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Alumni Fund Grants Guidelines

Hackett Foundation
Development & Alumni Relations
The University of Western Australia
M361, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009
+61 8 6488 4200
+61 8 6488 1063
CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G

1. What is the UWA Alumni Fund?

The Alumni Fund (AF) is a fundraising program run by the Development and Alumni Relations (DAR)
office to raise money for scholarships, student support programs and other inspirational projects
across campus. Each year, the AF receives donations from generous alumni and friends who are
keen to invest in UWA by providing support for our current and future students.

2. What are the Alumni Fund Grants?

AF Grants provide one-off financial contributions for innovative projects and activities that aim to
enhance the student experience and the University community where possible.
Applications may be submitted all year round.
Applications are reviewed and Grants awarded twice per year (one round per Semester).
AF hopes to award up to 10 applications each year (approx. 5 per funding round).
AF Grants allow a total of three applications per Faculty and administrative area for each
funding round.
AF Grants allow a total of six applications from the Student Guild and UWA student clubs
and societies for each funding round.
Funding is capped at $30,000 per application / project.

2016 timetable
Semester 1
Semester 2

Applications due
Monday 21 March
(applications close

Monday 15 August
(applications close

Grants Committee
assess applications

Applicants informed

Wednesday 27 April

Week commencing
2 May

15 September

Week commencing
19 September

3. Who should apply?

Applications are encouraged from all areas of the University: faculties, administrative areas, the
Student Guild, and student clubs and societies.
AF Grants are designed to support student focussed activities and initiatives that meet a clearly
expressed need, particularly as outlined in the UWA strategic plan.
Applications that directly enhance the student experience and will impact/benefit a wide UWA
student cohort may be considered over projects that impact a smaller cohort.
The AF team encourages you to coordinate your application with the relevant Faculty,
administrative area or the Student Guild. This will ensure your project has the best chance of being
approved by the Faculty Dean / Director and submitted to the AF Grants Committee for


Guide to applying
Step 1:

Discuss your proposed activity or project with your relevant area. Complete the online
application form and submit it to the AF team.

Step 2:

All applications are forwarded by the AF team to the Faculty Dean / Director for their

Step 3:

Faculties / administrative areas submit the top three projects to the AF team.
Student Guild submits the top six projects to the AF team.

Step 4:

The AF Grants Committee meets to review the top applications submitted by each
area, and awards the Grants.

Step 5:

Applicants are advised of the outcome by the AF team.

4. What should I include in my application?

To ensure the best possible chance of your application being approved, and to assist the Heads of
the relevant areas to assess your application, please ensure you:
Complete the entire online application form.
Include any further supporting documentation along with your online application form
(Supporting documents to be limited to 1x A4 single-sided page).
Include all relevant details in the Budget Template provided in the online application form.
Details should include a breakdown of funds requested and how these funds will be used.
(Budget to be limited to 1x A4 single-sided page)
NB: If you exceed the number of pages allowed you may be asked to re-submit your

5. What type of projects will be considered?

Projects should provide the widest benefit for students, the University and the wider community,
with particular focus on enhancing the overall UWA student experience. The following types of
projects will be considered:
Student or Faculty-led projects that are primarily focused on enhancing the student
experience. (eg. Student support programs, extracurricular activities and academic support)
Those that meet a clearly expressed need, particularly as outlined in the UWA strategic plan.
Pilot projects or initiatives that provide a clear explanation of how the project would be funded
in future years.
Projects that provide the broadest impact to students, and where possible, also benefit the
wider UWA community.
Preference is given to projects that can be delivered within 12 months of the grant being
Please refer to the website for a list of successful applicants.


6. What types of projects will not be considered?

Research projects which are eligible for grants from standard research grant sources.
Retrospective funding for projects.
Recurrent funding for operations.
Replacement staff costs for sabbatical or other leave.
Staff conference funding.
Projects that will directly or indirectly support other charities or organisations with charitable
Applications where the main purpose is to provide funding for food or drink at an event.
NB: Students who have left the University are ineligible to apply for a grant.

7. What criteria should my application address?

i. addresses a clear need
ii. enhances the UWA student experience;
iii. will impact a broad number of students;
iv. benefits the UWA community;
v. demonstrates innovation;
vi. is an appropriate use of alumni donations, and
vii. is in line with the UWA Strategic Goals

8. Who decides which applications / projects are successful?

The top applications, submitted by the relevant areas, are reviewed and approved by the AF
Grants Committee. The Committee meets each Semester, is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, and
coordinated by the Annual Giving Manager (acting as the Executive Officer).
The Committees membership comprises:
Vice-Chancellor (Chair)

Warden of Convocation

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education

(Deputy Chair)

President of the UWA Student Guild

Chair of Academic Board

Chair of the Senate External

Environments Committee

Chief Advancement Officer, Development

and Alumni Relations (in attendance)

Annual Giving Manager (Executive


9. When will I find out if my application has been successful?

Grant applicants will be contacted by the AF team no sooner than one week after the Committee
meets. Please refer to the website for a list of key dates.


10. Who can I contact to further discuss my grant application?

You can contact the AF team on or +61 8 6488 4200.
Please note that the AF Grants Committee members should not be contacted directly with queries
about the application process or similar. All queries should be directed to the AF team.

11. What are the conditions of the AF Grants?

Criteria for Receiving Funding - Payment of Grants
Funds must solely be used for the intended purpose outlined in the project application. Any
project that does not adhere to this will be required to repay the grant in full.
As the funds to be granted are philanthropic they will only be transferred to a dedicated 68
range project grant (PG), unless otherwise agreed. Funds must not be redirected to any
operational PG. Funds must be spent directly from this nominated PG.
Successful projects will receive the funds from the Finance Manager, Development and Alumni
Relations (DAR), via internal transfer to this PG within a month of DAR receiving the signed AF
Grants contract and relevant information.
It is expected that the project will be completed and funds spent within one year of the grant
being awarded. It is the responsibility of the grant recipient to advise the AF team if this
deadline will not be met. Failure to do so may result in the grant being rescinded.
Grant recipients are required to acquit all expenditure on a template supplied by the AF team.
If there are unspent funds either a) at the completion of the project, or b) after one year of the
grant being award, recipients will be required to return the unspent funds to the Finance
Manager, DAR, unless an alternative arrangement has been approved by the AF team.
Criteria for Receiving Funding - Publicity and Reporting
Grant recipients may be contacted by the AF team to discuss publicity materials, including
project updates and photograph/film material requested for the UWA website and donor
communication. Fulfilling any requests for such material is a condition of funding and will assist in
raising the profile of your project, your work area and the AF Grants.
Grant recipients must also submit an Interim Report to DAR three to six months after the grant is
awarded. The AF team will send the Project Lead a reminder with a survey at the relevant time.
An Acquittal Report is due at the completion of the project, or one year after the grant is
awarded. Each pack should include:
1. A completed report template (outlining the outcome of the project and the impact of
the grant)
2. Support material (images, film, press releases, other publicity, reports)
3. Statement of Income and Expenditure
It is expected that the above Interim and Acquittal Reports are completed and returned to DAR
within four weeks of receiving the request. Failure to do so may result in the grant being


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