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Discussion Norms for a Productive and Respectful Class Conversation

Looks Like:
Everyones eyes on you - make eye contact with the person talking
People are paying attention to the person whos talking
Being quiet while they talk
Smile when someone talks
Physical gesture of agreement (thumbs up, nodding)
No horseplay (not messing when other people are talking)
No violence
No messing with someones things (disrespect)
Maintaining an open body posture
Feels Like:
Friendly, open (feel free to share opinion without being judged)
Communicating your point clearly
Taking turns promotes self expression
Everyones opinions are respected
Inclusive (everyones a part) - inviting people to share
Sounds Like:
Quiet except for the speaker
No side conversations
Questions being answer are answered fully
On topic
Adding follow up questions/comments
Not listening to music

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