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Middle Childhood Education

Middle Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template v. 2

Teacher Candidate Name: Trevor Barhorst
Lesson Title/#: The Trial of Christopher Columbus
Grade Level: 8th: Christopher Columbus: A Hero or Criminal?

Lesson Foundations
Content Standards
*Science and SS should also include
common core for reading/writing

Learning Objective(s)
Students will

Prior Academic Knowledge

and Skills
What have you or your mentor taught
previously that will inform what
students are learning today?

Materials & Resources

CCSS 8.1- Primary and Secondary sources are used to examine events from multiple perspectives and to present and
defend a position
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
(LO1) Students will be able to construct an argument evaluating Christopher Columbus using primary and secondary
sources to defend their position (Evaluate)
(LO2) Students will be able to defend their argument by citing textual evidence and critiquing counter-argument
1. Students are familiar with the process of searching for resources and gathering quotes
and passages to support a claim.
2. Students are familiar with the general structure of a debate
3. Going off of previous days instruction and student research, students understand what
their role does and does not support.
4. In accordance with previous days homework, students have compiled research to
support their claims.
4 Table Cluster Papers (Intro)
Clear Tape (Intro)
22 Role Labels (Intro)
Law & Order Theme Song (1 Hour)-
1 Student Roster Sheet with roles (Intro)
22 Argument Sentence Stems
22 To Support or not to Support slips (Instruction)
Christopher Columbus: What Really Happened YouTube video (Closing)-
22 Exit Tickets (Closing)

Middle Childhood Education

Describe the assessments that will be used in this lesson to monitor students mastery of the lesson objective(s). List assessments in order in which they appear in the lesson.

Name and number of

To Support or not to
Support: The Trial of
Christopher Columbus

Description of assessment

Evaluation Criteria - What is the evidence (the answers) of student learning?

Specifically list evidence of learning and learning objectives.
On a sheet entitled To Support
LO1 Teacher is paying particular attention to how students backed up their claim.
or not to Support: The Trial of
Students should use either a quote or a reference to a passage.
Christopher Columbus, students General Examples
will indicate whether or not they While student answers will vary slightly due to their roles, students answers should fit
support Christopher Columbus
this mold.
while staying true to the
A-Plaintiffs (Native Americans and Colonists who turned against Columbus)-Against
previous days assigned role.
B-Defense Team-Supports Columbus
1. Please state your name and summarize why you were brought
here to this trial (Understand)
A. I go by the name Cacique. I inherited this name as I became
leader of the Arawak tribe. I was brought here to support the
claims of the atrocities placed upon our people by Christopher
B. I am Christopher Columbus brother Bartholomew. I have been
brought here to reveal the truth about what really happened at
C. I am Marco and I am in charge of managing all of Spains
resources. I have been brought here to brief Columbus on the
standing of our resources
2. Do you believe Christopher Columbus should be arrested for his actions? Back
up your case using quotes or reasoning you gathered from your resources.
A. I believe Christopher Columbus should be arrested. As a
member of the Arawak tribe, I can support the claim that all
persons over 14 had to supply at least a thimble of gold dust
every three months and were given copper necklaces as proof
of their compliance. Those who did not fulfill their obligation had
their hands cut off, which were tied around their necks while
they bled to deathsome 10,000 died handless. Columbus did
not understand how hard it was for our people to collect gold.

Middle Childhood Education

Yes, some of us wore gold as jewelry, but gold was not in

abundance. What Columbus did was tremendously cruel to our
peoples and he should be held accountable for his actions.
B. I believe my brother should not be arrested. He left me in
charge of a great colony at Hispaniola. This colony has brought
home numerous goods for the country of Spain. Spain is forever
indebted to my brother.
C. I am unsure whether Columbus should be convicted. While I
care greatly Spain inherits the necessary resources, I do believe
King Ferdinand should hear the plaintiffs out. Especially due to
the fact we now have Columbus sail path laid out and can make
the trip whenever we desire.
Court Case Graphic
Organizer (A2)

As students prepare their case,

students will individually fill out
a graphic organizer outlining
points they want to make during
each speaking opportunity.

