I'm New To Wicca - Tools For Spiritual Guidance PDF

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Im New to Wicca

By Nathalie Beulah
Tools for Spiritual Guidance

Text copyright 2012 Nathalie Beulah Laurings

All Rights Reserved

Thank you to Marianne for your inspiration and guidance!

Table of contents
Week One
What is Wicca?
Your Spiritual Journal
Week Two
Spiritual Guidance Meditation
A Wiccan-Hindu God?
Week Three
Week Three
Dreamwork: listening to your dream instinct
Deciphering your dreams
Week Four
Practicing a little energy work
The Poetry of Incantations
In Conclusion

I am frequently asked the question How do I become Wiccan? and after
thinking about it, I decided to write this short eBook as a guide to help those
looking for an answer.
This is a simple question, the answer however is not. There are so many
aspects to look at when deciding on a new religious path in ones life.
First and foremost, do your homework. Research the subject and try to
speak to other Wiccans and Pagans and ask them all the questions you can
possibly think of. Learn as much as possible, Wicca is not all rainbows and
spells it is a real and serious religion and an important life choice.
If you decide to continue forward and become Wiccan, then comes the tough
yet most exciting part of your new life path, studying and learning the Craft.
There are so many choices you can make. You can decide to join a group or
Coven or be a solitary witch. Take an official Wicca 101 course, which is
offered by many people around the world or buy and study as many books as
possible. Once you open yourself to learning, the options are limitless.
This eBook is not:
A course on Wicca or Paganism.
This is not a book on the history of Wicca and Paganism.
It is not a spell book
What this eBook is:
A spiritual guide.
A study guide you can use as you start on your new path or you can
work through it to help you to decide whether or not Wicca is the path
for you. Either way use this eBook and its exercises to help you to
develop and grow as you discover your spiritual self.
Read through the book before beginning to work through it, this will help
you to understand what it is you are committing yourself to.
Before you continue with week one, I want you to take a moment and make a

promise that you are willing to work through the book and do the daily
exercises to the best of your ability.
This is not a promise to me, or anyone else other than you. You will be
accountable to only you but also remember to not be too hard on yourself. I
want you to be able to find joy in what you are doing and I dont want it to
seem like some kind of punishment.
I am going to give you four exercises to follow, dont rush through them.
Take on one new exercise a week so that you spread them over four weeks.
After those four weeks you can continue with them.
I encourage you to use these exercises in order to continue gaining
wisdom and insight in your life.
At the end of each week you will be given a weekly check list to help you
keep track as you work through this eBook.
I have been following my chosen path in Wicca for almost fifteen years and
one thing I can say is that you never stop learning and growing spiritually.
As you evolve and move through life, your spiritual needs will also change
and grow. Be open to whatever comes your way, you will become a better
person for it.
My wish for you is that the next step in your life is filled with love and light
and that every day you live your Truth.

Week One
What is Wicca?
I often get asked, what is Wicca? One thing I have discovered is that you can
explain it to someone and that will be the end of the conversation and most
of the time the person who asked will be left feeling confused.
When people in general ask these questions they do not so much want to
know cold hard facts and ideologies (which is generally what we bombard
them with in response to such questions), what they really want to know is
How does this relate to me? How do I process this new information?
So what is the short answer when someone asks me about my religion?
If somebody asks me What is Wicca? but they are not asking because they
are truly interested in finding out about the religion but just out of curiosity. I
define it simply as a nature religion that follows the cycle of the seasons
and where we acknowledge the existence of a God and Goddess. It is
simple and straight forward.
To elaborate more for someone who is truly interested in the religion here is
a more in-depth answer. Wicca is a nature religion, and not necessarily
meaning that we all run around naked worshipping trees and rocks but in
realising that we are a part of the universe and the natural world. What
happens in the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of life, death and rebirth
affects us. Not only can we see the physical changes, as we do with the
seasons, but we are intuitively, emotionally and physically affected by the
We acknowledge the existence of a God and Goddess (the triple Goddess of
Maiden, Mother and Crone) though for every person their personal deity is
One topic I do believe in covering for someone for someone new to the
Craft is the general laws we follow. Explaining these helps to clear up
misconceptions and to create understanding.

