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Final Group Project

CB2201 Operations Management

The final group project is an opportunity for you to learn more about the practice of
operations management. Projects should study a specific operations practice in a real
organization. The list of organizations provided below is for your references. You are free to
choose an organization of your interest for the assigned topic.
As broad guidelines for these projects, put yourselves in the shoe of a team of consultants
trying to analyze some particular issues of an organization that are related to any contents in
this course. It can be a showcase of the current best practice of operations management for
the organization chosen, or you can identify operational issues with original and innovative
ideas for recommendations of how operations management should be used to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness.
The deliverables are a final report no more than 500 words and a video no more than 4
minutes. The requirements are listed as follows:
Video (25%)
Produce your video in English with English subtitles.
Put the video link on the one-page summary report.
A one-page summary report (5%)
A summary of your work (~50 words)
Issues / problems / current practice in operations management (~150 words)
Your original and innovative ideas generated or recommended (~200 words)
Potential or actual contribution to impact the community (~100 words)
A video link and a summary report are both due at 11:00 pm on 28 November, 2016. Teams
are required to appoint a team representative and upload a summary report with the video link
onto Canvas course site before the deadline. No printed copies are required. Teams are
required to put your section ID, group ID and student ID at the first page of your report.
Please use your Section ID and group ID as the file name of the summary report (e.g.
Note: Assignment submission through email is strictly prohibited. Any late submission will
incur a penalty of 10% deduction of marks for every day or part of a day that it remains not

Each project will receive a maximum of 30 points. The deliverable will be evaluated
according to the following dimensions:



Deliverable shows a
large amount of
original thought.
Ideas are creative and
Covers topic in-depth
with details and
examples. Subject
knowledge is
Maintains focus
throughout and
attracts audience

Deliverable shows
some original
thought. Work shows
new ideas and
Includes essential
knowledge about the
topic. Subject
knowledge appears to
be good.
Holds audience
attention most of the
time and rarely
wanders from focus.

Uses other people's
ideas (giving them
credit), but there is
little evidence of
original thinking.
Includes essential
information about the
topic, but not rich
enough or there are
1-2 factual errors.
Maintain interest of
the audience some of
the time and/or many
aspects of seem only
slightly related.

Uses other people's
ideas without giving
them credit, or no
evidence of original
Content is minimal
OR there are several
factual errors.

Audience attention
often lost and the
focus is difficult to
figure out.

Here is a list of assigned topics and examples of organizations combinations for your reference. You
are free to choose one of the following topics below and any one of the organizations (not limited to
the following list) which you are familiar with.
Assigned topics

Examples of organization:

Product & Service Design

Process Structures
Process Flow Analysis
Lean & Six-Sigma
Facility Location Planning
Service Delivery
Distribution & Inventory Management
Demand & Revenue Management
Sourcing & Supply Chain
Operations Strategy
Globalization & Sustainability

Apple, Coca Cola

CityU Caterings
Itamae Sushi
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, HK Airlines
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery, Broadway Stores
Emergency Room of any hospitals
759 Store, ParknShop
Ruby Tuesday, any travel agencies or hotels
IKEA, Watsons Group
Sushi Express, McDonalds
Cathay Pacific, HSBC

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