What points should be made during your First Speech? (Analyze)
I think it is important for King Ferdinand to understand everything he has done for the
nation of Spain. Nobody has completed this trek before Columbus. No other sea captain
could have made this initial trip. It truly required the great skill of Columbus to
complete. On Columbus return trip, he brought back many resources such as bananas,
potatoes, spices, and natives. These resources are invaluable to Spain and will help
catapult it to the forefront of the world.
What points should be made during your Second Speech? (Analyze)
Due to Columbus completing his voyage, he set into motion what some are calling the
Columbian Exchange. Every trip that Spain makes moving forward is directly
attributable to Christopher Columbus. It is thanks to Columbus future sailors who are
not as skilled know to pathway to the Indies. Additionally, think of the new land
Columbus has laid claim to for Spain. We would not have this land if it were not for
What points should be made during your Closing Speech? (Analyze)
What good does it do for Spain to arrest Christopher Columbus. Yes, he may have done

Middle Childhood Education

a few questionable things, but that does not discount all that he has done for Spain. I
prompt you to think towards the future. The country of Spain has the best sailor in the
world excited and willing to provide his service. Does the death of a few foreigners
mean we shouldnt care for Spains future? No, it does not.
The plaintiffs will stick to the same structure as listed above. Some example quotes they
may use to support their case are listed below.
Columbus also sold sex slaves to his mensome as young as 9. Columbus and his
men also raided villages for sex and sport.
In the early years of Columbus conquests there were butcher shops throughout the
Caribbean where Indian bodies were sold as dog food. There was also a practice known
as themontera infernal, the infernal chase, or manhunt, in which Indians were hunted
by war-dogs.
Though another sailor saw the land in October 1492, Columbus retracted the reward he
had previously offered because he claimed he had seen a dim light in the west.
Several accounts of cruelty and murder include Spaniards testing the sharpness of
blades on Native people by cutting them in half, beheading them in contests and
throwing Natives into vats of boiling soap. There are also accounts of suckling infants
being lifted from their mothers breasts by Spaniards, only to be dashed headfirst into
large rocks.
Role Play: Defend
your Argument (A3)

Exit Ticket (A4)

Students will demonstrate the
ability to critique counterarguments given to them by
citing textual evidence.

Students will be given an exit

ticket asking them their personal

Example Counter-Argument
Columbus defense team made it sound as if he had no part in the atrocities done to our
people. Since when is a leader not held accountable? As a leader of the Arawak tribe, I
am responsible for the actions of my people. Additionally, Columbus diary indicates
that he was just as cruel as his people. Please do not discount the evidence we provided
in our opening statement. Columbus is undoubtedly a guilty man, and my dead children
can support that.

Even though I argued that Christopher Columbus should be free in my role, I personally

Middle Childhood Education

(out of role) opinion on whether

Christopher Columbus should
have been sentenced and if so
how long he should have been

believe that he should be jailed. Christopher Columbus did a lot of cruel things to the
natives and even his own people. Even though he did some great things for Spain, he
should still be held to the same standard as everybody else. Therefore, I believe
Christopher Columbus should be in jail for life.

Instructional Procedures/Steps
Each portion of this section should be aligned with learning objectives. Note when you are addressing a learning objective and when enacting an assessment.

_____7____ Minutes

Activate prior
Communicate LOs?

Teacher will

Student will

Include instructional practices, questions you will ask, checks for

understanding, differentiation, evidence of culturally responsive teaching

What will students be doing?

What evidence of learning will students demonstrate?
Student-centered learning/opportunities for practice and application.

