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1. Create questions for the sentences below
a) I have serious problems in the company.
Who: Who has serious problems in the company?
Where: Where do you have serious problems?
What: What do you have in the company?
b) I work out every day.
Who works out every day?
What do you do every day?
How often: How often do you work out?
c) Martha kisses a man in front of the bank.
What: What does Martha do?
Who: Who kisses the man?
Who: Who does Martha kiss?
Where: Where does Martha kiss a man?
d) Craig picks up the book from the table in the living room.
What: What does Craig pick up?
What: What does Craig do?
Who: Who picks up the book from the table?
Where: Where does he pick it up from the table?


Read the text below and answer the Text Comprehension questions.

Healthy habits
Do you know what food is? Why do we need to eat? We need to

Food gives us energy to keep us alive and make us grow. The
measure of energy is Calorie. We need certain amount of calories every
day. Anything you eat more than that is going to be stored in the body
and you get over weight.
Food provides us Nutrients - Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Fibers,
Vitamins and Minerals. Our main source of energy is carbohydrate. Our
rich source of energy is fat. Protein makes up most of our body. To convert
carbohydrate, protein and fat into energy and other compounds, we
need Enzymes. Vitamins are part of our enzymes. Our body also needs
small amounts of different kinds of minerals. Healthy food or balanced
diet should include all of the nutrients in proper amounts. Anything in
excess is stored or wasted and cause problems.

a) Why is food important for us?

Because food gives us energy to keep us alive and make us grow.

b) What is the measure of energy?

The measure of energy is Calorie.

c) How do you get overweight?

You get over weight when you eat more calories than what your body can store per day.

d) What does food provide us?

Food provides us nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat, fibers, vitamins and minerals.

e) Why is carbohydrate important?

Because it is our main source of energy.

f) What makes up most of our body?

Protein makes up most of our body.

g) Why enzymes are important?

They are important to convert carbohydrate, protein and fat into energy.

h) What does healthy food or a balanced diet should include?

Healthy food or balance diet should include all of the nutrients in proper amount.




1. Answer the following questions:

a) Where is the cafe?
It is between the grocery and the produce area. / It is near/beside the grocery/produce.

b) What is there in front of the cafe?

There is a deli in front of the caf.

c) Is the Bakery in the center of the Supermarket?

No, it is not, the Deli is in the center of the supermarket.

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