The rules!
In Wicca its more like The Rule, as we really only have one law that
governs our thoughts and actions and is a necessary place to start. We call it
the Wiccan Rede.
Do what thou wilt so long as it hurt none.
The first part of this law Do what thou wilt so often gives many people
the wrong idea of what it is that we believe. We do not believe that we can
just run around doing whatever we want to, as wonderful as that concept
may seem, it represents our True Will.
Our True Will is the path in life in which we wish to follow, it is our hopes,
goals and dreams.
The second part of the Wiccan Rede is so long as it hurt none. We cannot
use magick to harm anyone or to affect and change their freewill, and by
doing so not allowing them to follow their true paths in life.
Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law. Love under the law.
In Thelema Magick the Rede is written as Do what thou wilt is the whole
of the law. This is the first part and means follow your path and your
dreams. The second part is Love under the law. Follow your path in life
with love. If you do not love what you are doing, then perhaps you are on
the wrong path.
So follow your true path in life and in your magick and do it with love and
without hurting anybody else, animals or any other part of nature. Yes, it is
that simple!
By the Power of Three, so mote it be
Then there is another law, the Three Fold Law. It is a general rule that
forces us to take responsibility. It teaches us that what we send out into the
world, not just our magical workings but our every day thoughts, words and
actions, will come back to us three times stronger than the energy we sent it
out with.

So if youre going to curse someone, then just think about how strongly
youll be cursing yourself!
What do you say to people who ask you about spells?
What attracts most people to The Craft? The immense possibilities of the
power we can bring into our lives and what we can do with that energy.
Magick is filled with new, wonderful and exciting opportunities that we
want to grab hold of with both hands. It is the change in our awareness that
we can actually affect our surroundings and circumstances by willing it to
be true.
We do a lot of this work through our spells. For someone who does not
understand it is easier to explain that our casting spells is our way of saying
prayers for things we would like to bring into our lives.

Magick doesn't have to be a huge ritualistic show. I believe keeping it

simple makes it more effective as you're not confused and distracted by
all the little extras you've thrown in! However the spells and ingredients
we use help us to focus our intentions so that we can have the outcome we
desire. It is ultimately the emotions that you put into the magick that is the
driving force. We will cover more on this in the fourth week.

An important thing when starting out in The Craft is to remember that magick
is not something out there that you need to find, the answers are not
something you need to go in search of. It is inside of you. We are all a part
of the universe and the magick is inside of us, it IS who we are. Once you
feel and understand that you will be able to understand the power you have
in your own life.
There is so much information available to us on the subjects of Wicca and
Paganism and there are so many different paths within these that we can
choose to follow. May I suggest for those who are new to The Craft or are
curious in finding out more, please dont search the internet. I know there is
some wonderful information out there, but there is just so much information
that you will be left feeling even more confused than when you started your

The best thing to do is go into a bookshop (yes they do still exist, and there
are even some online ones but physically going into a bookshop is worth the
experience, you are surrounded by the magic and energy of the books) have
a look around in the esoteric section and look through the books. You are
bound to find a subject that you will be strongly attracted to and then you
will be beginning the path of following your True Will in magick.
Another option is to seek out a mentor, a leader in The Craft, and possibly a
Coven that you will be able to learn from. Dont just jump in when it
comes to magick, take the time to learn it first, it will be worth it in the end.


Your Spiritual Journal

A Book of Shadows or a Spiritual Journal is a book you can write in every
In it you can record all of your spells and rituals as well as general entries
that follow you on your path of discovery. It can be a fancy, decorated book
that you bought specifically for this reason or you can buy a normal A4
exercise book that you can cover and decorate yourself. Personally I prefer
the latter, this way the book is more personal. As you decorate and cover
your book you can think of its purpose and in this way you will be feeding it
your energy.
Every day for at least the next month I want you to put aside some time to
write at least one page in your journal. Write down anything new you might
have learned as well as any ideas or thoughts you might have had with
regards to discovering your new spiritual path.
Feel free to write down any questions you might have going on in your mind
as well as any emotions you might be feeling. Write it all down, letting these
things out will help you to discover answers and new things you might not
have if you had kept everything bottled up inside yourself.
Once you have written in your journal, do not read it. Dont look back, even
to edit. Write the words down and let them flow. The time will come to read
through past entries but it is not now, not at the beginning of your journey.
The only thing you need to do now is make sure that you write at least a
page a day.
All you will need to do in your first week is work on getting into the habit of
writing in your journal daily.

Week one: Check List

* Write at least one page every day in your spiritual journal.


