. He 8
(HAVE) the car heater on all night and the car 9 (RUN OUT) of fuel and 10 (LOSE) all battery power.


Fill in each blank with one word:

Holidays with friends
I always 1.. to go to Porchester 2.. my summer holidays. It is a quiet little town, full of old and
interesting buildings. Very 3.. visitors even go there, so there are no crowds. I enjoyed its sleepy
atmosphere. I work in a big city, so a holiday in Porchester was a complete change 4.. my usual life.
Besides, I found 5.. about the history of the place. I wanted to learn how life used to be in Porchesterthe stories of 6.. people and buildings.
I made notes on 7.. these things 8.. my holidays and soon I knew 9.. about the history of
Porchester than most of the people 10.. lived there.

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