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Educational Psychology Assessment in Scotland

The Scottish Division of Educational Psychology, Association of Scottish Principal

Educational Psychologists,
A joint publication, April 2005

Assessment by an education psychologist is a process which involves the gathering of
information from a variety of sources in a range of settings over a period of time. It
necessarily involves parents, carers, teacher, children and young people. The purpose of
educational psychology assessment is to inform future intervention. Its breadth
encompasses cognitive, emotional and social factors. The ultimate aim of effective
educational psychology assessment is usually to limit the effects of barriers to learning and
to promote the inclusion of the child or young person.

Promoting Effective Learning and Development

All education assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Detailed
assessment information is routinely and regularly collected for children and young people as
they progress through the education system. The Standards in Scotlands Schools etc. Act
(2000) presumes a mainstream education for all children and young people. Within this
legislation, assessment is regarded not as a means of identifying deficits; rather it attempts
to identify ways of promoting effective learning and development. This emphasis is
welcomed by educational psychologists and reflects the good practice already established
within the profession, it is also recommended by the Currie Report (2002).

Legislation and Government Guidance

The Scottish Executive promotes the development and application of integrated frameworks
of assessment across education, health and social work services (For Scotlands Children,
2001). Within this framework, assessment is seen as a collaborative and stages process,
involving parents or other carers, children and young people and other professionals. The
aim of the assessment process is to achieve a single, shared and comprehensive view of the
child or young persons needs in education.
The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act (2004) gives parents the right
to request a medical or psychologist assessment for their child. The child or young person
and their family should be fill and active partners in this process. The UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child (1989) and the Children (Scotland) Act (1995) require that children and
young people should be consulted about any matter affecting them, and should be helped to
express a view on any actions or interventions proposed.

Features of Educational Psychology Assessment

Educational psychology assessment is a continuous process rather than a discrete activity. It
involves considering information beyond the level of the individual, such as the effects of
events and circumstances in the surrounding environment. For example, as part of the
assessment process, variables such as pupil group, teacher practices, school systems and
family factors may be taken into consideration.
Throughout the process of educational psychology assessment, educational psychologists
work with those adults who are directly involved with the child or young person in order to:

Gather good quality information about the child or young person in context
Analyse the information gathered
Analyse and test factors which may be contributing to the perceived difficulty

The education psychologist will usually be joining the assessment process after people
directly involved with the child or young person have already gathered information and
implemented a cycle of intervention and review.
An education psychologists contribution to the assessment process may be based on direct
or indirect involvement with the child, or on a combination of both. If may be drawn from
information gathered in consultation with a teacher, parent or other professional, or through
a teacher using an agreed investigative framework. In order to supplement this, where
necessary, it may also involve approaches including classroom observation, analysis of
work, questionnaires, curriculum-based assessment, dynamic assessment, and measures of
social-emotional factors using recognised assessment materials as appropriate.
The approaches used will depend on the questions to be answered and on the context
within which the difficulties arise. The general process of assessment to which the
educational psychologist contributes involves clarifying and establishing the roles of those
involved, testing hypotheses and planning interventions based on the analysis of information
gathered. The educational psychologists contribution is informed by evidence-based
practice and subsequent evaluation of the outcomes.

Principles of Educational Psychology Assessment

There should always be a clear rationale for educational psychology assessment. It

should inform future teaching and learning support measures to promote the general
well being and progress in education of the children or young people concerned.
Assessment is based on an understanding of individual development and learning
and of the context in which learning takes place. Assessment techniques ensure that
school, home and community factors are considered in addition to individual factors.
Assessment is not separate from intervention. It is part of the ongoing cycle of
planning, action and review carried out jointly with schools, parents, children or
young people and other professionals. It should be as minimally intrusive as is
consistent with achieving its purpose.

Assessment is carried out in collaboration with parents or other carers, and with other
professionals. It recognises that the primary assessors are those who work most
closely with the child or young person.
Assessment is based on the child or young person in contest and does not involve
diagnosis of a medical condition. Information from educational psychology
assessment may however contribution to a multi-agency assessment, which could
result in a medical diagnosis.
Assessment techniques are based on an understanding of current methodologies
and research and are informed by educational psychologists continuing professional
Assessment techniques are sensitive to the social and emotional development of
young people, as well s their cultural and linguistic backgrounds and comply with the
Disability Discrimination Act (1995)/ Special Educational Needs and Disability Act
Parental agreement for the involvement of an educational psychologist will always be
sought, apart from in exceptional circumstances, or when a young person is able to
give informed consent, or they themselves make an informed request for
Assessment includes the child or young person as a consenting participant. It will
always seek and take in to account their views.
The results of assessment will be presented so that they are clear and accessible to
those to whom they are presented. Such information will always be dealt with in
compliance with data protection legislation.
Assessment is carried out in accordance with The BPS Code of Conduct, Ethical
Principles and Guidelines (November 2004) and adheres to the Code of Good
Practice for Psychological Testing) Account must be taken
of the reliability, validity and possible bias of any assessment materials used.

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