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ny al 5 UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA 7 Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Nes COURSE INFORMATION COURSE TITTLE: ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY I (BDU 17001) TOPIC: HEAT PUMP 1, OBJECTIVE After completing the experiment, students shall be able to grasp the concepts and mechanisms of heat pump by identifying the rate of heat absorption, Qu, the rate of heat rejection, Qu, the power consumption, W resin, and the coefficient performance, COP, 2, EXPERIMENT EQUIPMENT Heat pump by compression TCP 100 Expansion Valve Evaporator" Compressor 3. INTRODUCTION According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat is transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature, that i, from high temperature mediums to low temperature ones. This heat transfer process oceurs in nature without requiring any devices. The reverse process, however, cannot occur by itself. The transfer of heat from a low temperature medium to a high temperature medium one requires special devices such thy ‘By UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA °S3/ Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering as refrigerators and heat pumps. In this course, students will have the opportunity to strengthen their understanding on heat pumps by practically running the system. 4. THEORY ‘Heat pump is a device that transfers heat from a low temperature medium to a high temperature medium (shown schematically in Figure 1). Refrigerators and heat pumps operate on the same cycle but differ in their objectives. The objective of a refrigerator is to maintain the refrigerated space at a low temperature by removing heat from it. Discharging this heat to a higher temperature medium is merely a necessary part of the operation. The objective of a heat pump, however, is to maintain a heated space at a high temperature. This is accomplished by absorbing heat from a low temperature souree, such as well water and supplying this heat to the high temperature medium such as a house. Desire oxtpit, Q t : Coneaser Vay a : HEAT PUMP 20° Required input, an Evaporator Heat absorbed, © igure 1: The objective of a heat pump is to supply heat Qu into the warmer space The rate of heat absorption, Ox. (KW), and the rate of heat rejection (ie. desired output), Ox (kW) respectively will be determined using, Dy = Mar XCog, XAT, 5 and Oy = Mat Cp ye XAT g where, 2m yaier or ax=Mass flow rate of water oF air(ke/S) = Parr or aie(KB/M?) K Mater oir (M7/S) Covaerorsr = Specific heat at constant pressure of water or air SB 3} _ UNIVERSTTI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA 82) Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering AT.= Temperature difference (°C or K) = 13-72 ATy= Temperature difference °C or K)=T1-—TO ‘The conservation of energy principle for a cyclic device requires that W vevin= Qu- Ov where, W sevi= The power consumption (i.e. required input) (kW) The measure of performance of a heat pump is expressed in terms of the coefficient of performance, COPip, defined as 5. EXPERIMENT PROCEDURES a. Turn the water tap on and make sure the water flows into the condenser unit. b. Adjust the water flow rate to 1.0 min. ¢. Switch on the main unit, d. Switch on the compressor. ©. Let the system run for approximately 10 minutes or until it reaches a steady state, £ Record the temperatures and pressures according to the Table | provided in Appendix A. 8, Repeat procedure b to e with different flow rate (1.2 min and 1.4 Vin). face 6, EXPERIMENT DATA Refer to the data sheet provided in Appendix A. UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 7. RESULT AND DISCUSSION a. Calculate and complete Table 2, 3 and 4 provided in Appendix A by calculating the rate of heat absorption, Q1, the rate of heat rejection, Oy , the power consumption, W savin and the coefficient performance, COPyp. b. Briefly explain your findings from the experiment. 8. QUESTIONS a. What is the difference between a heat engine, heat pump and refrigerator? Can the same heat pump be used as a refrigerator? b, Define the coefficient of performance of a heat pump, COPip in words? Can it be greater than unity? , A heat pump is a device that absorbs energy ftom the cold outdoor air and transfers it to the warmers indoors. Is this a violation of the second law of thermodynamics? Explain. 9, CONCLUSION Please comment on your experimental work in terms of achievement, problem facing throughout the experiment and recommendation for improvement 10. REFERENCES 1, Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles, (2008). “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”. 