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Verispex Character creation

Feral World rules
Characteristic modifiers: + strength, + toughness, influence
Fate threshold: 2 (emperors blessing 3+)
Home world bonus: The old ways: in the hands of a feral world character, Any low-tech weapon loses the primitive quality (if it had
it) and gains the proven (3) quality.
Home world aptitude: Toughness
Wounds: A feral world character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus arbites, adeptus astra telepathica, Imperial guard, outcast
Forge World rules
Characteristic modifiers: + Intelligence, + Toughness, Fellowship
Fate threshold: 3 (Emperors Blessing 8+)
Home World bonus: Omnissiahs Chosen: Technical Knock or Weapon-Tech talent.
Home World aptitude: Intelligence
Wounds: A forge world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard
Highborn Rules
Characteristic modifiers: + Fellowship, + Influence, Toughness
Fate threshold: 4 (Emperors Blessing 10+)
Home World bonus: Breeding Counts: Any time a highborn character would reduce his Influence, he reduces it by 1 less (to a
minimum reduction of 1).
Home World aptitude: Fellowship
Wounds: A highborn character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Ministorum
Hive World rules
Characteristic modifiers: + Agility, + Perception, Willpower
Fate threshold: 2 (Emperors Blessing 6+)
Home World bonus: Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains: A hive world character Ignores crowds for purposes of movement,
treating them As open terrain. When in enclosed spaces, he also Gains a +20 bonus to Navigate (Surface) tests.
Home World aptitude: Perception
Wounds: A hive world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard, Outcast

Shrine World rules

Characteristic modifiers: + Fellowship, + Willpower, Perception
Fate threshold: 3 (Emperors Blessing 6+)
Home World bonus: Faith in the Creed: Whenever a shrine world character Spends a Fate point, he rolls 1d10. On a result of 1, the
Characters total number of Fate points is not reduced.
Home World aptitude: Willpower
Wounds: A shrine world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Ministorum, Imperial Guard
Voidborn Rules
Characteristic modifiers: + Intelligence, + Willpower, Strength
Fate threshold: 3 (Emperors Blessing 5+)
Home World bonus: Child of the Dark: A voidborn character starts with the Strong Minded talent, and gains a +30 bonus to tests For
moving in a zero gravity environment.
Home World aptitude: Intelligence
Wounds: A voidborn character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Ministorum, Outcast
Garden World Rules
Characteristic Modifiers: + Fellowship, + Agility, Toughness
Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperors Blessing 4+)
Home World Bonus: Serenity of the Green: A garden world character halves the Duration (rounded up) of any result from Table 8
11: Shock or Table 813: Mental Traumas (see pages 287 and 288 of core book), and can remove Insanity points for 50xp per point
Rather than the normal 100xp.
Home World Aptitude: Social
Wounds: A garden world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.
Recommended Backgrounds: Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Astra Telepathica,
Adeptus Ministorum, Rogue Trader Fleet
Random: (Table 21 page 31 of core, a Garden world can be generated on a roll of 7085 With an even result.
Research Station Rules
Characteristic Modifiers: + Intelligence, + Perception, Fellowship
Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperors Blessing 8+)
Home World Bonus: Pursuit of Data: Whenever a research station character Reaches Rank 2 (Trained) in a Scholastic Lore skill, he
Also gains Rank 1 (Known) in one related or identical Forbidden Lore skill specialisation of his choice.The GM is the final arbiter of
whether the two Specialisations are related.
Home World Aptitude: Knowledge
Wounds: A research station character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.
Recommended Backgrounds: Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Mechanicus, Mutant
Random: (Table 21 page 31 of core book), a research station Can be generated on a roll of doubles (11, 22, etc.).

