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Works Progress Administration

Or We Poke Along?

Insert the URL/Citation for image used above (2 points):

1. What issue you are addressing in your meme? (2 points)

The issue that I am addressing is how some Americans did not think that these work programs were a good idea and were a waste
of federal and tax payer money.

2. Why you think it is an issue that is important to address in today's world? (2 points)
I think this is an important issue to address because it shows how divided a country can be on issues. Back then there were two
sides to the new deal legislation, those who thought it was helpful and those who thought it was a waste of money. This still goes on
today for many issues.

3. What, specifically, about your meme makes it count as propaganda, rather than just an entertaining image? (2 points)
My meme counts as propaganda because it is promoting a certain political view, and is being used to sway the opinion of the
general public.

4. Why did you use the images and words that you chose in your meme? (2 points)
I choose the words I did because We Poke Along was used by many American who opposed the Works Progress Administration and
thought that it was a waste. I choose the image that I did, because it was an image where it looked like workers were just standing
around, thus helping to prove the point of the opposers.

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