6th Edition, Mc Graw Hill, USA. 2. John P.O” Connel and J.M. Haik, (2005), “Thermodynamics: fundamentals for application”. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. US 3. Kaw-Fui Vincent Wong, (2002). “Thermodynamics for Engineer”. CRC Press, Boca Raton. US. BS) UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA. ee Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering S APPENDIX A HEAT PUMP DATA SHEET; Table 1: Observed Data Water flow rates in condenser, Myater (V/min) 1.0 12 14 Pressure of flow in condenser, Pi (bar) In.0° jaJo 1.40 Pressure of flow in evaporator, Pyp (bar) A Ho Ho 4A Inlet water condenser temperature, TO °C) 8h00 3160 32.068 ‘Outlet water condenser temperature, TI CC) Hi.30 TOU 34.60 Inlet air evaporator temperature, T2 °C) Slee 38.30 29 .£6 Outlet air evaporator temperature, T3 CC) ae Fo 36.00 26-0 ‘Table 2: The rate of heat rejection, Q,, Pra 1000 ko/m*, Covnar= 4.18 kKIKg.K Water flow rates in condenser, Moai; (Umin) 10 12 14 Mass flow rates of water, 1 water (kB/s) 0. ol66F 0.0200 2-02823 ‘Temperature difference, ATy °C) (0.30 Fo Yo ‘The rate of heat rejection, Q,, (kW) onze 6. #509 OTRO Mistry % Peter 2 aT" Table 3: The rate of heat absorption, Q, _ Air flow rate in evaporator, mg, = 190 em°/min Pu= 1.2 kgim’, Cou = 10 KKK ‘Water flow rates in condenser, Matec (I/min) 1.0 i2 14 ‘Mass flow rates of air, m sc (keys) 28x10 | 3. dxrb* ‘Temperature difference, AT. @C) 25 fo ‘The rate of heat absorption, 0, (kW) - 8a | — 1g ecg Edition 1/2010 yao (SB ) UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA SF Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Table 4: The power consumption by a heat pump, Wan and coefficient of performance, COPyp ‘Water flow rates in condenser, Mae; (I/min) 10 Iz 14 The rate of heat rejection, Q, (kW) 6 Hat ©.75oH 0.Thoo The rate of heat absorption, Q, (kW) - b.36 0] 8-4 OF 7 17895 The power consumption, Wmn (KW) ont | o.tsa4 | 0-F4 00 Coefficient of Performance, COPar cs 7 ; Wet ou. Or Edition 1/2010 Subj OBSERVATION From the obcerved data, i+ chown tut when the wate flow rates in condmiee —nercated, tre pmoture + Sou) mh condineer , Pap and Junyre # fo rm eva pachy . Pn Play ales almort _ cnelavr During the _vgern +, we alto ee when He plate Pou tats in ander sncreaed, the i) Watr conch, templature ,& To rmereated. However outlet Water candénuy ctemperaturt __ doorrased duets the imerente of gerter Hb rate in conde ur, 9040 outot ait vapor tempera fuce 7a On to dher hand, te let air eapunter tmpombre aod Outlet aiv esapontir Lwponiire , 7 ond T3 reepech us Showing a not cngi stent data. Subject nanan RESULT L DircuspLon/ [CALCULATION ay Table 2 = The rte 4 beat riyechon . Oe |B 000 cia! jGaan Aig toler. age tw tates water, mstater Ch le) Canty Ctgln3) *luater (he) for water How tates ia_ton diner , Munber _= 1-0 Lon To convet t-0f/min to m/e (onal secu 0-00) mé rs Oo a tr J min bo 608 Mater = (1000) ¥ C1-667x/0) ©. O166F kalo Tern preture dkeme , ATuC'e) = TI-T° | Fon qoater flow tates in condiner , wate 21.04 [min Inlet water condinter témpoaturt , TOC'C) = 3l-0°C | Outlet water conchnter tompoaturt , T! Cec) = 4/.3°%C iq nano Ais ~ 31.0 a 10.3% # “The sate of heat reycton , Ou GW) = Moke x Cnater * 47H | Fie wate How intys i condinter , Musaty = 1.0L fmi 6 Qh = Wuatex Quatre » Ty 0. of6st als x_y. 18 x 10.3 : = = O14 kw ig Repeat all these eteps hr water How sates in ander ter 1.2L] rin and Li loin. Noten Subject Tale 3+ The tate ot heat abksop tion a. Ar fw rate in evaporator, air = (90cm 3 Jrin Lair_='.2kg Im> r=! 0k7 Jig ik co Mase Hows rates of arp _ ponir hgh) = Faar Chglm?) Mar Ch) fur air tsi 08 Tre to ene = 490 con? Jmin Te _conver-¢ 140cmimin toh ithe [90cm x tor fae ee | T min Cee SG Ma ~ (1-2)C413.4% 09 = 38x10 kale «| Tempuatir bfrmae _, 47, Cc) = 73 -Ta For_air flow tate 7n trapuapr, Mars (40m 3f/mi pn Znlet air evapoatr tempoature ,72C'C) = 98.6 Outlet air _eyapymtor tempuafuct, 732 CC) = 26.4 %C_ Af, = 73 -7a a 10-4 SOpLIe = Soenlic™ «| The ote of beat abcophon_, Oe CeW) = War x Gar eA | ty air Hon tabs in evapo r Mhiy = lA (em? fnir. Hl as @i = Mar» Gar x AT. . = C38 410+) (1.0) C-9.3) > = 8.36 x07* kW x pe Repent all thee oteps Ar wake fo rates 70 Condinsr Lotfmin and !A Ami Subject: coo Date: Nitneses Table 4 Th jamt ot sertrmane avr co neumpton by a hoot pump. Wet. rn ancl CL opur DA Loe te water thw in conctatr, . mwaty Ulm) = 1-0 tfmir z Th tate heat rgechon , On ~ 0. 41TH) a | the atk head aberphin Or = - p..36x1p kw) | The poste #4 Concumphion eae Oe = 0 un ko = 0. Fi7F bw) * | Gelfand & gurbrimany, Pye = Deerracl Dutt Re quired rrpuf OL Wnt in Oy -Q, = 0-44494 | wt Repeat al! 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