Classroom Setup
1. Table Setup
Teacher will arrange desks as such: Six desks in a line at
front of the room facing away from Smart Board towards
class (Cluster 1), a cluster of six eight tables in a line on
right side of room facing Smart Board at a 45-degree
angle (Cluster 2), a cluster of five eight tables in a line
on left side of room facing Smart Board at 45-degree
angle (Cluster 3), and a cluster of five tables in a line
directly facing the Smart Board (Cluster 4). Teacher
will then tape corresponding paper to front of middle
table in each cluster. Cluster 1-King Ferdinand, Isabella,
& Advisors, Cluster 2-Christopher Columbus & legal
team, Cluster 3-Native Americans.
2. Seating Arrangement
On top of each individual table, teacher will lay name
labels down on their corresponding desks. A few roles
need an exact seat in their cluster, those are listed here:
Cluster 1: King Ferdinand & Isabella-Middle of Cluster
Cluster 2: Christopher Columbus-Seated far left of

Middle Childhood Education

All other labels indicating other roles can be placed on

any table at their corresponding table cluster.
3. Mood Setter
Teacher will load and play Law & Order Theme Song on
Beginning of Class
1. Greetings
As students enter the room, teacher is standing at door
greeting students with a smile and telling students to find
their roles seat. If students seem confused, remind them
of sheet passed out day before that indicated which role
they will be playing. If students forgot their role and
paper, refer to student roster sheet with each role
indicated. If students greet teacher by name, act as if you
are unfamiliar with this name (As teacher will be playing
a role as well). Tell students when they are seated to take
out their notes and look over or add to them as needed or
reread their assigned role.

As students enter the room, they will find their respective seat
indicated by the role assigned to them the day before. Once they
have found their seat, students will pull out yesterdays
homework to add to or refresh them on the evidence they have
to support their case or they may read over their role sheet

2. Beginning of Class Francisco de

Bobadilla speech
After students have found their seats, teacher can turn off
Law & Order theme song and begin role play.
I, Francisco de Bobadilla, so graciously thank all thee
for your attendance today. Most notably, King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella (Bow). Today, I have brought for
thee, Sir Christopher Columbus (Gesture at Christopher
Columbus). As you are very well aware sir, seven years
ago in 1492 Sir Columbus completed the voyage from
Spain to the Indies and laid claim to the land of the

Students will be listening to the teacher as he gives his speech.

Middle Childhood Education

Indies. It is for this why I am so saddened to explain why

I have brought Sir Columbus back from Hispaniola in
chains. After dissentions arose between Columbus and
many of his colonists, it was the only thing I saw fit to
do. To assist you in your decision, I have brought back
eight and five of the native peoples (Gesture at Native
Americans). Upon hearing the news of Columbus arrest,
a defense team has been founded to support Sir
Columbus (Gesture at defense team). I will help mediate
discussions on Columbus as I am needed, but I leave it
up to you King Ferdinand and your team of advisors to
make a decision on what to do with Columbus.

1. To Support or not to Support : The Trial

of Christopher Columbus(LO1 A1)
Teacher will reference the To Support or not to Support
sheet that is lying on students tables. Teacher will tell
students they have four minutes to fill out this sheet that
will help them prepare for the case. Teacher will be
reminding students to use quotes or references from the
passage. To help guide students, teacher will ask, How
does your quote support your statement? Have you
found any evidence that goes against your statement?

1. Please state your name and summarize

why you were brought here to this trial

Students will be given four minutes to complete the sheet given

to them. Students need to be sure they provide evidence to
support their claim.
LO1 Teacher is paying particular attention to how students
backed up their claim. Students should use either a quote or a
reference to a passage.
General Examples
While student answers will vary slightly due to their roles,
students answers should fit this mold.
A-Plaintiffs (Native Americans and Colonists who turned
against Columbus)-Against Columbus
B-Defense Team-Supports Columbus
C-King Ferdinand team-Mostly undecided, hoping this case
will resolve the issue.
D. I go by the name Cacique. I inherited this
name as I became leader of the Arawak
tribe. I was brought here to support the

