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[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.] Sr. No. of Question Paper : 6680 FC Unique Paper Code : 72182801 Name of the Paper : Environmental Science Name of the Course : Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1) Semester iT Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Attempt any five questions. 3. All questions carry equal marks. 4, Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. pai & fag fen wa wera & fed A see Re ae Puts eat we sere sea Fae ford dhe ged F ore Afar aah get & sis wa 21 Wea Te aT ar VA fat ver eT A Aifare, Afar wt Tat ar ETT Ta & err ate Rene 1. (@)_ Define the following: () Endemic species Gi) Food chain (iii) Biodiversity (iv) Energy pyramids (v) Smart cities (vi) Renewable energy (vii) Hot spots (7x1=7) P.T.O. 6680 2 (b) Fill in the blanks. (@ Many interlinked food chains are known as (i) Various gases which contribute to global warming are known as —__. (ii) Waste materials which cannot be broken by microbes are known as (iv) A large area marked for conservation of biodiversity is called (v) —_____ is the removal of top layer of soil. (vi) ______ layer in stratosphere protects human from UV radiations. (vii) ________ is one of the units of measuring biodiversity. (8x1=8) (=) Prafates at vitae afre : (i) eaftes sonfeat (ii) re fee (ii) Sea—fafaera (iv) raf fats (v) aUé wez (vi) aatenta sot (vii) ge Far (a) feast ear Ry : (i) Wer Wee Gre fecnsit ay asa 2 (i) ferent sora % were Hat st ___ eB (ii) Semeystt are fafeer a fag oH wen are safe vert wy we (iv) 3a after & wer Bq fafa fare ae wea eB aaa A (v) —__@ ager ger aft sea wae a CAT OT eTATT 31 a) rant wear 3 Re ea wae St GU Pare wert Be We fata At are gare Fa eH a 6680 3 2. Write a short note on ‘any three’ of the following (a) Sustainable development (b) Land degradation (©) Biological invasion (d) Solid waste management (e) Kyoto protocol (3x5=15) Prafaferr 3 2 ‘fart ae’ we ve alter fot fare (m) Pde facrre (@) a we (a) Bias after (a) de safine wart (=) waa sear Differentiate between the following: (a) Biosphere and atmosphere (b) Fresh water ecosystem & Marine ecosystem (©) Conventional & Non-conventional energy resources (3x5=15) Prafatert % sie sare (am) ta ase atk agpiset (a) art wet anita ait we wre ARTA (a) weeatter atk ae atte raf dant (a) What do you understand by environmental movements? Briefly describe the role of any such movement in conservation of biodiversity and protection of environment. a” P.T.O. 6680 4 (b) Discuss the role of environmental communication and public awareness in (8) environment protection. (a) vata waht saat 3 ana ae ara 2? Fa Afduar es vate seer Bq Tee amg 8a feat sidtert A yr aa aoe afar! (@) vate seer yafaetta sare sie oT UTE a PT aT TT AAAET 5. Do you agree that in contrast to rituals of the ancient Indian society the activities of modern Indian society have harmed the environment and biodiversity. If yes, how? (1s) aa ona wei aera Ost RRaroit a Yorat F smear sede wearer Hah Bea wafer yay safaaerear at af wears 3? afe ai, a ea? 6. (a) Taking one example discuss how dam building has affected the ecological balance of ecosystem? (8) (b) What are invasive species? How are they threat to biodiversity? aM (=) ater Grofor 3 mnaea @ cactter eigaer a ra sare wena rar 2 eat core We Taree tae TET Ft (ea) ‘Ste fAfaere & fare eres Tonftat F aear oer 8? 3 vee ff a fry fee vA eae tar watt 3? 7. (a) Discuss the problems and challenges of e-waste management in India. (7) (b) Discuss the ecosystem services. (8) (®) sna §-araa vate oh amensit ste eifeat ar aia SARE (@) atta at Sars ar avi afarer ‘ 8. Discuss socio-economic impacts of earthquakes and landslides giving one example each. Also discuss the role of disaster management to reduce these impacts. (is) srt ote eaet 2a F gee Bye Ae oaths she me ge a ait Oren er wordt a ar ae Boner ater wafer ae At caf aAtRie) (33,000)

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