Week Two
Spiritual Guidance Meditation
Meditation is not a great mystery and anybody can do it. I encourage you to
meditate in some form everyday and not just when you feel you might need
Spiritual guidance meditation is exactly what it says it is, using meditation
for guidance into spiritual insights.
The purpose of Spiritual Guidance Meditation is not to sit in silence trying
to quiet your mind. It is about using visualisation to create a vivid image, a
colourful landscape where you can find answers, possibly to questions you
never knew you had.
I am going to guide you through a spiritual meditation process, read through
it first before you begin. Once you are ready you can start.
Preparing for your meditation
You can set up a sacred space to meditate in, though this is not crucial. But
do make sure that you are in a quiet and clean area and that no one will
disturb you. If there is anyone near you, let them know you need the time to
yourself to meditate. Also make sure that all electronics around you,
especially your phone, are switched off not on silent but completely
switched off. The electric field from your cellphone, television, computer,
etc can affect your personal energy field.
You are welcome to burn some candles and incense and play soft meditative
music if you feel it will help you on your journey. Although these are not
essential they can affect your mood, energy and mindset and help to prepare
you for what you are about to do. Your outer environment can affect your
inner experience.
Whether you are going to meditate indoors or outside at night make sure the
lighting is sufficient. If it is too bright it can become disturbing and you will
find it hard to focus but if it is too dark it might evoke unwanted emotions

such as fear and loneliness and you dont want to wake up to darkness
after having a wonderful experience. You want your lighting to be dim but
Make sure you are in a comfortable position that you can remain still in for
quite some time. You can either sit or lie down there are no strict rules on
position, as long as you are comfortable.
Beginning the process
Once you are comfortable and ready, close your eyes. Envision a protective
circle around the room made from white or golden light. When this circle is
strong enough you can then begin to focus on grounding yourself.

Grounding yourself is very important when performing any kind of energy

work and meditation is no different. Not grounding is like cooking
without a pot or pan. You need something to hold all your ingredients
together otherwise you could just be making a chaotic mess.

One of the most common and easiest ways to do this is by using the root
Imagine white light in the shape of roots growing out of the base of your
spine and beginning to grow from you and into the ground below. Imagine
the roots growing deeper and deeper into the earth, growing around rocks
and stones and anchoring you firmly. When you feel that you are thoroughly
anchored to the earth you can then begin to relax your body.
Slowly moving from your toes to your head feel your muscles begin to relax
and release any tension you might be feeling. Go over each muscle group,
your toes your feet your legs, your fingers, hands, torso, neck, head and face
until you feel completely relaxed and calm.
By calming your body you are also calming your mind and you will already
be starting to enter into a meditative state.


Dont rush through any of these steps, you want to take your time and
make sure that you are completely ready for your spiritual journey. You
will find that the more often you go through this process the less time you
will need. You may also find that some days, especially the ones where
you feel tired and stressed, this process will take longer.

The meditation
With your first meditation you will want to spend your time finding and
discovering your personal sacred space in the invisible.
It can be any type of setting. You could find yourself in a building or
outdoors in an open landscape. It is a place in your mind where you can go
to when ever you need to.
Once you are relaxed and ready to continue on your meditative journey, with
your eyes closed imagine a large clear bubble forming around you where
you are lying or sitting.
When your bubble is completely surrounding you, feel it begin to gently lift
you upwards. Let it lift you through any building structures such as a roof if
you are indoors. Feel it lift you higher and higher until you are floating in the
Once you are in the sky you will begin to feel your bubble moving
sideways, travelling across the face of the earth.
Eventually it will begin to slow and move downwards, taking you to your
Feel yourself gently coming down and softly touching the ground. Once you
have landed your bubble will fade away.
Have a look around at this new and wonderful place where you have landed
and begin to explore it. Use all of your senses. What can you see, hear and
smell? Touch and experience the things around you as this is your sacred
Get to know your new environment, when you come here during another

meditation something might have changed and this change could hold the key
to the guidance you are seeking.
This is a place where spiritual guides might come to meet you. They could
be in the form of a person or angel, a god or goddess or even an animal
spirit guide. If they appear to you in meditation, always be open and willing
to listen to the message they have for you, it might be advice relating to a
specific issue or just some general guidance.

A moment in spiritual meditation can be so powerful that it can affect the

rest of your life.

