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Accessibility at the UNM

Student Union Building for

Visually-Impaired Students
A Recommendation Report to the Dean of Students

Cornelius Keegan Sutanto


ENGL 219

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................1
Introduction and Background...................................................................................3
Methodology ...........................................................................................................4
Online Research ................................................................................................. 4
Interview ............................................................................................................ 4
Results of Research and Study..................................................................................5
Orientation Cues ................................................................................................ 5
Cluttering ........................................................................................................... 5
Braille Signs ........................................................................................................ 7
Discussion of Results................................................................................................7
Tactile Maps ....................................................................................................... 7
Professional Guide ............................................................................................. 7
Design Space to be More Accessible ................................................................ 7
Final Recommendation ............................................................................................9
Sources.................................................................................................................. 10

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The University of New Mexico (UNM) has always been a diversified educational
institution; students with many different backgroundsrace, origin, disabilityhave been
accepted to the university. In efforts to facilitate a supportive learning environment for the
students, UNM has either consciously or unconsciously applied the concept of Universal
Design. This recommendation report discusses the application of Universal Design at the
UNM Student Union Building for the accessibility of the visually-impaired students,
providing recommendations for improvements based on research results.

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Introduction and Background

This recommendation report provides the advice and recommendations from a current
student to the Dean of Students office on the application of Universal Design in regards to
the accessibility of the Student Union Building. Universal Design is an idea to include as
many people as possible in using the same infrastructure, whether they are disabled,
young, old, etc. The idea is an effort by the people to support equality, and is being applied
all over the world. One example of the institutions which are already applying the concept
is the formal education; schools and colleges across the world today are trying to
accommodate as many students as possible, removing barriers caused by disabilities.
University of New Mexico (UNM) has also been working on this concept. Ramps and
automatic doors for wheelchair users, accessibility center to help the handicapped, and
many more. When people think about the building at UNM that would represent majority
of students, they would think about the Student Union Building. After all, the reason why
a Student Union Building is built was for the students to be able to find a place to gather
and be represented. However, the Student Union Building may not be accessible enough
for some students with a certain disability.
Visually-impaired students have reported difficulties in accessing the Student Union
Building at UNM. If the Student Union Building would stay true to its reason to exist, then
it should be accessible for every UNM student, including those with disabilities. Therefore,
this issue should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent exclusion of the students.
This report shall include:
1. Information gathered from the research done about the problems reported by
visually-impaired students attending the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
2. Analysis of the problems that were reported by the students.
3. Possible solutions to make the Student Union Building more accessible for the
visually-impaired students.
The research was conducted by two consecutive methods: 1) online research and 2)
interview with visually-impaired UNM students. After the methods and results are
explained, this report will be concluded by discussions about the steps that can be taken
to improve the facilities for visually-impaired students accessibility.

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For this research, these consecutive methods were used:
1. Online research:
1. The researcher searched in the internet for issues in navigation and
orientation which visually-impaired students face around the world.
i. Keywords: blind orientation issues, navigation issues for visually
ii. Websites visited:
2. After finding problems, the researcher grouped the problems by the reason
they exist, whether they are caused by the disability itself or the inadequacy
of the infrastructure.
2. Observation
1. In the group where the infrastructures cause the problem, the researcher
observed the site (UNM Student Union Building) and see if the building has
the same problems found on the internet.
3. Interview:
1. After finding the problems associated with the infrastructure, the researcher
asked visually-impaired UNM students to verify the problems and their
perspective on the problems.
i. Questions:
1. From 1 to 10, how well would you rate the UNM Student Union
Building accessibility for visually-impaired students?
2. What problems do you face when you were accessing the
Student Union Building?
3. What improvements would you recommend for the UNM
Student Union Building?
2. The researcher takes notes, then goes to search the internet for available

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Results of Research and Study

After the research method was completed, the researcher found evidences of
infrastructure inadequacy in the UNM Student Union Building in accommodating for the
visually-impaired students, which are:
1. Orientation Cues
Visually-impaired students need to rely on their other senses to navigate. Therefore,
they would need non-visual cues to be able to tell their position and get around.
However, the UNM Student Union Building has almost no non-visual cues to help the
visually-impaired students navigate.
The process of navigation would be roughly similar to these steps:
1. The student enters from one of the entrances.
2. The student knows which way they came from, for example they came from the
East entrance of the Student Union Building, therefore they are facing West.
3. After entering the building, the students then look for cues that can tell where
they want to go, for example one of the restaurants.
4. By following the cues, they head to the destination.
5. Finally, they follow the cues back to the exit.
The UNM Student Union Building has problems starting from the 3rd step. There are
not enough cues that are detectable by the visually-impaired students, that to reach
their destinations most of the time they must ask around instead of being able to
independently find them.
After finding their destinations, because of the lack of non-visual cues that they need
to know where they are, they often get lost because they cannot determine the
direction they are facing and where they are going out from.
2. Cluttering
The visually-impaired students use their canes to find obstructions and objects on their
way. In the Student Union Building, however, the following problems were reported:
Cluttered tables and chairs, causing difficulties when navigating.
Crowds of people that often collide with the visually-impaired students.
Undetectable poles and straps that defines the lines for the restaurants.
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Figure 1: The UNM Student Union Building map. Red circles indicate cluttered areas.