Middle Childhood Education


2. Do you believe Christopher Columbus should be

arrested for his actions? Back up your case using
quotes or reasoning you gathered from your
resources. (Evaluate)

claims of the atrocities placed upon our

people by Christopher Columbus
E. I am Christopher Columbus brother
Bartholomew. I have been brought here to
reveal the truth about what really happened
at Hispaniola.
F. I am Marco and I am in charge of managing
all of Spains resources. I have been brought
here to brief Columbus on the standing of
our resources
D. I believe Christopher Columbus should be
arrested. As a member of the Arawak tribe, I
can support the claim that all persons over
14 had to supply at least a thimble of gold
dust every three months and were given
copper necklaces as proof of their
compliance. Those who did not fulfill their
obligation had their hands cut off, which
were tied around their necks while they bled
to deathsome 10,000 died handless.
Columbus did not understand how hard it
was for our people to collect gold. Yes, some
of us wore gold as jewelry, but gold was not
in abundance. What Columbus did was
tremendously cruel to our peoples and he
should be held accountable for his actions.
E. I believe my brother should not be arrested.
He left me in charge of a great colony at
Hispaniola. This colony has brought home
numerous goods for the country of Spain.
Spain is forever indebted to my brother.
F. I am unsure whether Columbus should be
convicted. While I care greatly Spain inherits
the necessary resources, I do believe King
Ferdinand should hear the plaintiffs out.
Especially due to the fact we now have

Middle Childhood Education

2. Collect A1
As students are completing this sheet, teacher should be
navigating the room checking how students are doing. To
help guide students, teacher will remind them to cite
textual evidence and explain why that citation does in
fact support their case. If students need less time, then
collect early. If not, give warnings when one minute,
thirty seconds, and ten seconds remain. Teacher instructs
students to collect sheets and place on a table in their
table cluster. As teacher transitions into instruction,
teacher is collecting these sheets.

_____50____ Minutes
Procedures and steps to the
Q & A?
Evidence of
Planned supports?
Transitions: Identify when
you are transitioning and how
you will make that a smooth

Columbus sail path laid out and can make

the trip whenever we desire.

Students gather peers sheets and place in a pile on one of the

tables in their cluster.

Transition to Court hearing

1. Court Hearing Outline
After collecting the sheets, teacher will make his way to
the computer to display on the Smart Board a slide
outlining the Structure of the impending Court hearing.
To ensure a smooth transition, teacher will announce,
Now that you have individually declared whether or not
you shall support Sir Columbus, you may now talk with
your team to compile your information and build your
2. Court Hearing Setup
Teacher will then turn to the whole class and remind
them that they are playing in roles and therefore should
leave out any personal biases. On the sheet passed out the
day before, students have been briefed on the backstory
of their individual role and the ideas that are most

Students should take out all resources they have compiled thus
far to help them with their case and display their graphic
organizer when prompted. Students should work as a group and
prepare their case and what they will be saying in the first
speech. To help students gather ideas, students should use the

Middle Childhood Education

important to their character. Remind students the graphic

organizer they filled out for homework would act as an
excellent resource to refer to throughout the hearing. At
this point, ask students to raise their graphic organizer
and walk around to ensure everyone has finished their
graphic organizer. Inform students that before we start
the hearing, teacher needs to have a brief talk with each
group. In the meantime, students should work as a group
and prepare their case and what they will be saying in the
first speech. To assist in doing this, teacher will pass out
graphic organizers. Additionally, teacher will pass out
Argument sentence stems for student to use during the
debate. Teacher will model some example sentence stems
and navigate the room checking how students are
building their sentences.
3. Court Case Graphic Organizer (LO1 A2)
Teacher will instruct students to fill out graphic organizer
to help outline what their group will say in their speech,
rebuttal, and closing. Teacher will tell students that while
this is a collective effort, teacher should be able to see
each individual role evident on the graphic organizer.
What counter-arguments can be expected? (Evaluate)
Have you supported your claims with textual evidence?
How does your evidence persuade the King? (Evaluate)

new court hearing graphic organizer to outline their case.

