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Michelle Lopez
Dr. Daniel Soodjinda
EDIT 4170
October 16, 2016
Digital Citizenship Lesson
Common Core Standard:
Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical
Subjects Grades 6-8:
Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
NGSS Standard:
MS-ESS3-5. Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have
caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century.
ISTE Standard:
Digital Citizenship
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of
living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and
they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
Content Objective:
Students will be able to investigate the rise in global temperatures
over the past century by ethically gathering factual credible sources on
the Internet.
Language Objective:
Students will be able to identify factual information that presents
evidence of the rise in global temperatures over the past century by
making an oral presentation.
Anticipatory Set:
Pre-assessment: Ask students to discuss with a partner
1. What do you know about global warming?
2. Many people believe global warming is a hoax or untrue. How
can you find credible factual information about global warming
on the Internet? What do you think makes a source credible?
Call on a few students to share their answers with the class.
Presentation of Material and Checking for Understanding:

1. Distinguish between what is factual, opinion, and reasoned
judgment. I would provide examples of all three.
2. Checking for Understanding: Students practice distinguishing
between fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment with a partner.
3. Define what a credible source on the Internet is/looks like.
4. Show video
5. Present rubric
6. Have students (in groups of 4-5) find two credible sources on the
Internet that present factual information about global warming.
Once they find those sources, they will have to make a
presentation using Google Slides explaining the information in
their sources and how they were able to identify that their source
was credible.
1. Students present their Google Slides and I grade them using the
a. Once each group finishes presenting, I ask them a question
regarding their presentation and require one or two of their
peers to ask them a question as well.
2. If I have time:
a. Exit ticket: KWL
i. What I know about global warming and finding
factual information on the Internet is ____.
ii. What I want to know about global warming and
finding factual information on the Internet is ____.
iii. What I learned about global warming and finding
factual information on the Internet is ____.



Does not meet


Meets expectation Exceeds expectation


Students recognize
the rights,
responsibilities and
opportunities of
living, learning and
working in an
digital world, and
they act and model
in ways that are
safe, legal and

Student working in a
group to create a
presentation, but the
presentation lacked
Information is
inaccurate. The
presentation did not
address both areas
(surfing the internet
AND using social
media). (1 point)

Student created a
presentation about
the ethical and safe
practices in surfing
the internet and
using social media.
(2 points)

Student created a
presentation about the
ethical and safe
practices in surfing the
internet and using
social media. The
presentation also
includes clear
examples of what safe
practices look like
when surfing the web
and using social
media. (3 points)

Presenting the

Student worked in a
group that presented
the information
contained in the slide
show, but the student
did not participate in
actually presenting
information on the
slide show. (1 point)

Student worked in
a group to present
the information
contained on the
slideshow. (2

Student worked in a
group to present the
information contained
on the slideshow.
While presenting, it is
clear that the student
understands the
content and does not
read off the slides.
Student speaks in a
clear and poised
manner. (3 points)

presentation contains
irrelevant information
and/or images. No
theme is applied and
formatting distracts
the viewers and/or
makes the
information in the
presentation difficult
to see. (1 point)

contains relevant
information and
images. A theme is
applied, formatting
does not distract
the viewers or
makes the
information in the
difficult to see, and
a title slide is
included. (2 points)

Slideshow presentation
contains relevant
information and
images. A theme is
applied, formatting
does not distract the
viewers or makes the
information in the
presentation difficult to
see, and a title slide is
included. No
misspellings and slides
only contain important
bullet points. Students
included a "Works
Cited" slide at the end
of their presentation. (3

Students gathered Students gathered

Students gathered
their information
their information from their information

Students gathered their

information from at


from reliable

less than 2 different

sources and sources
may not have been
reliable. (1 point)

from at least 2
different reliable
sources. (2 points)

least 2 different reliable

sources and cited each
source correctly in the
"Works Cited" slide at
the end of the

Students are able

to answer
questions their
peers and
instructor ask
regarding their

When peers and the

instructor asked the
group questions,
students were not
able to provide clear
answers that
demonstrated their
understanding of
ethically surfing the
internet and using
social media.
Students struggled in
answering or the
same student in the
group answered all of
the questions. (1

When peers and

the instructor asked
the group
questions, students
were able to
provide clear
answers that
demonstrated their
understanding of
ethically surfing the
internet and using
social media. (2

When peers and the

instructor asked the
group questions,
students were able to
provide clear answers
that demonstrated their
understanding of
ethically surfing the
internet and using
social media. More
than one student in the
group answered the
questions. (3 points)

Total Points




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