At times nothing or no one may appear to you, regardless you can still use
that time in your sacred space. You can sit quietly or explore. Remember
that wisdom can come to us in many different ways.
Most of the time the message you will receive will be clear and you will
understand what it means but there are times when you may need to work it
out. Different symbols have different meanings for all of us and the best
approach is often to try deciphering your meditation like you would a
dream. Having a book on dreams might be helpful. In week three I will
discuss more on dream interpretation.
Your meditation can last for as long as you feel necessary, whether it is an
hour or just a few minutes you will know when it is time to come back.
When you are ready, find somewhere in your sacred space where you can sit
or lie down and be still. Up until now you have been able to see and your
eyes have been open, close your eyes so that you can no longer see your
sacred space.
Slowly begin to feel yourself come into your physical body, feel your
fingers and toes, your arms and legs, your torso, neck and head.
When you are once again conscious of your physical body, count backwards
from three to one and slowly open your eyes. Take a deep breath and have a
nice big stretch and feel all your muscles expanding and contracting.

You will probably feel wonderfully relaxed and take some time to enjoy the
Try to do this every day for at least a few minutes. Before you start, try to
have an idea or a question regarding the type of guidance you are looking
After each meditation write down your experience in your spiritual journal,
make sure you include every detail you can remember. Something that might
seem insignificant, such as a smell or colour, might play a big role in
unlocking something on your spiritual journey or in another meditation.
Meditation should never feel like a chore. If you are feeling half-hearted
about it you may not have a good experience or receive the message you
need to. When it comes to spiritual guidance meditation you need to be
completely open to it. I would rather you not do it than feel as if you are
forcing yourself to do it because you have to.
There are so many possibilities opening up to you on a spiritual level and
my wish is for you to experience them with joy and love.


A Wiccan-Hindu God?
Wicca is not a very strict religion, it is a very personal religion that is
moulded by each individual. Within the Wiccan belief system we have room
to explore and discover new things that we can incorporate into our own
personal style of celebration. One of the reasons for this eBook is to help
you as an individual to discover your uniqueness in your spirituality.
Eclectic Wicca is becoming more and more common in the Wiccan
community as individuals begin to explore their beliefs.

Eclectic means: To take elements of something from a variety of sources

(for example in this case we are referring to spiritual beliefs and
religions) and bringing them together as one to function as a whole.

Wicca is a nature religion where the wheel of the year is celebrated as the
seasons come and go. We celebrate a God and Goddess, both in their many
Eclectic Wicca has the basic outlines of the original traditions as well as
the beliefs of following our true paths, so long as we hurt none. However
Eclectic Wiccans do borrow a little here and there to put together a spiritual
path that they associate with strongly, and to bring in Gods and Goddesses
that they feel are right for them.
I personally am an Eclectic Wiccan, and proud to say so. My beliefs at
times have a strong Hindu line running through them and sometimes a more
traditional line.
If you were to look at my altar as it currently stands, you would see a
beautiful image of the Goddess, with a moon in blues and whites, then right
next to it you would see a gold and silver and brightly coloured image of
Lord Ganesha.
There will be days when, perhaps in meditation, the Great Horned God or
God of The Grove will appear to me and so will the Triple Goddess (The

Crone is most likely to show herself to me).

However the Goddess that rings most true to me is the Spider Goddess. A
form of her can be found in almost every ancient culture throughout the
world and every time I walk through a spiders web, I see it as a blessing.
When I feel lost, or depressed, I tend to find that I am suddenly attracting
spiders to me, reminding me that I am not alone. They are always there and
are sacred to me (killing a spider in my home or around me is strictly
I often smile at the idea that perhaps it was my fate to be drawn to the
Spider Goddess. When I was a baby I was put down in an orchard and was
bitten by a spider and almost died due to it.
So yes, I tend to take a little from here and a little from there, if I am drawn
to something that might not be strictly in accordance with the very
traditional Wiccan paths and it calls to me, I dont see why I should ignore
I believe that even if it is something completely different and it is guiding
me, I should welcome it with open arms because perhaps it will take me on
a new adventure that will help me to learn more about being true to myself.
If you are new to Wicca and you find yourself worrying about the influences
of other religions or pantheons on your beliefs, embrace it instead of
pushing it away. Perhaps it is guiding you to a different path, one that suits
you better for where you are meant to be in your life right NOW! It might
change in a few days, months or even years, but accept every moment.
The other day I found myself worrying about one of my cats (I hadnt seen
him in 24 hours and Im one of those moms who panics easily) and out of
the blue I found myself praying to Bast to guide him home. Within a
couple minutes he came in through his kitty door, and I was immensely
relieved. I have never been drawn to any of the Egyptian Gods or
Goddesses before but at that moment, it came naturally to me and felt
Eclectic may seem a little eccentric at first but thats one of the wonderful
things about Wicca and Paganism, there is no strict dogma and no strict rules
on who you can and cannot worship.

