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Running head: OBSERVATION

Psychologists Developmental Milestones

Jasmin Arellano-Mota
College of Southern Nevada

During this observation I activity decided to take the time and observe my three-year-old
nephew. His name is Joshua. The second youngest sibling in his family, Kayleen is the older sister
who is fifteen years old, second sister is Jamee who is nine years old and lastly Giovanni who is
one year old. Joshua live in a house with his mother and father, both of his parents were born in
Mexico. Moreover, his parents decided to teach Joshua Spanish as his first language because they
feel it is important to know his native language. In addition, Joshua talks to his parents in Spanish,
and English with his sisters. In most of the observation activities took a minimum of one hour in
places such at his house and a park. For the first two days, his parents were not around, only for
the last day.
I had the opportunity to spent time with Joshua along as well with his family for an entire
week. There was couple of days I decided to spend the night at his house to observe in the
specific areas in the PRISM. Given this opportunity. Each sessions were approximately for 25-om
minutes. Moreover, I was able to have a closer opportunity to observe and note which of the
developmental milestones Joshua met according to his age.
The first day of observation lasted one hour and normally focused on his physical
development. For this exercise I brought a big box with Legos, cars, balls, stuffed animals and
action figures. First, I instructed Joshua to look in the toy box and take out ten Legos. He
managed to take four Legos out of the box, but he got distracted by other toys in the box. I
reminded him that he needs to take out ten Legos couple of minutes later he was able to finish the

For the second activity Joshua stacked the Legos to make a big tower, while stacking the
Legos he counted out loud the numbers. He first started counting the numbers in English then
some in Spanish. Over all he mixed his numbers in both languages but he was able to count to ten.
The last activity was testing how well he knows his colors. Using some Legos, he was asked to
identify the color that resulted in Joshua knowing his colors perfectly in English. In Spanish
Joshua got his colors confused, but once we reviewed the colors he was able to identify them.
As a result, Joshua has normal physical development (DSHS Fosterparentscope, 1993). He
was able to manage to jump, run, play, and able to use his hands for playing with the playdough.
The couple of times he needed to use the restroom he was able to warn me and go on his own.
According to the text, preschool children are extremely active and have good control of
their bodies, and enjoy activity for its own sake (Snowman & McCown, 2013 p. 49). As
Snowman, suggest that children around this stage is normal for kids to have a lot energy. It can be
confirmed that Joshua is properly develop in this area due to the fact he enjoys any physical
activity such as playing soccer, jumping in the trampoline and running around the house.
In addition, preschoolers frontal lobes of the brain seems to grow rapidly to help kids
function simple commands and focusing on a task (Snowman & McCown p 53). Snowman states
that in this stage, Joshua would only respond to simple commands but I notice that Joshua can
respond to any type of commands. As a result, Joshua seems to respond to the simple ones since
he does not like doing more than one thing at a time.
A need that follows under this category is the physiological needs regarding to the every day
basic essentials, such as water, food and oxygen. Joshua has a good appetite what is consider at
his age (DSHS Fosterparentscope) and accepts new foods. Joshua meets the needs for the basic
essential of everyday life.

One recommendation I would make for the childs further development to meet the
physical components for her age is to introduce Joshua to more sports in order to help him
disciplined. Since most of the sports requires patience to learn new moves and disciplined in the
aspect where he would need to practice everyday in order to improve. I feel Joshua without being
involve in team sports he would fall below the average level of moral development that follows
under this category. In addition, he has an advantage since boys tent to be better on motor skills
that involve large-muscles movements (Snowman & McCown, 2013, p 56).
themtonotactthemselves.Moreover,Snowman states that is likely to happen since at this stage
children to have the tendency to look for approval.
A need that follows under this category is the Belongingness and love needs regarding to
acceptance and affection. Joshua is extremely attached to his mother (DSHS Fosterparentscope),
is hard for him to departure from his mother. At this age is normal for kids to fear being along
and mothers depature (DSHS Fosterparentscope).
My recommendations I would make for the childs further development to meet the
belongingness and love is to let Joshua spend more time away from his mother. According to

