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Pre-lab assignment for C.

Elegans Week 2
Biology 1510
Directions: What are 3 ways in which you may end up seeing surprising
ratios of phenotypes in your worm crosses?
One way in which surprising ratios of phenotypes may be observed is if the
hermaphrodite reproduced before it was able to breed with the male in the
male + hermaphrodite cross. If this were to happen, none of the males would
express any alleles in the F1 generation, and the F1 cross would solely be
indicative of the parent hermaphrodites.
If the males did not breed with the hermaphrodites, and the hermaphrodites
did not reproduce asexually either, then the ratio of the crosses would be
surprising because it would be nonexistent.
If some of the eggs were somehow transferred between plates, the resulting
ratios would be very inaccurate.
How this assignment is graded: This pre-lab assignment is worth 6 points
(2 points per idea). Each idea can be addressed in several sentences or a
short paragraph. Your written assignment should be long enough for
thoughtful responses.
Great answer (2 pt)= ideas were presented with thoughtful statements that
demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas; logical flow of ideas; correct
grammar/spelling throughout.
Fair answer (1 pt)= ideas were presented but responses show only cursory
consideration of the idea; some but not all logical flow of ideas; correct
grammar/spelling in many but not all places.
Poor answer (0 pt)= ideas were not presented; responses show little to no
consideration of the idea; lack of logical flow of ideas in many places; frequent
grammar/spelling mistakes.

To get credit for this portion of the pre-lab assignment, you must submit it to
T-square Assignments by your lab period and bring your ideas with you to

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