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Questionnaire for survey

I am Jawad Ali Khan, student of 4th semester, at the Department of Defence &
Strategic Studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. I am conducting
a survey as part of my MSc thesis research. My topic is Understanding the
Interrelationship between Conspiracy theories, Security threats and Paranoia [case
study of Pakistani perceptions about America].
Kindly let me know about your views.
Name: ___________________
Institution: ___________________
Department: _____________________
Qualification: _____________________
1. Who could have possibly killed the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaqat Ali Khan?
A. America.
B. Unknown enemy.
C. India.
D. Do not know.
If your option is A,B, or C, kindly let us know if you heard it, read it somewhere, or is
your own analysis.
2. Who is responsible for the assassination of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto?
A. America.
B. Zia-Ul-Haque.
C. His own deeds.
D. Do not know.
If your option is A, B, or C, kindly let us know if you heard it, read it or is your own
3. Who killed Zia-Ul-Haque?
A. America.
B. Benazir Bhutto.

C. Enemy.
D. Do not know.
If your option is A, B, or C, kindly let us know if you heard it, read it or is your own
4. Do you think America is planning to denuclearize Pakistan?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Do not go for the Hollywood movies.
D. Do not care.
Kindly state why do you think so?
5. What do you think about War on Terror?
A. War against terrorism.
B. Crusade against Muslims.
C. An orchestrated war to destabilize Pakistan.
D. Do not know.
If your option is A, B, or C, kindly let us know if you heard it, read it or is your own
6. What do you think about the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan?
A. A natural calamity.
B. It was artificially created by America.
C. A Pakistani nuclear test.
D. Do not know.
If your option is A, B, or C, kindly let us know if you heard it, read it or is your own

7. Who is responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto?

A. America.
B. Taliban.
C. Asif Ali Zardari.

D. Do not know.
If your option is A, B, or C, kindly let us know if you heard it, read it or is your own
8. What do you think about Raymond Davis?
A. CIA`s agent.
B. A tourist.
C. A filmmaker.
D. Do not know.
9. What do you have to say about Malala Yusofzai?
A. Pride of Pakistan.
B. A puppet in the hands of CIA.
C. A victim of Taliban regime.
D. Do not care who she really is.
10. Who are Taliban?
A. American funded mercenaries.
B. Fanatics.
C. Extremists.
D. Mujahids.
11. Who is responsible for the Sunni-Shia sectarian violence?
A. Americans.
B. Their own faith.
C. Extremists.
D. India.
12. What do you have to say about the Salala check post incident?
A. American aggression against our sovereignty.
B. A misunderstanding.
C. Pakistani forces were responsible for the incident.
D. Do not know.
13. What are your views about the operation against Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad?
A. It was a drama to undermine the Pakistani defence.
B. It was done to demoralize the Pakistani nation.
C. It was a successful operation against the leader of Al-Qaeda.
D. Obama wanted to strengthen his position for the upcoming presidential elections.

14. What do you think about the US drone strikes inside Pakistan?
A. Transgression of our sovereignty.
B. American violence inside Pakistan.
C. Effective tool to curb terrorism.
D. Do not know.
15. What do you think about America?
A. She is our friend.
B. She is our enemy.
C. I do not care who America is.
D. I hate her.
16. Do you think Americans are pursuing some evil designs inside Pakistan?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. May be.
D. I do not care.
17. Do you hate America? If yes, please tell us why.

18. Is America responsible for the terrorism inside Pakistan?

A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Cannot say for sure.
D. This is blame.
19. Do you believe in what Zaid Hamid, General(R) Hamid Gul and others say against
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. They are paranoid.
D. They want popularity through propagandas against America.
20. How would you rate the history of the Pak-US bilateral relations?
A. America has always helped Pakistan.
B. America always left us at the mercy of enemy.
C. America did help Pakistan, but not most of the times.
D. America has always been enemy in the disguise of a friend.

21. What is in the best interest of Pakistan, if we talk about relations with America?
A. Continued alliance.
B. An end to the relations.
C. Be friendly but not too close.
D. Let the government decide.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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