Death World Rules

Characteristic Modifiers: + Agility, + Perception, Fellowship
Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperors Blessing 5+)
Home World Bonus: Survivors Paranoia: While a death world character is Surprised, non-Surprised attackers do not gain the
normal +30 bonus to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill tests When targeting this character.
Home World Aptitude: Fieldcraft
Wounds: A death world character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.
Recommended Backgrounds: Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Ministorum, Imperial Guard
Random: (Table 21 page 31 of core book), a death world can Be generated on a roll of 0115 with an odd result.
Agri-world Rules
Characteristic modifiers: + Fellowship, + Strength, Agility
Fate threshold: 2 (Emperors Blessing 7+)
Home world bonus: Strength from the Land: An agri-world character Starts with the Brutal Charge (2) trait.
Home world Aptitude: Strength
Wounds: An agri-world character starts with 8+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Ministorum, Imperial Guard, Mutant
Random: (Table 21 page 31 of core book), an agri-world can be Generated on a roll of 86100 with an even result
Feudal World rules
Characteristic modifiers: + Perception, + Weapon Skill, Intelligence
Fate threshold: 3 (Emperors Blessing 6+)
Home world bonus: At Home in Armour: A feudal world character Ignores the maximum Agility value imposed By any armour he is
Home world Aptitude: Weapon Skill
Wounds: A feudal world character starts with 9+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds: Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Administratum, Adeptus Ministorum, Imperial Guard
Random: (Table 21 page 31 of core book), a feudal world can Be generated on a roll of 1633 with an odd result.
Frontier World rules
Characteristic modifiers + Ballistic Skill, + Perception, Fellowship
Fate threshold 3 (Emperors Blessing 7+)
Home world bonus Rely on None but Yourself: A frontier world character Gains a +20 bonus to Tech-Use tests when applying
Personal weapon modiications, and a +10 bonus When repairing damaged items.
Home world Aptitude: Ballistic Skill
Wounds: A frontier world character starts with 7+1d5 wounds.
Recommended backgrounds Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Mutant, Outcast
Random: (Table 21 page 31 of core book), , A frontier world can be generated on a roll of 3444 with an even result.

Adeptus Administratum Rules
Starting skills: Commerce or Medicae, Common Lore (Adeptus Administratum), Linguistics (High Gothic), Logic, Scholastic Lore
(Pick One)
Starting talents: Weapon Training (Las or Solid Projectile)
Starting equipment: Laspistol or stub automatic, Imperial robes, Autoquill, chrono, dataslate, medi-kit
Background bonus: Master of Paperwork: An Adeptus Administratum character Counts the Availability of all items as one level more
Available (Very Rare items count as Rare, Average items count as Common, etc.).
Background aptitude: Knowledge or Social
Recommended roles: Chirurgeon, Hierophant, Sage, Seeker
Adeptus Arbites rules
Starting skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites, Underworld), Inquiry or Interrogation, Intimidate, Scrutiny
Starting talents: Weapon Training (Shock or Solid Projectile)
Starting equipment: Shotgun or shock maul, Enforcer light carapace Armour or carapace chestplate, 3 doses of stimm,
Manacles, 12 lho sticks
Background bonus: The Face of the Law: An Arbitrator can re-roll any Intimidation and Interrogation test, and can substitute his
Willpower bonus for his degrees of success on these tests.
Background aptitude: Offence or Defence
Recommended roles: Assassin, Desperado, Seeker, Warrior
Adeptus astra Telepathica rules (Not being used in Arbitrators)
Starting skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica), Deceive or Interrogation, Forbidden Lore (the Warp),
Psyniscience or Scrutiny
Starting talents: Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech)
Starting equipment: Laspistol, staff or whip, light flak Cloak or flak vest, micro-bead or psy focus
Background bonuses: The Constant Threat: When the character or an ally Within 10 metres triggers a roll on Table 62: Psychic
Phenomenon (see page 196), the Adeptus Astra Telepathica character can increase or decrease the Result by amount equal to his
Willpower bonus. Tested on Terra: If the character takes the Psyker Elite advance during character creation, he also Gains the
Sanctioned trait (see page 138).
Background aptitude Defence or Psyker
Recommended roles Chirurgeon, Mystic, Sage, Seeker
Adeptus Mechanicus rules
Starting skills: Awareness or Operate (Pick One), Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Logic, Security, Tech-Use
Starting talents: Mechadendrite Use (Utility), Weapon Training (Solid Projectile)
Starting trait: Mechanicus Implants (see page 137).
Starting equipment: Autogun or hand cannon, monotask servo-skull (utility) or optical mechadendrite, Imperial robes,
2 vials of sacred unguents
Background bonus: Replace the Weak Flesh: An Adeptus Mechanicus Character counts the Availability of all cybernetics As two
levels more available (Rare items count as Average, Very Rare items count as Scarce, etc.).
Background aptitude: Knowledge or Tech
Recommended roles: Chirurgeon, Hierophant, Sage, Seeker