Snowman & McCown, toddlers at this age tend to establish the beginnings of their
independence, if they are permitted and encourages they are capable to make progress in their
enviroment ( Snowman & McCown p18). Having Joshua spend more time away for his mother
would make it easier on him when the times comes when he has to start school.
Following is the intellectual area of the milestones. A couple of days after the first
observation, I went over to Joshuas house to do some activities that had to deal with the
intellectual development. For this assignment, I began the day by reading one of his favorite
books, Super Paws. During the whole story he was paying attention. Then I ask him to
summarize what was the story about. One of his responses was, why Marshall is his favorite
character, but even though the story was in English his responses were in Spanish.
After, we sang some kid songs like the ABCs, Row Row Row Your Boat which he really
did not seemed into it. So then I decided to sing some songs in Spanish and he started to dance
and sing along. His pronunciation was good for his age. He was able to understand what he was
singing. We sang and danced for fifteen minutes then decided to play with playdough. During this
activity he was starting conversations about the animals he was making. He decided to save his
playdough creation to show his mother and seemed excited the whole time making things out of
I noticed that he could easily learn new things quickly, so we played an invented game I came up
with. I noticed he was able to run, kick, climb, jump, and pull normally. It seems that he enjoys
doing more physical activities. In this area he showed some more than normal characteristics. For
example, he could use more than four-word sentences. Moreover, when he is taught new things it
is easy for Joshua to learn (DSHS Fosterparentscope, 1993).

I noticed that he could easily learn new things quickly, so we played an invented game I
came up with. I noticed he was able to run, kick, climb, jump, and pull normally. It seems that he
enjoys doing more physical activities. In this area he showed some more than normal
characteristics. For example, he could use more than four-word sentences. Moreover, when he is
taught new things it is easy for Joshua to learn (DSHS Fosterparentscope, 1993).
According to Piagets cognitive development one of his theory showed that children think
differently ways compared to adults (pg. 23). His development showed different stages where
children are born with the tendencies to adapt. Piagets refers organizations as a combine process
into coherent systems (pg 23). This development helps the thinking process to be more efficient of
the individual to the environment. According to Piaget, Joshua cam grasp easily new ideas since
he has the tendencies to adapt to any situations.
Lev Vygotsky had very different views about the major forces that shape learning and
thinking, particularly with respect to the roles of culture, social interaction, and formal
instruction (Snowman & McCown, 2013, p. 31). Vygotsky thought that a child could acquire
information by learning various facts and concepts. According to Vygotsky, Joshua learning his
native language, which is Spanish, is a form of way how he can identify objects around his
environment (Snowman & McCown, 2013, p. 34).
Howard Garners theory of multiple intelligences are describe into eight type of categories
that are The intelligences that Gardner describes are logical-mathematical, linguistic, musical,
spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist (Snowman & McCown,
2013, p. 75). Since Joshua is not in the stage where he has develop completely its not that
accurate to tell exactly which category he would be, but according to my observation he would
fall under the Bodily-Kinesthetic since he is able to control body movements.

