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The Use of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

And Its Effect on Increasing Sales Among Yarmouk

University Students
Graduation Project - Marketing

By Pioneer Group

Integrated Marketing Communication

By Pioneer Group

Group Members
Aasem Al-sayyid Sulaiman
Ahmad Makki
Mohammed Abu Asal
Yazan Al-Kawamleh

Introduction And Background Of The

The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) was
introduced in the 1980s from the roots of psychology,
marketing and mass communications.
Phelps, and Johnson (1996) Despite arguments that the term
Integrated Marketing Communications is merely a new phrase
for old ideas , it is widely accepted by now and taught in
business schools all over the world.
The basic objective of IMC is to stimulate sales, directly or
indirectly, by trying to make lofty claims about product

Introduction And Background Of The

Companies continue to spend large
sums of money on IMC, which is
one of the most important and
visible marketing tool.
IMC has become so integral part of
marketing that one cannot
imagine any event without at least
one component of the IMC
contributing in the its promotion.

Statement Of The Problem

What is the impact of the IMC on
increasing sales among Yarmouk
?University students

Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of
IMC on sales and to explore the concepts and practices of
IMC used locally the study was explorative in nature and in
addition tried to make a quantitative assessment of IMC on
sales among students in Yarmouk University.

Scope Of The Study

This study was conducted in Yarmouk
University, Irbid, Jordan among 700
students studying at BA degree in seven
different faculties: faculty of Economics
and Administrative Sciences, faculty of
Archaeology and anthropology, faculty of
arts, faculty of hajjawi for Engineering
technology, faculty of Law, faculty of Fine
Arts, and faculty of Information
Technology Therefore, unit of analysis is a

Definitions of Key Terms

The definition of IMC is: Coordination of promotion and other marketing

effort for maximum informational and persuasive impact. So, a major
goal of integrated marketing communication is to send a consistent
message to customer. (Pride, W.M. and Ferrell, O.C. 2006)
By today however, the paradigm of IMC is still considered an emerging
concept With evolving definitions contributed as its components:

Advertising is a paid non personal communication about an
organization and its products transmitted to target audience
through mass media, include TV, Radio, the Internet,
newspaper...etc. (Pride, W.M. and Ferrell, O.C. 2006)

Definitions of Key Terms

Personal selling
Personal selling is paid personal communication that seeks
to inform customers and persuade them to purchase product
in an exchange situation. . (Pride, W.M. and Ferrell, O.C. 2006)

Public Relation
Public Relation is a broad set of communication effect used
to create and maintain favorable relationships between an
organization and its stakeholder. . (Pride, W.M. and Ferrell,
O.C. 2006)

Definitions of Key Terms

Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion is an activity or material that acts as a
direct inducement, Offering added value or incentive for
the product, to resellers, salespeople, or consumer. (Pride,
W.M. and Ferrell, O.C. 2006)
Direct marketing
direct connection with carefully targeted individual
consumer to both obtain an immediate response and
cultivate lasting customer relationship the use of
telephone, mail, Fax, E-mail, the internet, and other tools to
communicate directly with specific consumer (Armstrong,
G. and Kotler, F. 2006)

Definitions of Key Terms

Any of a number of activities designed to promote
customer purchase of a product or service. Sales can be
done in person or over the phone, through e-mail or other
communication media. The process generally includes
stages such as assessing customer needs, presenting
product features and benefits to address those needs and
Negotiation on price, delivery and other elements.
(Available online


Many of previous researches were investigated in variant
conditions, most of them were conducted in economicallyadvanced countries which did not study the importance of
IMC activities' effects on increasing sales in Jordan .
This research is considered as the first to conduct in
measuring the scope of IMC impact on buying behavior of

This research has adopted the following questions from
previous research, that we validated and tested by
researchers. a five degree likert scale was used.

1-Do advertising campaigns effect on
the consumer purchase?

2-Do public relations effect on the

consumer purchase?

3-Does personal selling effect on

the consumer purchase?

4-Do direct marketing effect on

consumer purchase?

5-Do sales promotions effect on

consumer purchase?