Adeptus Ministorum rules

Starting skills: Charm, Command, Common Lore (Adeptus Ministorum), Inquiry or Scrutiny, Linguistics (High Gothic)
Starting talents: Weapon Training (Flame) or Weapon Training (Low-Tech, Solid Projectile)
Starting equipment: Hand flamer (or warhammer and stub revolver), Imperial robes or flak vest, backpack, glow-globe,
Monotask servo-skull (laud hailer)
Background bonus: Faith is All: When spending a Fate point to gain a +10 bonus to any one test, an Adeptus Ministorum Character
gains a +20 bonus instead.
Background aptitude: Leadership or Social
Recommended roles: Chirurgeon, Hierophant, Seeker, Warrior
Imperial Guard rules
Starting skills: Athletics, Command, Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Medicae or Operate (Surface), Navigate (Surface)
Starting talents: Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech)
Starting equipment: Lasgun (or laspistol and sword), combat vest, Imperial Guard flak armour, grapnel and line,
12 lho sticks, magnoculars
Background bonus: Hammer of the Emperor: When attacking a target That an ally attacked since the end of the
Guardsmans last turn, the Guardsman can Re-roll any results of 1 or 2 on damage rolls.
Background aptitude: Fieldcraft or Leadership
Recommended roles: Assassin, Desperado, Hierophant, Warrior
Imperial Navy Rules
Starting Skills: Athletics, Command or Intimidate, Common Lore (Imperial Navy), Navigate (Stellar),
Operate (Aeronautica or Voidship)
Starting Talents Weapon Training (Chain or Shock, Solid Projectile)
Starting Equipment Combat shotgun or hand cannon, chainsword or shock Whip, flak coat, rebreather, micro-bead
Background Bonus Close Quarters Discipline: An Imperial Navy character scores one additional degree of success on successful
Ballistic Skill Tests he makes against targets at Point-Blank range, at Short Range, and with whom he is engaged in melee.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Tech
Recommended Roles: Ace, Chirurgeon, Hierophant, Warrior
Adepta Sororitas rules
Starting skills: Athletics, Charm or Intimidate, Common Lore (Ad Sororitas), Linguistics (High Gothic), Medicae orParry
Starting talents: Weapon Training (Flame or Las, Chain)
Starting equipment: Hand lamer or laspistol, chainblade, armoured bodyglove, Chrono, dataslate, stablight, micro-bead
Background bonus: Incorruptible Devotion: Whenever an Adepta Sororitas Character would gain 1 or more Corruption Points, She
gains that many Insanity Points minus 1 (to a minimum of 0) instead.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Social
Recommended roles: Chirurgeon, Fanatic, Sage, Warrior

