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Aritro Banerjee
Section B

This case study talks about the various issues and tussles between the Shell oil
company and the locals of Nigeria who were being very much adversely affected
by the ongoing operations. The subsidiary of Shell Corporation who was
overseeing all the production happening in Nigeria, indulged in very abusive
means which resulted creating a lot of problems for both the environment and
also the citizens of Nigeria.

The main issues that came to light in the case study was exploitation of natural
resources and the workforce employed in the production processes which were
being carried out by the promoters of the Shell Oil Co.

Extensive oil drilling in and around the Niger delta had brought
devastating effects on the environment. It had contaminated the land
heavily, and it was also causing acid rains in the region.
Due to Shells expansion in the area, there was heavy deforestation which
was degrading the overall environment of the place. It was detoriating the
bio-diversity of the delta region.
Air pollution was another thing that was being caused by the factories
which were operating in that area.
As problems grew, the interested parties began protests against Shell, to
which they retaliated by using force. This led to the deaths of many tribals.
Allegedly, many key people were said to have been assassinated in the
hopes of subduing the opposition being faced by Shell.
Unethical treatment of the workforce led to massive degradation of human
rights. Workers were very much underpaid which lead to poverty. Also the
landowners, on whose land Shell had set up their operations, werent
being compensated properly.


Actors are defined as the people who have an inherent role in the issues
that are being brought to light.
In the given case study, the various actors that can be listed areo Promoters of shell oil company As they are the ones which are
facing the brunt of all the allegations that are being put forward by
the various groups of people and institutions.
o The natives of Nigeria These were the people that were being
effected, either directly or indirectly, by the aforementioned actions
of the Shell oil co.
o Various activist groups They were fighting for the justice of the
people who are being affected by the aforementioned issues.
o Government


The promoters had their own profit at heart. They wanted to obtain
maximum profits, as does any company. But as in the process, their

credibility and prestige was besmirched by these unethical and also illegal
allegations, they wanted to either solve the matter quickly or just bury the
matter by any necessary means.
The natives of Nigeria were the ones being exploited on all the above
mentioned fronts. The obviously wanted to better their own lives.
The various activists were also working towards the interests of the
affected Nigerians, this was their interest help the others.
The government also has responsibility of the welfare of its citizens.

Arena is defined as the actual location/setting/scenario where the actors meet or
face each other to resolve their issues. The main idea is to deal with the problem
in such a way that the outcome is most effective for the concerned parties.

In this given case, we see that the arenas varied quite a lot. It ranged from
protests, law enforcement intervention, media (via news and other published
articles/findings) and government intervention (courtrooms etc.). It also allegedly
includes hired mercenaries

If the issues are to be solved, then it needs to be backed up by credible
information which is required by the actors to help them reach their desired
solution of the whole situation.

In this case, various surveys were done and several research articles were also
published after the whole matter came to light. Many articles also described the
various injustices the Shell Corp has been responsible for in the region.

Assets are the additional tools required by the actors, other than just the
information, to forward their own point of view.
In this case study we can see that on the part of SDPC, they had huge financial
backing, as well as their prevalent reputation and credibility in the market, which
one way or the other gives them an edge over the others in pursuance of their
desired goals.
In context to the other actors, they had huge support from the Nigerian locals as
well as some other external activist entities as well.

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