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Open Image in Photoshop

2. Change the mode of the image:

Click Image > Mode > Grayscale

3. Using the Levels Adjustment:

Click on the Levels Icon on the Adjustments Menu

4. Click on the black eyedropper

Use this to tell the program where to make black in your image.

Note: The darker values in this image after adjusting the levels. (in this image I clicked in the shadows to
darken them.

5. Repeat the process using the white eyedropper (it does the same thing as the black eyedropper
but for white values) Below is an example when I clicked it in an area that I wanted to adjust.

6. Next, return the image back to RGB Color

Click Image > Mode > RGB Color

7. A window will prompt you with an option, choose Flatten

8. Open a texture in Photoshop

a. Select all (Cmd+ A)
b. Copy (Cmd + C)

9. Paste Texture onto image (Cmd + V)

10. Use free transform (Cmd + T) to stretch the texture over the entire image

11. On the layers menu you have the ability to change the properties of a layer using blending
a. Click on the layer you want to change
b. Click on the blending options drop down menu
c. Select the option that looks best, experiment with different options (overlay is usually a
good choice)

Below is an example of using the Overlay option

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