Assassin Special rules
Role aptitudes: Agility, ballistic skill or weapon skill, Fieldcraft, finesse, perception
Role talent: Jaded or leap up
Role bonus: Sure kill: in addition to the normal uses of fate points (see page 293), when an assassin successfully hits with An
attack, he may spend a fate point to inflict additional Damage equal to his degrees of success on the Attack roll on the first hit the
attack inflicts.
Chirurgeon Special rules
Role aptitudes: Fieldcraft, intelligence, knowledge, strength, toughness
Role talent: Resistance (pick one) or takedown
Role bonus: Dedicated healer: in addition to the normal uses of fate Points (see page 293), when a chirurgeon character fails A test
to provide first aid, he can spend a fate point to Automatically succeed instead with the degrees of Success equal to his intelligence
Desperado Special rules
Role aptitudes: Agility, ballistic skill, defence, fellowship, finesse
Role talent: Catfall or quick draw
Role bonus: Move and shoot: once per round, after performing A move action, a desperado character may perform
A single standard attack with a pistol weapon he Is currently wielding as a free action.
Hierophant Special rules
Role aptitudes: Fellowship, offence, social, toughness, willpower
Role talent: Double team or hatred (pick one)
Role bonus: Sway the masses: in addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293), a hierophant character
May spend a fate point to automatically succeed At a charm, command, or intimidate skill test With a number of degrees of success
equal To his willpower bonus
Mystic Special rules (not used?)
Role aptitudes: Defence, intelligence, knowledge, perception, willpower
Role talent: Resistance (psychic powers) or warp sense
Role bonus: Stare into the warp: a mystic character starts the game With the psyker elite advance (see page 90). It is
Recommended that a character who wishes to be A mystic have a willpower of at least 35.
Sage Special rules
Role aptitudes Intelligence, knowledge, perception, tech, willpower
Role talent Ambidextrous or clues from the crowds
Role bonus Quest for knowledge: in addition to the normal uses of fate Points (see page 293), a sage character may spend a fate
Point to automatically succeed at a logic or any lore Skill test with a number of degrees of success Equal to his intelligence bonus.
Seeker Special rules
Role aptitudes: Fellowship, intelligence, perception, social, tech
Role talent: Keen intuition or disarm
Role bonus: Nothing escapes my sight: in addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293), a seeker character may spend
A fate point to automatically succeed at an awareness Or inquiry skill test with a number of degrees of Success equal to his
perception bonus.

Warrior Special rules

Role aptitudes: Ballistic skill, defence, offence, strength, weapon skill
Role talent: Iron jaw or rapid reload
Role bonus: Expert at violence: in addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293), after making a successful
Attack test, but before determining hits, a warrior character May spend a fate point to substitute his weapon skill (for
Melee) or ballistic skill (for ranged) bonus for the Degrees of success scored on the attack test.
Ace Special rules
Role aptitudes: Agility, finesse, perception, tech, willpower
Role talent: Hard target or hotshot pilot
Role bonus: Right stuff: in addition to the normal uses of fate points (see page 293 of the dark heresy core rulebook), an Ace
character may spend a fate point to automatically Succeed at an operate or survival skill test involving
Vehicles or living steeds with a number of degrees of Success equal to his agility bonus.
Fanatic Special rules
Role aptitudes: Leadership, ofence, toughness, weapon skill, willpower
Role talent: Deny the witch or jaded
Role bonus: Death to all who oppose me!: in addition to the normal uses Of fate points (see page 293 of the dark heresy core
Rulebook), a fanatic character may spend a fate point to Count as having the hatred talent against his current foe For the duration
of the encounter. Should he choose to Leave combat against a hated foe in that encounter, However, he gains 1 insanity point.
Penitent Special rules
Role aptitudes: Agility, fieldcraft, intelligence, ofence, toughness
Role talent: Die hard or flagellant
Role bonus: Cleansing pain: whenever a penitent character sufers 1 or More points of damage (after reductions for toughness
Bonus and armour), he gains a +10 bonus to the first Test he makes before the end of his next turn.
Crusader Special rules
Role aptitudes: Knowledge, offence, strength, toughness, willpower
Role talent: Bodyguard or deny the witch
Role bonus: Smite the unholy: in addition to the normal uses of fate Points (see page 293 of the dark heresy core rulebook), a
Crusader character can also spend a fate point to automatically Pass a fear test with a number of degrees of success equal
To his willpower bonus. In addition, whenever he inflicts a Hit with a melee attack against a target with the fear (x) Trait, he inflicts x
additional damage and counts his Weapons penetration as being x higher.

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