Middle Childhood Education

Students will fill out graphic organizer using using the research
they have compiled
What points should be made during your First Speech?

I think it is important for King Ferdinand to understand

everything he has done for the nation of Spain. Nobody has
completed this trek before Columbus. No other sea captain
could have made this initial trip. It truly required the great skill
of Columbus to complete. On Columbus return trip, he brought
back many resources such as bananas, potatoes, spices, and
natives. These resources are invaluable to Spain and will help
catapult it to the forefront of the world.

Due to Columbus completing his voyage, he set into motion

What points should be made during your Second Speech? what some are calling the Columbian Exchange. Every trip that
Spain makes moving forward is directly attributable to
Christopher Columbus. It is thanks to Columbus future sailors
who are not as skilled know to pathway to the Indies.
Additionally, think of the new land Columbus has laid claim to
for Spain. We would not have this land if it were not for

What points should be made during your Closing

Speech? (Analyze)

What good does it do for Spain to arrest Christopher Columbus.

Yes, he may have done a few questionable things, but that does
not discount all that he has done for Spain. I prompt you to
think towards the future. The country of Spain has the best
sailor in the world excited and willing to provide his service.
Does the death of a few foreigners mean we shouldnt care for
Spains future? No, it does not.
The plaintiffs will stick to the same structure as listed above.

Middle Childhood Education

Some example quotes they may use to support their case are
listed below.
Columbus also sold sex slaves to his mensome as young as
9. Columbus and his men also raided villages for sex and
In the early years of Columbus conquests there were butcher
shops throughout the Caribbean where Indian bodies were sold
as dog food. There was also a practice known as themontera
infernal, the infernal chase, or manhunt, in which Indians were
hunted by war-dogs.
Though another sailor saw the land in October 1492,
Columbus retracted the reward he had previously offered
because he claimed he had seen a dim light in the west.
Several accounts of cruelty and murder include Spaniards
testing the sharpness of blades on Native people by cutting
them in half, beheading them in contests and throwing Natives
into vats of boiling soap. There are also accounts of suckling
infants being lifted from their mothers breasts by Spaniards,
only to be dashed headfirst into large rocks.
4. Individual Group Talks
Teacher will then make his way to the Native American
table cluster. Teacher will remind students that this is
their chance to finally get back at Christopher Columbus.
After all of those years of being voiceless, this is finally
their time to be heard. Lastly, remind students to use the
resources they have collected to their advantage.

Students will compile evidence to help support their case.

Students will use the graphic organizer given to them in doing

Columbus Defense Team

Teacher will then make his way to the Defense team table Students will compile evidence to help support their case.
cluster. Teacher will remind Columbus how lucky he is to Students will use the graphic organizer given to them in doing
have such an excellent team supporting him. He is
surrounded by the best legal team in the business. While
the Native Americans might try and play into emotions,
the defense team knows what the King and Queen want
to hear. Lastly, remind students to use the resources they
have collected to their advantage.

Middle Childhood Education

King Ferdinand & Advisory Team

Teacher will then make his way to King Ferdinands
table cluster. Teacher will remind King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella how lucky they are to have such a
tremendous advisory team that are individual experts in
their respective fields (Money, Resources, Ethics, and an
expert interested in expanding Spains power through
Colonialism). King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella should
take heed to the advice given to them, and be responsive
to the cases each side presents. Teacher will remind
students that after each side presents one speech, they
will be allowed a short two-minute speech. Teacher
should stress how important it is they voice their
concerns about what is best for Spain during this speech.
Lastly, remind students to use the resources they have
collected to their advantage.

Students will compile evidence to help support their case.

