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Part 1: Warm Up
Activity: Numbers
Practice talking about numbers with student. This include fractions, decimals, addition,
subtraction, and multiplication. One plus one, one times one, one minus one, one divided by one.
Expressions like subtract X from Y, add X to Y and multiply X by Y are also very useful. Make
sure the student is also comfortable with large numbers, from the thousands, hundred thousands,
millions, billions, and trillions. Also review ordinals with them, and make sure they are
comfortable using them with larger numbers. At the same time simulate bill counting in English.
Part 2: Main Activities
Activity 1: Cashier and Settle the Bill
This activity consists of two role playing exercises. One is a simple transaction at a teller, such
as buying a bottle of water and a bag of ships. The other is settling a bill at a restaurant, and
calculating a tip.
Scenario 1: The Cashier
Assign one student to be a cashier, and the other a customer. Have the student purchase two or
three items, and cash out. Below is a sample dialog. The dialog should consist of totaling the
amount, excepting a total amount above the cost, and calculating change.
Ok, one bottle of water and a bag of chips. That comes to 3.22$. (or, your total is)
How much is the water?
Its 1$, and the chips are 2$.
Heres four dollars.
3.22 out of 4, your change is 78 cents.
Scenario 2: Settling the Bill
Role play settling a bill at a restaurant. The activity should include; asking the waiter to review
the bill, giving the total, and discussing a tip. Suggest a tip of 20%.
Excuse me, could you go over the bill with us?
Sure. You had one steak meal, which was 45$, and a plate of curry, which was 30$. That
comes to a total of 75$. How would you like to pay?
Well pay in cash, thank you.
No problem, have a good evening.
How much do you think we should tip?
How about 20%?
Ok, so 20% of 75$ is15$. Well leave a total of 90.


Activity 2: Foreign Exchange

Role play exchanging currency with the student. Have the student inquire about changing
dollars into RMB. The student should inquire about the rates, the subtotals of RMB from the
transaction before the service fee, and the final total. The student should also inquire about
where they can exchange money (at hotels, airports, and banks). Afterwards switch roles with
the student and make sure they can express ratios correctly, such as Its 6.5 RMB to the dollar.

I would like to exchange dollars to RMB. How much is the rate right now?
Its 6.8 RMB to the dollar. How much would you like to exchange?
I would like to exchange 100$. How much RMB will I get?
Youll get 640$. At this rate, you receive 680 RMB minus our service fee, which is 40 RMB.
Ok, thank you.


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