There are many different Pagan paths out there you might even find that you
are strongly drawn to one of those more than Wicca. Kemeticism and Asatru
are also two growing Pagan paths. For some who still feel a strong
connection to Christianity but are also drawn to Paganism there is the
Christo-Pagan tradition. Theres Neo-Paganism and Italian Witchcraft and
within Wicca there are also many paths such as eclectic, Alexandrian,
Gardenarian, etc. These are just a few, the options are endless.
This is one of the reasons why I stress learning as much as you can, so that
you can find the path that is right for you.

Week two: Check List

* Write at least one page every day in your spiritual journal.
* Spend a few minutes each day practicing spiritual guidance meditation.


Week Three
Dreamwork: listening to your dream instinct
Dreamwork is about looking at various layers within a dream and not
necessarily for a single meaning for the dream.
When we dream we often can have an assortment of various dreams
grouped together, with different scenes. Sometimes these scenes have a
similar theme or they run on from each other and sometimes they dont seem
to have anything in common with one another at all.
As we all know, dreams are the minds way of sorting out and filing the
chaos of the day, but in doing so dreams can also help us to make sense of
our problems and can even help us to find a solution.
Theta brainwaves are dominant when we are sleeping but science has also
shown that someone in a heightened telekinetic state is also in a theta state.
For me this shows scientific evidence that it is possible for us to experience
psychic dreams, where we can see something that has happened or is going
to happen outside of ourselves.
This is what you are going to tap into when seeking spiritual guidance in
your dreams. You are going to be asking for guidance and wisdom to come
from an outside source as well as from within yourself.
As with most dreams, they may not make sense at first which is why you
will need to record everything you can remember from your dreams in your
spiritual journal so that you can decipher them.

If you struggle to remember your dreams try these and see if they will
Energy assistance. You can get assistance from outside sources such
as herbs, crystals and by asking your spiritual guides.
a. The herb mugwort has been used to help remember dreams. It is

associated with the Greek Goddess Artemis who was said to send
intuitive dreams. Make a sachet with the herbs and place it next to your
bed or under your pillow.

Gemstones that will help are:

a. Scolecite helps to brings dreams as well as helping the dreamer
to recall his or her dreams
b. Malachite helps with memory
c. Amethyst helps with headaches, sleeping and dreaming
Write it down immediately. Have your journal beside your bed so
that as soon as you wake up you can write down anything you might
remember. Even if it is something as simple as there was a wall, if
you cant remember where the wall was or what it looked like, still
write it down. You might not remember anything at all but you might
wake up feeling specific emotions but write down and describe these
anyway. Sometimes you might not think you have remembered what you
dreamt but once you start writing it down your dreams can come back
to you in more detail.
Before you go to sleep you can state, either aloud or in your mind
that you are going to remember your dreams when you wake up.

When you are preparing to go to sleep on an evening you are going to

perform Dreamwork, make a ritual out of it.
Have a bath or shower and imagine washing away the stress of the
Spend some time clearing your mind and focusing on the reason
you are looking for guidance.
You can create an affirmation to repeat before you go to sleep (I
will be covering more on this in week four).
The more relaxed you are, the higher your chances are of sleeping well and
remembering your dreams.


When you first begin to work with your dreams, it is important to

remember that the amount of time and effort you put into the process will
affect your results. As with many new things we begin to learn, after a
while it will become a lot easier.


