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2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav


1. - 6. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere

uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Experts agree that if intercourse becomes a

common means of spreading Zika, the already
difficult challenge of ---- the virus will become
exponentially harder.
A) contributing

B) emerging

C) ignoring

D) containing

With his very conservative views and harsh

criticisms about President Barack Obama, Carson
has disillusioned many who once ---- him.
A) sorted out

B) accounted for

C) took over

D) brought out
E) looked up to

E) inhaling



A/an "---- risk" would be a risk that would be within

the normal range of minor risks that most people
take often, sometimes every day.
A) reasonable

B) excessive

C) effective

D) dramatic

Retail now represents only a slice of household

outlays, with consumption of services ---- about
two-thirds of all personal expenditures.
A) putting up with

B) making up

C) setting out

D) falling apart
E) giving off



E) massive
7. - 16. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan yerlere
uygun den szck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Romance ---- in some form long before the origin of

humanity, and some ---- it was born out of death and

A) may have existed / believe

Researchers have developed artificial intelligence

software that is ---- better than any previous
technology at predicting what goal a player is trying
to achieve in a video game.

B) exists / have believed

A) brutally

B) irreversibly

E) should have existed / had believed

C) significantly

D) respectively

C) has existed / believed

D) must be existing / could believe

E) incidentally



In 90 minutes, enough sunlight ---- the Earth to

provide the entire worlds energy for a year, but only
in recent years, harnessing that power directly,
through solar power, ----.

Climatologists are convinced that the world must

stop the ---- in greenhouse gas emissions and start
making them fall very soon.

A) struck / took off

A) combination

B) performance

C) is striking / takes off

C) obscurity

D) interference

D) strikes / has taken off

B) has struck / is taking off

E) growth

E) will be striking / is to take off



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

According to a report ---- recently, the global

number of cars ---- a thousand billion in 2010.

13. ---- prisons remain more punitive than rehabilitative,

they will create more gangs and generally
embittered and disaffected individuals of all stripes
and faiths.

A) to be released / had exceeded

B) released / exceeded

A) Though

B) In case

C) having released / was exceeding

C) Just as

D) As long as

D) to release / would exceed

E) Before

E) releasing / might have exceeded

14. ---- some 30,000 children die on average each year

from the effects of debt and poverty, one would
surely expect more coverage of such a global issue
than is currently given.

10. Tiger bone is ---- high demand for traditional

medicines in China and some other parts of the
world, often based on mistaken beliefs, or weak
evidence ---- their effectiveness.
A) on / into

B) for / from

C) in / for

D) over / of

A) Although

B) Once

C) Given that

D) As if
E) In that


E) out of / with

11. Ebola epidemic began at the end of 2013 in a

southern and very remote part of Guinea and then
spread ---- its borders --- Sierra Leone and Liberia.
A) over / upon

B) on / into

C) through / above

D) across / to

15. ---- the enthusiastic support it has received from

citizens during the past two years, the project has
reached its 2-million-dollar target 6 months ahead of
A) Instead of
C) Rather than

16. ---- the U.S. has seen its fair share of damaging
storms in recent years, including Hurricane Sandy
in 2013, the last major and the most devastating
hurricane to strike the U.S. was Hurricane Wilma in

12. Due to habitat loss, bees and other pollinators are in

trouble and, as a result, ---- are the plants that
depend on them.

C) which

D) Thanks to

E) Contrary to

E) under / with

A) what

B) Despite

A) Although

B) neither

C) Since

D) so

B) If only
D) Just as
E) Now that

E) whether


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

17. - 21. sorularda, aadaki parada

numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya da
ifadeyi bulunuz.

22. - 26. sorularda, aada ki parada

numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya da
ifadeyi bulunuz.

The journey of Syrian refugees to hope continues,

(17)---- a number of Afghans, Iraqis and others from
war-torn countries. Millions of refugees are travelling to
Europe (18)---- a better life for themselves and their
families. However, Syrians have the population of more
than one million people who arrived in Europe in 2015,
forced to leave their homes by Syrias civil war since its
outbreak in 2011. The vast majority of them travel for
months, typically arriving via the Mediterranean in
Greece, then traveling (19)---- Croatia, Macedonia and
Serbia and in hopes of finally reaching Germany, or
(20)---- European country, among others. Many are the
targets of smugglers and are (21)---- exploitation and
abuse along the journey. Some use up all their savings
to reach Europe, and many endanger their lives for new

Any interaction or matter (22)---- requires more than one

person can only be exactly completed with communication.
It's almost out of question to go through a day without
the use of communication. It is sending and receiving
information among people. The person sending the
message is stated as the sender, while the person
receiving the information is entitled the receiver. The
information (23)---- can include some facts, thoughts,
concepts, cults, attitudes, perceptions and emotions.
The ways of communication change and you are pretty
much (24)---- with all of them. Verbal communication is
essentially sending a message (25)---- a spoken
language that is found out by both the sender and
receiver of the message (26)---- written communication
is sending a message by the use of symbols that are
known by both the sender and receiver of the message.

17. A) as well

B) because of

C) along with

22. A) in which

D) as for

D) whose

E) thereby

E) whereby

B) writing off
D) seeking out

E) piling up

19. A) through
C) at


18. A) sorting out

C) counting on

B) upon
D) out of

23. A) conveying
C) to convey

B) conveyed
D) is conveyed
E) conveys

24. A) charged
C) complied

E) off

B) ignorant
D) familiar
E) accustomed

20. A) the latter

C) some

B) why

C) that

B) of all
D) another

25. A) beyond
C) against

E) the other

B) towards
D) off
E) via

21. A) persuaded by
B) satisfied with
C) related to
D) associated with
E) subjected to

26. A) whereas
B) now that
C) in order that
D) as long as
E) nonetheless


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

30. In addition to supplying essential nutrients, ----.

27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun ekilde

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) some food proteins can confer additional health

benefits beyond nutrition

27. Under climate change, the heat waves are more

frequent and severe, ----.