Research model
Independent variables

Dependent variables

Sales Promotion

public relation

personal selling

Direct market




H1: There is a statistical relationship between the advertising

campaign and increase in consumer purchase.
H2: There is a statistical relationship between the sales promotion
and increase in consumer purchase.
H3: There is a statistical relationship between the public
relation and increase in consumer purchase.

H4: There is a statistical relationship between the personal selling

and increase in consumer purchase
H5: There is a statistical relationship between the direct marketing
and increase in consumer purchase.

Testing hypothesis
Data collection method:
we have developed a questionnaire
which contains four questions for
each variable of the study , the
questionnaire includes 18 questions
that measure the four variables and
how they effect on sales .

:Testing hypothesis
H1: There is a statistical relationship between the sales
promotion and increase in consumer purchase.

Table 1 :

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

We see in this table that there is statistical relationship
between sales promotion and sales under the
percentage of (.383%) when the sig =.01 level .

H2: There is a statistical relationship between the personal

selling and increase in consumer purchas
Table 2 :

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

We see in this table that there is statistical relationship
between personal selling and sales under the percentage of
(0.461) when the sig =.01 level

H3: There is a statistical relationship between the advertising campaign and increase in
consumer purchase.
Table 3 :

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

We see in this table that there is statistical relationship between advertising and sales under the
percentage of (0.540) when the sig =.01 level

H4: There is a statistical relationship between the public relation and increase in consumer
Table 4 :

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

We see in this table that there is statistical relationship between public

relation and sales under the percentage of (0.510) when the sig =.01 level

:Method of testing
Results of gender
Table 5 :

The above table shows that the number of males respondents

approximately equals to that of females respondents, where the
males were 330 respondents (50.2%) and the females were 328
.respondents (49.8%)

Tabel: 6
Results of college
: Collage name

This research study comprised seven collages in yarmouk university, where it

:includes 658 respondents distributed as followed
.Economy: 170 respondents (25.8%) which has the maximum number of respondents
Archaeology : 67 respondents (10.2) which has the minimum number of
. respondents

Table 7 :
Results of year level

Year level

Concerning the distribution of year levels, first year students

had the least number of respondents ,118 (17.9%) , second
year had the maximum number of respondents which reaches
to 194 (29.5%). , third year 153 (23.3%) , and the fourth year
193 (29.3).

Table 8

There is no significant relationship between the four above

variables. that is what is concluded from the sample we
.operate in yarmouk university

Table 8 cont

There is no significant relationship between the four above

variables. that is what is concluded from the sample we
.operate in yarmouk university

Discussion and
The conclusion ,in our perspective, is that
this strong correlation between sales
promotion and buying decision of customer is
attributed to that the considered customer
examined is stimulated by the various
promotional tools, personal representatives,
publicities, and many ads such as free
samples, coupons, discounts, commercials and
sponsorships where the customer is triggered
through such techniques to take the purchase
decision, and sometimes in more quantities.

:Academic implication
This research is considered as a foundation base for the
coming researchers for our topic , where they exploit our
findings and utilizing it in investigating more extended
.more extended researchers
: Managerial implication
Companies can also utilize our finding to determent the
right mix of their promotional tools in a way that meet
customer's opinion


We were restricted in place , in which we were doing this study in Jordan and exclusively in yarmouk university , that is this research
measure yarmouk university's students opinions in various colleges

There was no time for doing a study that includes all the society categories . so, we were forced to narrow off our study on a
.selected sample of yarmouk university student

the insufficient financial and human resources were a real .obstacles toward our study to be expanded

we did not take into consideration all the integrated marketing communication elements since they differ from researcher or
.scholar to other

that we did not find enough previous researches that study our research variables straightforward and in accuracy this was a
.limitation too

Based on the conclusion of our research study , we came up with
the following recommend:
1-we could recommend using the mother tongue language of our
studied population in the ads exposed
2- we could recommend the use of price discount and the product
bundle to stimulate purchase.
3-we could recommend companies to activate some methods of
communication between the company and customers and knowing
their desires concerning purchase through database.
4-we could recommend some advices for companies regarding
personal presentation of the product that is presenting the features
of the product in an attractive way.


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