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Nama : Anis Septiana

Nim : 1537020025
Judul : Neoliberalisme

This discussion has highlighted the many contradictions of neo-liberal opposition
against the State. Although the neo-liberal highly critical of the interference of the State in
conjunction with civil society, and therefore recommends that the State withdraw, but
ironically he embraced the country increasingly violent and irresponsible. This is because the
issue of the maintenance of social order and the distribution of resources in accordance with
the provisions of justice becomes indispensable when the market is not regulated. Therefore,
the neo-liberal prescriptions has caused divisions and social unrest in developed countries
and developing countries. This case requires the intervention of the State against the growing
civil society, through increased powers of law enforcement agencies.
The dominance of the principles of neo-liberal international instituted a very strong
western leaders, like the IMF and the World Bank, indicates that the agencies had been
widely assume the role of political institutions more as a problem rather than a solution to
underdevelopment. The approach rather abstract to economic development ignores how the
world economy is designed in the interests of powerful countries have become a midwife and
his victim deregulation of the economy and has established trade iternasional and not in a
manner that is consistent with the free market, but for the sake of their own.
The criticism that comes up against the State in the neo-liberal theory in fact a
criticism of democratic governance. Domestically, neo-liberal state is not a weak country, but
a strong state and irresponsible. Internationally, is a powerful nations, as well as government
laws and bidding, has established a system of global governance that is clearly - clearly
undemocratic. Consequently, neo-liberalism is a strategy of certain countries to serve the
interest of individuals and actors who benefit from the deregulation of the economy, both
domestically and internationally.
The anti-democratic trend, which is contained in neo-liberalism, has become a key
factor in the rapid growth of new social movements attempt to oppose coercive statism that
paradox arises from the application of neo-liberal.

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