Sitenotes 9

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Site Visit Notes

Student Name: Courtney Roof


Date/Site Visit Number: 12/7, 9

Grade Level/Subject: 8th, English

Using the space provided below, briefly summarize todays classroom experience.
Teaching Diverse students(color activity)
Reading, writing and oral communication(worksheet activity)
Identify the Illinois
Professional Teaching
Standard(s) targeted in
todays experience.

Identify the activities that

occurred today, which
addressed the teaching
standards identified above.
Then describe what you

Describe the impact of the

performance activities on
student learning.

Describe any additional

activities of significance that
occurred today.

General comments and

observations including at
least one emerging question.

-Students chose their favorite color (small squares of that color) and
had to write one word that described that color to them, along with a
symbol that represents that color
-Students answer questions on a worksheet about a story they are
reading, using inferences and thoughts on why certain events

-This activity allows students

to use their own opinions without the

pressure of thinking they need to do the same as another classmate
-Students were able to hear others thoughts and could see
differentiation through the opinion of color
-The activity showed that one thing can have multiple different
-Answering the worksheet questions made the students think more
in depth about why jonas was doing what he was doing in the story
-Some students told the class what word they are using to describe
their color to give an example
-Students write their group answers on the board and share

-Teacher was very clear in giving directions for the color activity
and the worksheet activity
Question: What is the purpose for the nicknames?

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