Students will use the graphic organizer given to them in doing

Whole Group
After discussing with each table cluster, teacher will then
turn back to the whole group and voice that they have
two more minutes to prepare their case until those
fighting against Columbus will give their speech.
5. Opening Argument (LO1 A3)
Example quotes a student may use:
As students give their respective speeches, teacher should Columbus also sold sex slaves to his mensome as young as
9. Columbus and his men also raided villages for sex and
be paying particular attention to how students back up
their claims. Student should support argument using
In the early years of Columbus conquests there were butcher
quotes or references to the passages they read
shops throughout the Caribbean where Indian bodies were sold
as dog food. There was also a practice known as the montera
infernal, the infernal chase, or manhunt, in which Indians were
hunted by war-dogs.
Though another sailor saw the land in October 1492,
Columbus retracted the reward he had previously offered

Middle Childhood Education

because he claimed he had seen a dim light in the west.

Several accounts of cruelty and murder include Spaniards
testing the sharpness of blades on Native people by cutting
them in half, beheading them in contests and throwing Natives
into vats of boiling soap. There are also accounts of suckling
infants being lifted from their mothers breasts by Spaniards,
only to be dashed headfirst into large rocks.

Native Americans/Colonists Speech

Teacher will say King Ferdinand & Isabella, I present to
thee five natives and a few of the colonists who will be
given four minutes to give their speech about Columbus
Once Students begin giving their speech, start stopwatch
and allow students to speak. Voice time remaining when
1 minute, 30 seconds, and 5 seconds remains.
Columbus Defense Team/Colonists speech
After the previous group has finished their speech,
teacher will turn to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella,
and say King Ferdinand & Isabella, I present to thee
Columbus defense team and a couple colonists who will
be given four minutes to give their speech about
Once Students begin giving their speech, start stopwatch
and allow students to speak. Voice time remaining when
1 minute, 30 seconds, and 5 seconds remains.
King Ferdinand & Advisors Speech
After the previous group has finished their speech,
teacher will turn to King Ferdinand and announce, King
Ferdinand, 2 minutes will be given for a member of your

As students give their opening argument, they should stay true

to their roles. Students should pay close attention to speakers to
prepare them for what they will say during their rebuttal.

Middle Childhood Education

team to voice your concerns.

Once student has begun giving his or her speech, start
stopwatch and allow students to speak. Voice time
remaining when 30 seconds and 5 seconds remain.
6. Planning Time
After all three speeches have been given, teacher will
take off hat and tell students they will be given five
minutes to prepare their rebuttals. Teacher reminds
students not to reiterate on all the same points they made
in their opening argument. This rebuttal should offer a
response to the oppositions opening statement. After
having touched on those points, Students should throw
out more powerful points tailored to what the King is
searching for. Teacher will navigate the room to help as
needed. Teacher will voice time remaining when 1
minute, 30 seconds, and 5 seconds remains.
7. Rebuttals-Defend your Argument (LO1
LO2 A3)
Teacher informs King Ferdinand the rebuttals will be
given. Teacher will stay true to the structure. Four
minutes will be given for each rebuttal, and teacher
should warn students when 1 minute, 30 seconds, and 5
seconds remain. Students will demonstrate the ability to
critique counter-arguments given to them by citing
textual evidence.

Students will continue to use graphic organizer to prepare their

rebuttal. Students should be conscious of the oppositions
argument and tailor their response accordingly.

Students will perform their rebuttals staying true to their roles.

Students should pay close attention to speakers to prepare them
for what they will say during their closing statement.

8. Planning Time
Teacher informs students they will be given four minutes
to prepare their closing statement. As students are

DSuring this time, students will prepare what they will say
during their closing statement. Their closing statement should

