Literacy Question Answers

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Bose 1

Arun Bose
Professor Connie Douglas
29 August, 2016
Literacy Question
1. The earliest encounter with language I can remember is learning
to write in cursive when I was roughly around five years old.
2. In the sixth grade I was required to take a class in Chinese at the
school I went to and I got an eighteen on my final exam.
3. When I get angry I tend to say things that I do not necessarily
mean that tend to escalate the situation at hand.
4. My father is the storyteller in my family. His story telling has me
a better storyteller because he tends to take extended pauses in
the middle of his story, which I find irritating so I make sure not
to do this when I am telling a story.
5. I have been learning the rules of good writing in school since I
was around five years old.
6. Every teacher I have ever had has affected my writing by
teaching me the rules of the English language.
7. During the writing of my bands last release, I wrote a passage of
lyrics that we ended up keeping and this helped me find closure
with the issues that I wrote about.
8. I keep set lists from shows that I have played and I have given
some to people who listen to my band.
9. I would say that my writing skills are better than that of the
average person in my same age group however I would not say
that I have the best speaking skills by any means.

Bose 2

If I read something written by another student and find it is

not the best quality, I suppose that I do judge them without

purposefully meaning to.
I feel like I have mostly stayed the same as a writer for
quite some time but I would very much like to grow.

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