Deciphering your dreams

There are many books available on dreams and dream interpretation and
although symbolism in dreams is very personal and unique to each of us,
dont discount these books. The authors have spent years researching the
symbols in order to give a broad understanding of them and these books can
serve as a base for you to begin your understanding of dreams.
When you are busy making sense of your dreams, take time on each symbol,
colour, sound, smell etc that you experienced and think about what it means
to you on a personal level. In this way you can begin to create your own
dream dictionary.
You might want to keep a separate journal just for writing down your
interpretations of your dream symbols so you dont have to flick back and
forth in your spiritual journal and get frustrated while trying to decipher
your dreams.
The same symbol in a dream can have different meanings which you can
discover as you learn. As an example, let us have a look at spiders.
In general spiders tend to create fear in someone when they are awake, so in
their dreams it could represent fear.
The Spider Goddess is the goddess of art and creativity so for some in a
dream, a spider can represent ones creative side.
On a personal level, the Spider Goddess is my personal deity. This is an
example of a symbol that can have different meanings depending on the
dream. The type of spider and the actions of the spider or the energy given
off by the spider in my dreams generally can mean one of two things. It can
either give me a calm feeling as well as bring the sense of having a blessing
coming into my life or it can give me the feeling of dread and it can
represent an omen of something bad to come.
Then depending on what else happens and appears to me in the dream will
help me to decipher what news the spider has bought with it.


Week three: Check List

* Write at least one page every day in your spiritual journal.
* Spend a few minutes each day practicing spiritual guidance meditation.
* On as many nights as is possible this week, work on asking for guidance
in your dreams. Work on remembering and deciphering them.


Week Four
Practicing a little energy work
Everything is made up of energy that vibrates and creates a frequency which
is in essence a power source. Energy work is about creating a smaller
source of this power with the intention of attracting more like-energy to it.
This is what creating a spell is based on. You are using ingredients, tools,
words and emotions to create a source of energy with the intention of
repelling or attracting something to yourself.
Emotions are your greatest weapon in your arsenal when it comes to
energy work and this is when you learn why they play such a big role in
your Magick in order for it to be successful.
I will work with an example of possibly the most common reason for
casting a spell, but the same principle works for all areas of Magick. The
example I will use is a love attraction spell.
Lets say you decide you are going to cast a love attraction spell to bring
that special someone into your life. You have all the right tools and
ingredients and you have the right words in your incantation.
You cast your spell as you know you should, doing everything right but
while you are working the spell you think about how lonely you are and you
feel the sadness associated with that sense of being. It is such a strong
emotion and what you are ultimately doing is charging a love spell with
feelings of loneliness and sadness and that is the energy you will continue to
attract to yourself.
For some time after your spell you might still be feeling alone and you will
begin to feel as if the spell just didnt work. Its not that the spell never
worked, because it did work the problem is that you had charged it with the
opposite source energy of what you really wanted.


Before you begin to practice any type of energy work it is a good idea to
set some time aside and practice building up your emotions. You need to
practise feeling how you would feel once you have what is you want in
your life. You have to feel as if you already have it.
When you are able to hold onto that emotion for a long period of time,
long enough to last through your preparation before casting, the duration
of your Magickal workings up until everything is finished and cleared,
then you should cast your spell.

This is just one form of energy work when it comes to Wicca and
Divination is another often used form of energy work. What a psychic is
doing is tapping into a constant energy stream and pulling information from
that stream. The source the psychic uses to attract that information is usually
a specific person or physical object.
Energy work can also be used in the arts of healing. A good example of this
is Reiki therapy, which can be done by the healer by touching the client or
over long distances where the healer and client dont necessarily have to be
in the same country as one another. Ancient cultures from around the world
have Shamans and healers who have learned to work with these healing
Another example is mediums and sensitives who work with spirits. They
are able to sense energies that most people cant and this allows them to
communicate with and help those who have passed on. When a medium is
helping a lost soul to cross over into the light it requires a huge amount of
energy work and knowing what they are doing is essential.
Out of all the forms of energy work, this last one should carry the biggest
warning. If you do not know what you are doing then dont do it. Working
with spirits when you dont understand exactly what it is you are doing, is
the easiest way for a novice to open up a portal and release something dark
and sinister into our world.
For the purpose of this eBook I am only going to cover the first form of

energy work I discussed, which is used in Magick workings. This is mostly

because creating that energy through spell work is one of the most attractive
elements of Wicca and is quite often what draws people to the Craft in the
first place.
Energy work can be used to help you create the life you desire. The
keyword in this last sentence is help. You cannot expect your Magick and
spells to do all of the work for you. They are there to help you focus your
intentions and to create the energy you need but if you do not take action you
are being counter productive and working against your goals.
Lets look at the love attraction spell again. Even if you do everything right
and build the right energy with your tools and emotions, if you become a
shut-in and you stay at home and never go out, you cannot expect to meet
Mr or Miss Right and the right person isnt necessarily going to show up at
your door for no apparent reason. If you really want love, you need to be
willing to put yourself out in the world.
There is truth to the saying actions speak louder than words. If you want
something to happen, you need to take action. You have created the energy
magnet, now take it out into the world and allow it to attract what it needs
When you first begin to work with energy you might find it tricky to believe
emotionally in what it is you are doing. It is only human to find difficulty in
believing in something you cannot see. We all like to have proof of the
existence of something before we can place our trust in it.
I am going to give you a basic exercise that you can use to experiment with
energy so that consciously and subconsciously you can begin to
acknowledge and accept that you are working with something that is real.