Middle Childhood Education

preparing their closing statement, teacher should navigate

the room assisting as needed. Teacher should warn
students when 1 minute, 30 seconds, and 5 seconds
As both sides prepare their closing statement, teacher
will make his way to King Ferdinands group. Teacher
will inform them that they will be giving a short closing
statement. They should begin discussions on what
Christopher Columbus sentencing should be, if at all.
They shouldnt choose a final verdict at present though,
as each sides closing statements may persuade them.
9. Closing Statement
Each group will be given two minutes to give their
closing statement. However, this time students will
present in opposite order. So, Christopher Columbus and
his defendants will give the closing statement first. Then,
the opposition will provide a closing statement. Other
than these two differences, the general structure will
remain the same. Teacher should warn students when 1
minute, 30 seconds, and 5 seconds remain.
King Ferdinand & Advisor decision

hit upon many of the points already made. It should be a quick

yet effective summary of their statements thus far. In this time,
they can get one last response to the oppositions rebuttal and try
to end on a powerful note.
King Ferdinands group shall begining discussing what
Christopher Columbus sentencing should be, if at all. They
shouldnt choose a final verdict at present though, as each sides
closing statements may persuade them.

Each group will be given two minutes to present their closing


During these two minutes, King Ferdinand and his group shall
discuss the exact sentencing Christopher Columbus must
After both closing statements have been given, teacher
will bring King Ferdinand and his advisors to the hallway endure. They must prepare a final closing statement to be given
to end the court hearing.
and given two minutes to discuss the sentencing on
Christopher Columbus.
The inside group must collect yesterdays homework, court case
graphic organizer, and any notes students took to prepare for the
In these two minutes, the groups on the inside are
debate and place at the end of one of the tables in their table
instructed to collect are resources used for this court
That includes:
Yesterdays homework (Graphic Organizer)
Court Case Graphic Organizer
Any notes students took to prepare them for this debate

Middle Childhood Education

Teacher will instruct students to gather in a pile and place

at the end of one of the tables in their table cluster.
Teacher will be announcing time remaining to both the
inside and outside groups (1 Minute, 30 seconds, 5
seconds) and bring King Ferdinand and his advisors back
in as time is up.

King Ferdinand Closing Statement

Teacher will place the hat back on and make his way to
Christopher Columbus. Teacher will instruct Columbus
to stand up, and will bring him to the center of the room
directly in front of King Ferdinand and say King
Ferdinand, I once again present to thee Christopher
Columbus. I think it is time you present your
Case Wrap Up (4 Minutes)
Teacher will give students time to discuss the court case
and big take-aways.
In case conversation stalls, teacher has these guiding
questions prepared:
Did the Jury, in the case King Ferdinand and his team,
provide an unbiased conviction? (Evaluate)

Why was King Ferdinand and his team not as concerned

about upholding justice? (Understand)

King Ferdinand and his group will give the final closing
statement stating Christopher Columbus sentencing to the
whole class.

Students will discuss the court case.

Responses will vary. Here is an example response in this

Columbus is acquitted.
I do not believe they gave a fair trial. Our team gave very
legitimate evidence proving Columbus is not a man of justice. I
believe he wanted to protect Christopher Columbus.
King Ferdinand and his team werent concerned about
upholding justice because they wanted to keep their pockets
full. They know if he would have been convicted he could serve
them no good. Spain was investing in its future by not
convicting Christopher Columbus. I am sure they want him
under his control so they may use him for further expeditions.

Middle Childhood Education

____8_____ Minutes

Wrap up?

1. Transition
After discussing the legitimacy of the trial, teacher will
transition into closing by discussing King Ferdinands
real life verdict.
2. What Actually Happened
Teacher will explain to students what actually ended up
happening to Christopher Columbus. That is, Columbus
only served six weeks in prison for his crimes and then
was pardoned. Then, in 1502, he was funded by the same
people who imprisoned him to sail the ocean blue once
again. To support these claims, teacher will show
Christopher Columbus: What Really Happened YouTube
video and start at 4:08. Teacher will let video play all the
way out until the 5:38 mark. Teacher will parallel our
court decision with the actual court case and look for
3. Exit Ticket (LO1 A4)
To close out the day, students will be given an exit ticket
asking them their personal (out of role) opinion on
whether Christopher Columbus should have been
sentenced and if so how long he should have been
sentenced. Teacher will give three minutes to complete
the exit ticket.

