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What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is actually harmful substances in the atmosphere, which damages the
environment. With the development of factories, came along the increase in air pollution. Air pollution can occurs
inside homes, schools, offices even in the countryside. As a result there has been an increase in the death rates
resulting from different diseases caused by air pollution, varying from breathing problem to lung cancer.
Air pollution does not only affect people but it also damages the whole ecosystem in which plants and animals are
harmed as well. Air pollution has reached such a critical stage where it affects the earth's atmosphere as it lets in
more harmful rays from the sun.
While many are aware that our careless use of dangerous chemicals and fossil fuels may leave the planet without
life in the future, most over look the fact that air pollution also can cause damage to our bodies at this moment.
Such pollution cause damage to our respiratory system. Air, like water is essential for life. Air pollution, like water
pollution, is a problem that threatens us all.
We need clean air and accessible water to carry on normal life functions. In past generations, the amounts of fuels
burned in home and factories have greatly increased. This increased burning has also increased the amount of trash
into the air. We cannot have clean air as long as it is being bombarded with trash.
Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health:
Air pollutants have many acute as well as chronic effects on human health. These are:
(a) Irritation of the respiratory tract.
(b) Irritation of eye, nose and throat.
(c) Lead particulates (from automobile exhausts) cause lead poisoning resulting in convulsions, delirium, coma and
even death.
(d) Cadmium particulates (through cigarette smoking) cause cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver damage and
even death.
(e) Nickel particulates (in tobacco smoke) result in respiratory damage.
(f) Mercury (Combustion of fossil fuels, plants) results in nerve, brain and kidney damage.
(g) Radio-active fallout has somatic and genetic effects on future generations.

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