Remember to ground yourself before doing any kind of energy work, even
the simplest and smallest amount of energy work can drain a lot from you.

Exercise: The energy ball

You can perform this exercise with your eyes open or closed, I prefer

personally to have my eyes closed as it allows me to focus more on what it

is I am doing.
Place your hands out in front of you, about thirty centimetres apart, parallel
from each other with palms facing one another. Hold them there for a while
and take note on how the air feels around the palms of your hands. Is it cold
or warm? Is the air moving or still? Etc.
Once you are focused on the sensation of the air around your palms, slowly
begin to move your hands closer together, still concentrating on the
sensation around your hands. When you feel a noticeable change, whether it
is a change in temperature, or you feel a tingling sensation as if there is
some sort of invisible force between your hands, then stop moving your
hands completely and concentrate on this new sensation.
If you dont feel a change before your hands touch, then start the exercise
again. Try to move your hands even more slowly than before and really take
notice of the subtle changes you are feeling until you feel that one definite
change and you can stop your hands. It might take a few tries but dont give
up, it will be worth it.
When you have come right and you can feel the energy between your palms,
visualise the energy between your hands beginning to move around, let it
swirl until it creates a sphere, or ball shape, between your hands. Visualise
it, will it to happen and you will begin to feel the energy between your
hands begin to move and create that ball of energy.
Ever so slightly make the gesture of moving your hands towards and away
from one another, you will be able to feel the force of your sphere as you do
Now that you have that sphere in your hands, what you basically have is a
blank energy canvas. You can now charge it and the best way to do that is by
using your emotions.
Choose a positive emotion it could be joy, happiness, love etc. Sit still for a
moment and concentrate on feeling this emotion. Feel it inside yourself and
let it grow and grow until you feel as if the emotion wants to burst out of


Then imagine that emotion travelling from your body, down your arms and
out through your hands and into your energy ball. Feel how your ball begins
to change as it becomes charged with your emotion.
This energy and this source of power is just the beginning for you to be able
to create so many possibilities in your life.
You have now created this ball of energy, and if you are not going to use it,
you cant simply leave it lying around, you need to ground it. A witch never
leaves a mess and never leaves random energy lying around, it can build up
into something bigger and maybe even into something unwanted.
To begin the process of grounding your energy ball, make sure you are first
sitting on the ground, it can be indoors or outdoors. Then with your hands
push the sphere down into the earth, imagine the energy going down into the
ground and dissipating completely into the earth below you.
You can then rub your hands on the ground, or if you are outside dig your
fingers into the dirt. This along with washing your hands afterwards will
help you to ground any excess energy.
Take time out everyday for the next week to practise growing, charging and
grounding an energy ball. Every day try to make the ball a little bigger and
even try charging it with a different emotion.
After each experience, remember to record what happened in your journal.


The Poetry of Incantations

As I have mentioned before, a spell is a way to focus and direct intentions
and to create a source energy needed in order to achieve a desired goal. It is
a collection of written words, tools, ingredients and energy work bought
together in a ritual.
What we are going to be looking at now, are the words used in spell work,
the incantation that helps us to bring everything together.
Incantations are a powerful resource in the witchs toolbox, they are used
for many reasons, including prayers to deities, consecrations, blessings, to
build up energy during rituals, to name just a few.
An affirmation, also known as a mantra, is an incantation repeated
frequently in order to maintain focus on a goal as well as to strengthen intent
and personal energy to attract what is required to achieve that personal goal.
When you are creating your own incantations making them sound poetic is
not only so that they can sound pleasing to the ear but you are also using
poetry as a guide for more practical reasons too.
The first is memory. It is much easier to remember and repeat a couple lines
of poetry than it is to remember a short paragraph.
The second reason is that it encourages us to use our imaginations, making
sure we spend time putting energy into our words before we even begin to
use them. This will give them more power than if you were simply reciting
something out of a book.
You do not need to be a great poet and writer in order to create your own
incantations and you dont have to create a masterpiece with your words. In
fact keeping it as simple as possible actually can work to your advantage.
There is one general rule when it comes to writing incantations, especially
for spells, and that is to keep it simple and be specific. If it is too complex
or generalised the result might not be exactly what you were hoping for.
To begin, in your journal write down the reason for your incantation then

