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Site Visit Notes

Student Name:Courtney Roof


Date/Site Visit Number: 12/7, 8

Grade Level/Subject: Middle School

Using the space provided below, briefly summarize todays classroom experience.
Instructional Delivery
Identify the Illinois
Professional Teaching
Standard(s) targeted in
todays experience.

Identify the activities that

occurred today, which
addressed the teaching
standards identified above.
Then describe what you

Describe the impact of the

performance activities on
student learning.

Describe any additional

activities of significance that
occurred today.

General comments and

observations including at
least one emerging question.

-Their warm up is reflecting on a Bill Nye video they watched the

day before
-Students went over their reflections on buoyancy and went off of
each other's answers
-Students read a story to figure out how big ships can float
-During and after the passage the teacher and students connected
what they had already known about buoyancy and what the passage
said about it
-Reflecting on a lesson the day before helps students think more
deeply about what they did and why
-Reading the passage on buoyancy helps students get factual
information, and also is a reminder that if they dont know
something they should research it
-Connecting what they know and are learning is enhancing great
cognitive skills
-As soon as the students walked in they knew their routine was to
put their things away, look at the agenda and do the warm up

-I thought the teacher did a good job in using the student's thoughts
and incorporating them in the lesson, like when Melony said it
would be a good idea to read the questions before reading the story
Question: When should a teacher know to do more interactive
learning if the students start checking out?

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