4. Wrap Up
Teacher will instruct students to gather exit tickets and
place on a table in their table cluster. He will additionally
instruct King Ferdinands group to gather all resources

Students will complete the exit ticket giving their personal (out
of role) opinion. Students will have three minutes to complete
the exit ticket.
Example Response
Even though I argued that Christopher Columbus should be free
in my role, I personally believe that he should be jailed.
Christopher Columbus did a lot of cruel things to the natives
and even his own people. Even though he did some great things
for Spain, he should still be held to the same standard as
everybody else. Therefore, I believe Christopher Columbus
should be in jail for life.

Middle Childhood Education

used for this debate.

That includes:
Yesterdays homework (Graphic Organizer)
Court Case Graphic Organizer
Any notes students took to prepare them for this debate

Differentiation: How will
you provide students with
specific learning needs
instructional support? How
will you provide students
access to learning?

IEP Students:
Student with visual impairment will be instructed to sit closest to the Smart Board in the respective group. Graphic
organizers are laid out with size 20 font so reading wont be a strenuous task.
Students who have hearing difficulties will reference captions on YouTube videos.
504 Plans:
When navigating the room when students are preparing their speeches, teacher will stand near students whose 504 plans call
for individualized attention checking whether students are on correct track and contributing. If student seems to be
struggling to throw their ideas out their, assist them. Such as, I like what xxxxx put about.
ELL Students:
Since this court case is heavily dependent on listening. Students have been placed in predetermined groups that play into
language. Students will pull support from their surrounding peers. Each group pairs ELL students with at least one student
who is not only skilled in the similar language but also in English. These students will act as translators as need to help tear
down language barriers during the court hearing. If needed, students are allowed to write in their own language.

Gifted and talented students should come alive during the court hearing. For those gifted and talented students who may be
on the shy side, they should have compiled plenty of of resources and information to help them share out with their fellow
group members. If students are still too shy, teacher will know how well they did by checking their individual graphic
organizers. Students who are extremely expressive should flourish in this environment as they will likely act as the
figurehead for their respective groups.

Middle Childhood Education

Struggling Students:
When accounting for groups, teacher also spent time ensuring struggling students would be partnered up with gifted and
talented students. So, at each table cluster, we have positioned someone who is both a leader and academically skilled. We
remind students often their classmates are their teammates and we all have the same goal in mind. Students are adamant
about making sure everybody learns. This classroom culture helps our struggling students as they receive that individualized
attention from their peers. Of course, teacher still navigates the room provided one on one attention to struggling students.
Auditory Learners:
Auditory learners should function well in this lesson. Students will have to carefully listen and pick apart opposing
speeches, which requires great listening skills. Additionally, the diverse amount of voices that will compose this classroom
should keep these students engaged. The first two YouTube videos should draw these students in as they are purely soundbased.
Visual Learners:
Visual learners will benefit from the many graphic organizers given to them. The YouTube video at the end will offer a nice
content-related summary of our lesson.
Kinesthetic Learners:
Due to the fact this is a court case, students are allowed to present their case in any fashion they please. Kinesthetic learners
should stand up and pace the room as they are giving their speeches. This will give them an extra presence in the room.

Academic Language
What language function do
you want students to develop
in this lesson?
What vocabulary do students
need to support learning of the
learning objective for this
What supports do you have in
place to assist students with

Language Function: Making an argument

Planned Supports
Language Function: Teacher modeling
Students practicing in small groups before executing in large
Argument sentence stem sheet


Sentence Stem Sheet with highlighted vocab words.
Teacher modeling how to use sentence stem sheet to construct
an argument. Students will be able to see vocab used on
sentence stem sheet. Students should model that way of
speaking when presenting their argument.

Middle Childhood Education

Syntax or Discourse?
Syntax or Discourse?
Sentence Stem Sheet
After distributing Sentence Stem Sheet, teacher will assemble
arguments using the sheet. After teacher models, teacher will
complete a couple arguments as a group then students will
begin composing arguments individually.

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