below it write down any keywords or phrases you would like to include.
Take your time and dont be afraid to do a little research if you need to.
There is an endless amount of books and information online that will help
you to find elements, ingredients and even specific deity to help support
your incantations. Also feel free to grab a thesaurus, if you would like to
look at adding a little rhyme to your incantation.
For example, I would like to write a mantra for a new book I am working
on. My reason for the book is help others in making personal spiritual
A few of the elements and keywords I would like to include:
Spider Goddess: The Goddess of art and creativity
I begin by looking at what I have and work on including them in two short
Spider Goddess thank you in helping me to find inspiration
So that I can create a successful book to help others on their spiritual path
It doesnt seem like much but it is simple and specific. I can work on it a bit
more if I need to until it works for me and is easy for me to remember, for
For all your guidance and inspiration
Thank you Goddess of Creativity
My successful book has information
To help others with their spirituality
I always like to complete my incantation with the three fold law, to remind
myself to keep my intentions good and to make sure that positive energy is
strengthened in the incantation.
To the freewill of all
So long as it hurt none
So mote it be
Play around with your poetic incantations and have fun with them, you will
know when you have one that feels right for you.

Week four: Check List

* Write at least one page every day in your spiritual journal.
* Spend a few minutes each day practicing spiritual guidance meditation.
* Perform the basic energy exercise at least once per day.
* Practice writing incantations, try to write at least five this week.


In Conclusion
I have given you a few easy to use tools to help you on your spiritual
journey. After you have completed your four weeks of working through the
exercises, take some time reflecting on anything you have learned or
If you would like to you can spend time going back and reading through the
entries in your spiritual journal. You might be amazed at how far you may
have grown within just one short month.
I hope you continue on your journey and you discover more wonderful
things as you explore your spiritual self.
The Magick is within you.
As it is within, so it is with out.
I wish you the Brightest of Blessings.



Alexandrian Wicca: A tradition of Wicca, founded by Alex Sanders and his

wife Maxine Sanders. Began to become popular in the 1960s.
Asatru: A religion of Germanic neo-paganism and is also known
as Heathenry. It is the revival of Norse traditions and belief systems.
Coven: a group of witches who have come together to practice similar
beliefs and rituals.
Gardnerian Wicca: A tradition of Wicca, founded by Gerald Gardner. This
system began to become popular in the 1950s and 1960s.
Kemeticism: The neo-pagan resurgence of Ancient Egyptian religions and
belief systems. Began to become popular in the 1970s
Magick: A word shaped by Aleister Crowley in the 1960s to define the
difference between every day magic and the energy work used during
spells and rituals in witchcraft.
Mediums: People who are able to see or feel spirits and ghosts and are
able to communicate with them and help them to cross over into the light.
Neo-paganism: description of modern practices of witchcraft and
paganism. Modern Wicca, falls under the umbrella of neo-paganism, though
there are many other modern witchcraft beliefs that do as well.
Wiccan Rede: A general rule used as a guideline in the practice of
witchcraft and Wicca.
Sensitives: People who have strong psychic abilities and are able to
sense certain spiritual elements that others cannot.
Solitary Witch: one who prefers to practice rituals and celebrate Sabbats
on his or her own.


Thelema Magick: A system of beliefs in Witchcraft founded by Aleister

Crowley. Thelema means To Will or To Wish into being.


You can follow me online:

Website: www.thewiccaseries.co.za
Facebook: Join my group The Wicca Series
Twitter: Follow me @Wiccaseries
Blog: http://thewiccaseries.blogspot.com


Table des Matires

Week One
What is Wicca?
Your Spiritual Journal
Week Two
Spiritual Guidance Meditation
A Wiccan-Hindu God?
Week Three
Week Three
Dreamwork: listening to your dream instinct
Deciphering your dreams
Week Four
Practicing a little energy work
The Poetry of Incantations
In Conclusion



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