Contrary to popular belief, the visually-impaired students do want to wait in line. They
reported not needing any special treatments such as priority service. However, the
problem is they are unable to find the start of the line, because the poles and straps
are often undetectable by their canes. This is also a problem with finding empty chairs
and tables for them to sit. The visually-impaired students reported repeated collisions
with the tables and chairs in the Student Union Building.

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3. Braille Signs
Visually-impaired students use Braille to read. The numbers on the doors and hallways
are visual cues, which they cannot access. The Student Union Building has no Braille
sign available.

Discussion of Results
After compiling the results of the research, the researcher has concluded that the UNM
Student Union Building do require some adjustment to be adequately accessible for the
visually-impaired students. Actions that are possible to improve the accessibility of the
UNM Student Union Building for the visually-impaired students:
1. Tactile Maps
Unlike the normal maps we use, they
show directions by textures and
contours. They can be made using
many different materials, and would
provide excellent image for the
visually-impaired students about a
The Student Union Building can either
replace all the maps in the building
Figure 2: Tactile Map
with tactile mapswhich can also be
used visuallyor make a few available
for the visually-impaired students to take and carry around while they are in the
Easy to use for the visually-impaired
Cheap to make (3D printing, hand craft, or
buy from makers)
Versatile (can also be used as normal

Need constant update to follow changes
happening in the building

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2. Professional Guide
A professional guide for the visually-impaired works both as a navigation helper and
trainer. The guide would help the visually-impaired students get familiarized with the
environment, and make sure they are safe during the process.
The UNM Student Union Building can provide a station for each entrance to help the
visually-impaired students navigate around the building, and train students to be
professional guides. However, the visually-impaired students reported not necessarily
wanting to have other people help them get around, they prefer being able to navigate
by themselves.
Creates job openings for students
Guides may be more responsive and
adaptable to different circumstances

Requires training for the guides
May not always be available, depending
on the workforce
Extra expenses for UNM
May not make the visually-impaired
students independent

3. Design Space to be more Accessible

There are many different ways to redesign the building, however this report focuses on
addressing the main problems found during the research, including:
a. Cluttering:
i. Give clear traffic paths for the tables and chairs.
ii. Differentiating the floor texture to define different areas.
iii. Creating landmarks that are detectable by canes for waiting lines.
b. Braille Signs:
i. Putting up braille sign for every room door at a consistent height.
Solves most of the problems in orientation
and navigation
Improvements would also help the nonvisually-impaired students
Improvements are mostly permanent, and
would last a long time

Some options such as differentiating the
floor texture and creating landmark may
be costly
Takes time to apply, and takes some time
to familiarize for the students

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Final Recommendation
This research points out parts of the UNM Student Union Building that should be improved
to better accommodate the visually-impaired students using the concept of Universal
Design. Considering the cost and benefit of each presented options, the researcher would
recommend the following actions:
1. Redesign parts of the UNM Student Union Building to create a clear traffic path:
a. Create a certain flow of traffic from each entrance, consulting the
visually-impaired students in the process.
b. Differentiate floor textures with existing carpets, marking the different
areas for certain purposes such as dining, study area, computer room, etc.
c. Put up landmarks for the most important areas such as waiting lines,
stairs, and bathrooms.
d. Post Braille signs on each landmark and door at a consistent height.
2. Create tactile maps using available
materials from around campus:
carboards. Consult the researcher
for methods of crafting the tactile
3. Make the tactile maps available at
each entrance for the students to
Figure 3: Tactile map made of cardboard.
The cost of the improvements is very low, since
most of the resources (carpets and cardboards)
are already available on campus. By following these steps, the UNM Student Union Building
can be improved to provide better accessibility for the visually-impaired students, showing
that UNM would always welcome diversity to the campus.

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@wayfindinguk. "Blind and Visibility Impaired Travellers and Wayfinding." Wayfinding in
Travel and Tourism. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 Nov. 2016.
University of Northern Colorado - Greeley Colorado. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2016.
"Orientation & Mobility." Perkins School for the Blind. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
"ADA Guide for Places of Lodging: Serving Guests Who Are Blind or Who Have Low Vision" Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
Bai, Yicheng, Wenyan Jia, Hong Zhang, Zhi-Hong Mao, and Mingui Sun. "Landmark-Based
Indoor Positioning for Visually Impaired Individuals." International Conference on Signal
Processing Proceedings. International Conference on Signal Processing. U.S. National
Library of Medicine, 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.

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