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Identify the sources you used to plan the lessons and explain how these helped to make the

lessons coherent.

Explain your understanding of inclusive learning and identify aspects that helped to make
your learners learning inclusive.

Discuss why using predominantly constructivist (active) approaches to teaching and learning
helps your learners to learn, progress and achieve more effectively.

Describe how you prepared learning resources (for example activities, materials and
equipment) and the learning environment to support your learners learning.

Explain how you used individual, pair and/or group work in the two lessons to involve,
support and guide your learners in their learning.

Describe what formative assessment methods you used to support and monitor your
learners learning and explain why you used these.

Describe how you provided feedback when using different formative assessment methods
and why you used these.

Explain how you used the outcomes from formative assessments to inform future learning
and teaching.

Explain your understanding of inclusive learning and identify aspects that helped to

make your learners learning inclusive.

My expertise about Inclusive getting to know, is that it isn't always a permanent
state, but an evolving one its all about participation and gaining knowledge of
from each different. Inclusive studying refers to all newcomers who, for special
motives, may locate themselves vulnerable to exclusion. I consider inclusion not
most effective gain students with disabilities but also create an environment in
which the inexperienced persons without disabilities, have the opportunity to
flourish ,succeed and research efficiently and correctly. DTL module 2 facilitated
me in expertise the significance of inclusion exercise for powerful gaining
knowledge of in my teaching. Inclusion is a never-ending process, working
towards an ideal when all exclusionary pressures within education and society are
removed. Booth, T (2003:2)
One of the maximum essential factors which I found out in DTL Day 2 was that
no two learners are alike, and I diagnosed the immoderate significance of building
opportunities for my inexperienced learners to acquire learning and to be assessed
in a variety of styles.
So that it will promote inclusion , I designed group work in which beginners
were advocated to use an expansion of techniques which concerned the physical
presence of members,(consisting of the use of organization dynamics)
inexperienced persons had been allotted roles inside a collection to maximize
their talents ,there was also opportunity supplied for peer mentoring and
partnering those with capabilities in a selected vicinity with learners who need
exercise and confidence constructing within the equal region exclusive strategies
which include questionnaires ,remark ,peer assessment ,attention organization
,collection of data interviews observe-up surveys from learners were used. vital
changes had been made to make certain beginners completely make a contribution
and gain from organization tasks along with designing presentations. I totally agree
Teachers and students use the power of peers positively to progress
learning. John A.C. Hattie.
All students had been provided with equal opportunities via Differentiating: I
accept as true with that everybody learns in a different way, so pass beyond the

one-size-fits-all technique to preparation and evaluation. As Tomlinson

suggests that differentiation is the process of making sure that what a learner
learns, how she or he learns it, and how the learner demonstrates what she or he
has discovered is a match for that learners readiness level, pursuits and desired
mode of mastering .As a teacher, I provided aid and scaffolding so children can
push in advance to their very own subsequent degree of mastering.

Discuss why using predominantly constructivist (active) approaches to teaching

and learning helps your learners to learn, progress and achieve more effectively.
I believe that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of
meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving
In my learning journey of Module 2, I have learned that Constructivist approach
can be an effective method to motivate students, encourage active learning, and
develop key critical-thinking, communication, and decision-making skills.
Group work contributes immensely to the development of social and
communication skills of the learners , which aims to produce quality work from
the students. Whitaker (1995, cited in Kyriacou,1997) described the value of group
work as creating a climate in which pupils can work with a sense of security and
boosting self-confidence; facilitating the growth of understanding offering the
optimum opportunity for pupils to talk reflectively with each other; and promoting
a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. These observations were noted during
an activity session in the classroom environment where the students were assessing
each other role in a group. Cooperative learning is most powerful after the
students have acquired sufficient surface knowledge to then be involved in the
discussion and learning with their peers usually in some structured manner. It is
then most useful for learning concepts, verbal problem-solving, categorizing,
spatial problem-solving, retention, memory and guessing John A.C. Hattie
As the class was divided into groups of five and were asked to draw a mind map
regarding the factors which affect the enzymatic activity. Each group presents its
findings, and that the outcome of each group. This shows a sense of ownership and
belonging to the creative work in each group. The inter-subjectivity (sharing of
ideas on the task and interacting with each other) that the learner's experience with
this project motivates their understanding of The group activity also enhances the
performance of learners By giving our students practice in talking with others, we
give them frames for thinking on their own.
Lev S. Vygotsky,

My understandings about group work contribute immensely to the development

of social and communication skills of the learners, which aims to produce quality
work from the students which were there in the class as I collected the student's
data about the constructivist approach in class. My learners are showing a
constructivist approach as they are learning and progressing through the variety of
approaches such as mind mapping ,use of reflective sheets ,KWL sheets and peer
learning .I totally agree that Teachers and students use the power of peers
positively to progress learning. John A.C. Hattie, Visible Learning for
Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning. My role is to provide scaffolding and

Explain how you used individual, pair and/or group work in the two lessons to involve,
support and guide your learners in their learning.

To ensure that every member of the class participate a starter activity was planned
which was inclusive. For pair work, thinkpairshare was used learners had to fill
in a worksheet using their schemes and text clues (enzyme and substrate) I believe
that Think-pair-share is a cooperative learning technique and Incorporating the
think-pair-share strategy into the classroom have many beneficial effects.
The learners were facilitated with a thinking time, after which pairs discussed the
concept, shared their answers and recorded their understanding on the worksheets
provided. The main objective of this approach was to brainstorm in twos, building
trust and confidence individually to be able to share ideas confidently in the
classroom." the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by
independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined
through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more
capable peers" (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).
The Lesson plan was designed to bring out collective and collaborative active
learning tendencies (Warren 2006). Mix-abilities group was formed. The class was
grouped on the basis of Gardeners Multiple Intelligence (2011) utilizing the most
natural abilities of learners for effective understanding where each ability of
auditory, kinaesthetic intelligence worked together to get maximum. I could see my
students actively involved in the four process Forming,
storming, norming and performing(Tuckman (2001)
Tomlinson (2001) stated "A differentiated classroom provides different avenues to
acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas, and to developing
products so that each student can learn effectively"
The objective of solving case studies, questions on Enzymes individually was to
recognize the individual understanding about the topic Enzymes. This individual
activity allowed to think independently and move forward. Problem-solving
,analytical tools, quantitative and/or qualitative, depending on the case
Decision-making in complex situations, and this was also indicated in the
observation report and data collection from the learners .

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