Robert Sternbergs triarchic theory of intelligence consists in three parts of abilities that
are analytical. Creative and practical (Snowman & McCown, 2013, p 74). Based on observation,
Joshua would fall under the category of creative ability that involves inventing, discovering and
A need that follows under this category is self-actualization rgarding to maximizing ones
potential. Joshua has the tendency to learn new thing and could use more than two-word
sentence (DSHS Fosterparentscope). As well, Joshua is in the process of not just learning one
language but two.
My recommendation I would make for the childs further development in selfactualizations is for the parents to take advantage in stage to maximizing Joshuas potential by
spending more time and teaching him new things. According to Piaget, she states, the child is
capable of reversing actions (Snowman & McCown, 2013, p 27). Taking advantage of Joshuas
intellectual stage would make it easier for him once he starts school
Social development
Next is the social development milestones. Joshua showed normal characteristics for social
development (DSHS Fosterparentscope, 1993). Most of the times he does consider his mother in
most of the day and is able to socialize with kids when he has the opportunity to go wonder by
himself. Now he might not want to interact with other kids, but once he sees them playing around
the playgrounds or with any toys Joshua gets involved.
According to Ericksons theory, Joshua development on his social environment plays a
role of the person and culture in his development (Erickson Pg. 17). In other words, this theory
can represent important goals and requirements in their personal growth. Joshua, social
development is based on his parents culture which they both have Mexican background.
Expecting Joshua to be bilingual and have a better lifestyle than their parents.

James Marcia extended the concept of Ericksons theory of identity (Marcia pg.22). He
developed the identity status into four categories, each of them identity status represents parts of
a youth progress with identifying their beliefs, values and gender roles. (Snowman pg. 21).
Marcias theory cant be completely applied to Joshua social development, since he is only a
Moral development
The final section is the moral developmental milestone. Joshua is in the stage of preconventional morality, in which, he still is learning what is right or wrong and what would lead to
consequences (DSHS Fosterparentscope, 1993). According to Piagets he concluded that
childrens ideas regarding rules or morals judgments change once the child gets older (Snowman
pg.40). I noticed that Joshua might not have enough years to conclude what his morals should be,
but he is aware of the consequences once he doesnt obey. In some occasion he might seem to
care about the consequences of disobeying his parents after being disciplined for his misconduct
he feels guilty of his actions.
In addition, using Kohlbergs moral development is difficult to apply his theory in a toddler
since most of his results where from kids from ages 8 and above. Moreover, Guilligans many
adolescent females are most likely to resolve Ericksons crises of identity versus role confusions
and intimacy versus isolation concurrently rather consecutively (Snowman pg. 43). Having this
on mind, this doesnt relate to Joshua since he is not a female and he is not in the stage where he
can be observed in this school scores.
Noddings theory where she provided different view on her moral development. She
believes that Ericksons theory of identity development does not accurate describe the couse of
moral reasoning in females (Snowman pg 44). Nodding feels that females are most likely in real
life moral issue to become more caring and helping. During my observation, I tend to agree with

Noddings theory, Joshua he seems to only worry about himself. Does not like sharing with his
older sisters especially with his younger brother.

To conclude based on my observation it resulted that Joshua meets majority of the
development milestones expected at her age. Maslows hierarchy of needs concluded that Joshua
would become activated and met held in high regard such as values, goodness, and justice
(Snowman & McCown p.252.) Moreover Joshua has a great potential of becoming a student with
having many opportunities for a better future.

DSHS Fosterparentscope Training: Child Development Guide: Eight to Nine Years. (1993).
Washington State Department of Health and Social Services. Retrieved
Snowman, J., & McCown, R. (2013). Ed psych. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Appendix A
Observation Notes

3 years old


2 older sisters

Parents married, live together


Medium to low class

Spanish and English; fluent in Spanish, conversational/can understand English

Environment & Time Spent

Joshua house, Friends house

30 minutes asking questions, observed throughout the day


Active, enjoy running around

Does not urinate frequently

Eats easily with a spoon


Does not have a short attention span

Could easily lean new things quickly

Uses more than four-word sentences

Still very curious


Doesnt enjoy talking to strangers

Does not make friend easily, in some occasion he could come with an aggressive behavior.

Is interest in family conversations, wants to know whats going on.


Likes immediate rewards for good behavior

Fears being in the dark and alone

Loves animals and doesnt seem to be afraid

Cries when he doesnt want to obey what he was told to do


In some occasion he does not obey her mother.

Learning what is right or wrong and what would lead into consequences.

Seems to obey his father more than his mother.

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