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‘SUBCONTRACT AGREENMENT FOR EXCAVATION AND CART AWAY SUBCONTRACTOR M/S Loger Pata Transport Le ones 080 57829, DUDA UAE ate 2jorr01s rosecr Plot Ho. 3670572 Urn A Shit une M/S Rabi Benga CCOMSULTANT 2 M/S. 4975 Arhitctral Constancy 41 This Sutcommact Agreement is male between WS: Anmol Ping & Stel Siete LLC hereinafter called the “Man Contato” and MS age Pala ‘anspor tc ernie elle the “Subcontractor for proving rahinery & lbhous for he execution of the Excavation ani Crt aay to the approved ‘uring re erenater cae the "Subcontract Wor” tn seconde th i of Quai, peaton and approved davies that the Subcomtactor ‘has amined to his ene sasfactn and to the appowl of the an Contractor and the Employer feast, SURCONTRACTON'S GENERAL oB\JGRTIONS- 2.4 The Subcontractor shal, with due cr ap gence, enact and ‘complet the Subcontract Works and remedy any defects therein acenrdance i the provsons of the Subeantat The Subcontractor shal poe ll superintendent and bows forthe exeiton, completion ad remedy of any defects othe Subconiaet Works ‘The Subcontractor shall not subcoatact the whol ofthe Subcontract Woks, nor shal he sbconract any part of the Subcontract Works without the pit onsent ofthe Contractor. Any such ensent sal not eee the Subcontractor from any tabi or ogationundar the Subcontract 2 Thesibeonratr sal submit the Main Catractor forbs consent the name partir the person authored to ecive istrict on is etal 2A The Subanrator wl Has and farther co-operate with other trades assole wth the rina at era expenses tothe Main Contraco, 25 The Sibeonvactor shall ake ful cesponsity for the care of the Subcontract work fom the commencement date nl the date of ‘compion of the works, 218 the Subcontracor sal ety any warks excited by him whch not appoved bythe Consultan at hon cost unl Consultant approval baie, 27 TheSubontratr shalt al ines adhere tthe Heath and Safety plan othe Main ontraor and shal be respon fr providing wean esol protective equipment (fey shoes, safety helmet. goes, ee) ‘and ening that al opecativs an personnel unde the employment of the ibcontacto. 28 Tho Subcontractors reeponil for mintenance a deen tty and safe woking envionment at work progreses. A wte materi shall be ‘moved to location aged withthe Mal Contactor and al spas ‘mater sabe stacked ina latin agreed wth the Main Contacto. nex of volton due to the Subcontator fale to comply wth the ‘hase 2.7 & 28 the charges forthe same wl be deed from the Subeoaraetor'saecoun. 29 ——_TheSubcontator shall prove the folowing within 7 days sing the Company Trade Uemse st of authoted representative wth specimen sigratre card ter of Power of atoney Passport & Via Coy of the Ouner/ Partner General Monaet 30 CONTRACT TYPE; Re-measuabl with fed ae SCHEDULE OF nar: Deswipion Approx [Unit] Paice (AED) oun av Ae} Travaton and antaway [5,600 | mS | Araareed tothe Da approved dumping area a aa aaa 60 The workstll be measured and valued or payment. The schedule of ‘ates retoned hove shall be use to delerine the value, Tenso# pave The Suconratrshalsubmit each month tatement showing the amour to whic he consis Nel enti by 25 ayo the month nh the wrk have been execs ‘he Suscontracto salle ened tobe pid lows: 2) Monty progress payment oe pal by 45 days POC Trom the date of lnviceand on approval of iwc rom the Const The POC cheque toe sued tothe subcontractor within 2 weeks the dt of vices, "IM. 0Fconpucmon: he Sibcontraeor shall proeed expeditiously and without delay to omplet the work within he tne for compton ated below 4) Ente wrk as er the Main Contractor progam surance: The Subcontractors ected werk within the projet seis deemed to be

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