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Modern Companion

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 d6
1. Naiditsch 1-0 Carlsen, Feb 2015 Grenke
2. Solak 0-1 Carlsen, Sep 2016 Olympiad
3. Wei Yi 0-1 Carlsen, Jul 2016 Bilbao Chess
4. Anand 0-1 Caruana, Dec 2014 London Chess Classic, Blitz
5. Anand 1-0 Caruana, Feb 2015 Zurich Chess Challenge, Rapid
6. Karjakin 1-0 Kramnik, Nov 2010 World Blitz Championship
7. Naiditsch - Nakamura, Sep 2012 Olympiad
8. Radjabov - Nakamura, May 2013 Norway Chess Blitz
9. Aronian 0-1 Svidler, May 2013 Norway Chess Blitz
10.Sutovsky 0-1 Ivanchuk, Sep 2011 World Cup
11.Sutovsky 0-1 Ivanchuk, Sep 2011 World Cup
12.Jakovenko 0-1 Svidler, Nov 2009 World Blitz Championship
13.Naiditsch 0-1 Svidler, Nov 2009 World Cup
14.Guseinov 0-1 Mamedyarov, Jun 2013 World Rapid Championship
15.Amin 1-0 Svidler, Jun 2014 World Blitz Championship
16.Volokitin 0-1 Svidler, Jun 2014 World Blitz Championship
17.Korotylev 0-1 Mamedyarov, Nov 2007 World Blitz Cup
18.Anand - Ivanchuk, May 2008 - Blindfold
19.Aronian 1-0 Morozevich, Dec 2012 - Blindfold
20.Kosteniuk 0-1 Svidler, Nov 2014 Tal Memorial Blitz
21.Dominguez 1-0 Ivanchuk, Oct 2006 Magistral Ciutat de Barcelona
22.Hou Yifan - Svidler, Aug 2009 Rising Stars Experience
23.Ganguly 1-0 Svidler, Jul 2011 World Chess Team Championship
24.Movsesian - Svidler, Aug 2008 Tal Memorial Blitz
25.Dominguez 1-0 Mamedyarov, Dec 2011 Mind Games Rapid
26.Dominguez 1-0 Kamsky, Dec 2011 Mind Games Blindfold
27.Rublevsky - Nepomniachtchi, Apr 2011 Russian Championship
28.Stevic 0-1 Nepomniachtchi, Mar 2011 European Individual
29.Meier - Svidler, May 2009
30.Grischuk 1-0 Mamedyarov, Jul 2012 World Blitz Championship
31.Rublevsky - Kamsky, Oct 2013 European Club Cup
32.Almasi 0-1 Rapport, Feb 2015 Bundesliga
33.Ponomariov 1-0 Bareev, Dec 2001 FIDE World Championship KO
34.Leko 0-1 Ivanchuk, Mar 2004 Amber Rapid
35.Smeets 0-1 Vachier-Lagrave, Jan 2011 Tata Steel
36.Karjakin - Kamsky, Apr 2014 Russian Team Championship
37.Leko 0-1 Ponomariov, Dec 2014
38.Dominguez 1-0 Ponomariov, Dec 2014
39.Sutovsky 0-1 Svidler, May 1999
40.Najer 1-0 Andreikin, Jun 2013
41.Sveshnikov 0-1 Naiditsch, Mar 2015
42.Naiditsch 1-0 Moiseenko, Apr 2014
43.Ponomariov - Efimenko, Sep 2011
44.Anton 1-0 Malakhov, Jun 2014
45.Sethuraman 0-1 Malakhov, Oct 2015
46.Khairullin - Malakhov, Oct 2015
47.Safarli 0-1 Malakhov, Oct 2015
48.Najer 0-1 Malakhov, Sep 2015
49.Kasimdzhanov - Malakhov, Oct 2015

50.Dubov 1-0 Malakhov, Sep 2015

Modern Tiger: 4. Be3 a6

1. Naiditsch 1-0 Carlsen, Feb 2015: 5. a4 Nf6
a. Black sacrifices a Bishop for two pawns and initiative
2. Wei Yi 0-1 Carlsen, Jul 2016: 5. f4 b5
a. Black allows a passed pawn in c6
3. Naiditsch - Nakamura, Sep 2012: 5. Qd2 b5
a. White castles queen side, opposite castles attack
4. Naiditsch 0-1 Svidler, Nov 2009: 5. h4 h6 6. Qd2 b5
a. Black survives a brutal kingside attack and White blunders
5. Dominguez 1-0 Ivanchuk, Oct 2006: 5. f4 b5 [Gambling at the
a. Black suffers a strong attack in the kingside
6. Ganguly 1-0 Svidler, Jul 2011: 5. Qd2 Nd7
a. White breaks in the kingside
7. Almasi 0-1 Rapport, Feb 2015: 5. Qd2 Nd7
a. Black stops Whites kingside attach and counterstrikes in the

Two knights with a6: 4. Nf3 a6

1. Solak 0-1 Carlsen, Sep 2016: 5. Be2 Nf6
a. Double fianchetto + b4
2. Stevic 0-1 Nepomniachtchi, Mar 2011: 5. Be2 b5
a. Black ends up a pawn and wins the endgame

Standard: 4. Be3 c6
1. Sutovsky 0-1 Ivanchuk, Sep 2011: 5. a4 Nf6
a. Black counterstrikes in the kingside after Whites h-pawn

Austrian Attack: 4. f4 a6
1. Ponomariov 1-0 Bareev, Dec 2001: 5. Nf3 b5
a. Material imbalance: rook + Bishop vs queen, kingside attack
2. Smeets 0-1 Vachier-Lagrave, Jan 2011: 5. Nf3 b5
a. Black allows a passed pawn in c6 as in Wei Yi Carlsen, Jul
3. Karjakin - Kamsky, Apr 2014: 5. Nf3 b5
a. Black wins a pawn through active play, but cannot convert

Bishop Line: 4. Bg5

1. Rublevsky - Kamsky, Oct 2013: 4... Nd7 5. Nf3 h6
a. Long manoeuvering game with a hippo structure from Black

Pirc vs Austrian attack: 4. f4 Nf6

1. Sutovsky 0-1 Ivanchuk, Sep 2011: 5. Nf3 O-O
a. Sharp game with spectacular sacrifices from both sides

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