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Bose 1

Arun Bose
Professor Connie Douglas
7 September, 2016
Scavenger Hunt

1. Literacy is a proficiency and understanding of any skill that can

be outwardly applied. Everyone is literate in a certain skillset to a
certain degree. I have typically only heard this term in English or
writing classes. This class as well as the videos we have watched
has influenced and shaped my definition of literacy.
2. Education has changed entirely over the past one hundred years.
While the everyone in this classroom would certainly be
considered literate, not a single one of us would have been
able to succeed in any part of this test. The entire test is far
more agriculturally centered than our educations have been and
it features many aspects that would be entirely inapplicable to
modern tests.
3. Given that we would only have been given ten minutes to
complete the test and one hundred per cent accuracy is
expected, we would have all failed. The real purpose of these
tests was to prevent African American voters from being able to
pass the test, which would subsequently disable them from

Bose 2
voting. The language was designed in order to trick and confuse
the person taking the test.

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