B) both human nutrition and the nutrition of livestock

are benefited by the presence of bioactive proteins

A) because planting trees and other vegetation inland

C) the ingestion of bioactive proteins may have an

captures fertilizer and sediment before it reaches

the sea

adverse effect on the major body systems

D) there are many examples of biologically active food

B) as overfishing and coastal pollution hurt reefs more

proteins and active peptides that can be obtained

from various food protein sources

than climate change does

C) as long as rising temperatures and ocean

E) food spoilage is a complex process and excessive

acidification hurt corals more

amounts of foods are lost due to microbial spoilage

D) even though ocean temperature has only increased


E) but, with climate change continuing its slow creep,

corals need time to recover from this current
catastrophic event

31. ----, although homicide rates are lower than in some

Latin American countries.

A) For global policymakers, it is important to shift the

focus of the debate on Karachi

28. Responding to environmental disasters is more

difficult ----.

B) so, tackling debt-related issues will also indirectly

help address environmental and other issues

C) yet, it is important to note that natural disasters are

not entirely natural

D) since well-conceived policies and practices can,

B) Violence is an intrinsic part of Karachis politics


A) as people are usually willing to contribute to the

C) TTP, a former terrorist organization in Pakistan,

succeeded in transforming itself into a political

D) Housing provision for residents who are poor, or

barely making ends meet, is the priority of the state

E) The disappearance of terror groups adds to the

perception of the city as a safe place

and have reduced disaster risk

E) when the affected countries are in severe debt

32. In order to reduce their carbon emissions and boost

supply security, ----.

29. Many of Rachels books involve facts and opinions

about foreign culture influence on languages, ----.

A) many types of renewable energy resources will

A) though many other authors also support her

never run out

viewpoints about foreign cultures

B) a conventional power plant still supplies 7.7

B) if linguists have any goals to prevent the


occurrence of foreign effects on their own


C) countries around Europe are building increasing

amounts of renewable capacity

C) because some authors especially spend time and

effort to minimize these effects

D) using renewable energy sources like wood to meet

the nation's energy needs is becoming more

D) unless she has the purpose of reaching larger

number of people overseas

E) most companies are reluctant to show they comply

E) but one can easily observe and detect foreign

with the criteria to reach these goals

influence on the way she uses her own language


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

33. ----, but its symptoms do get worse over time.

35. ---- and these can be combined to express infinitely

many meanings.

A) We cannot intervene much earlier and more

A) People with a stutter involuntarily repeat syllables,

effectively treat people with Parkinson

prolong certain speech sounds, and often hesitate

and pause

B) Parkinson's does not directly cause people to die

C) Symptoms of Parkinson's include tremors and

B) In the past two years, two research groups have

muscle stiffness, slowness of movement and a

reduced quality of life

independently produced songbirds with stutter

C) The brain damage affects the tempo of the birds'

D) Parkinsons symptoms usually only emerge after

songs and the sequencing of syllables within songs

brain cells have been damaged

D) Each human language contains a finite set of words

E) Parkinson's affects 1 in 500 people and is the

E) Several areas of the human brain, including the

second most common neurodegenerative disease


striatum, produce small numbers of new brain cells

throughout life


34. Up until two days before the opening ceremony of

the Rio Games, Singaporeans were not expecting
live coverage of the Olympics, ----.

36. Once the connection between malaria and

mosquitoes was made, ----.

A) people could prevent it by protecting their skin from

all the pests

A) because no station was willing to fork out for the

high broadcasting rights

B) the parasites contained in the salivary gland were

injected and passed into the blood of the person
being bitten

B) although Singapore has never been known for a

passion for sports

C) people realised the importance of mosquito

C) as TV channels are showing Rio games around the

protection when traveling through areas where the

disease was prevalent

clock without commercials

D) and so, with limited support from local advertisers,

D) malaria parasites multiplied rapidly in the liver and

the price was even harder to swallow for free-to-air


then in red blood cells of the infected person

E) malaria cases and deaths tended to increase

E) just after a last-minute deal between Singapore's

significantly in the poorest parts of Africa

state broadcaster and the rights-holder for the

Asian region halved the price


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

39. The discovery, announced at a recent meeting of the
American Astronomical Society, provides important
support for scientists who believe that planetary
systems and life are common in our galaxy.

37. - 42. sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmleye

anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke cmleye
anlamca en yakn ngilizce cmleyi bulunuz.
37. Chinas traditional dependence on exports and an
undervalued currency are coming under increasing
criticism from the United States and other
international actors demanding a rebalancing of
China's export-driven economy.

A) Amerikan Gkbilimciler Topluluunun son

toplants, galaksimizde gezegen sistemleri ve
hayatn yaygn olduuna inanan bilim insanlarnn
grlerine nemli destek sunmaktadr.

B) Amerikan Gkbilimciler Topluluu son toplantsnda

A) Birleik Devletlerden ve inin ihracat gdml

galaksimizde gezegen sistemleri ve hayatn yaygn

olduuna inanan bilim insanlar iin nemli destek
sunan bir kefin olduunu duyurdu.

ekonomisinin tekrar dzenlenmesini talep eden

dier uluslararas aktrlerden giderek artan eletiri
alan inin ihracata olan bamll ve deeri dk
para birimi tekrar dzenleniyor.

C) Amerikan Gkbilimciler Topluluu bir toplantsnda

galaksimizde gezegen sistemleri ve hayatn yaygn
olduuna inanan bilim insanlar iin nemli destek
sunan bir kantn bulunduunu ilan etti.

B) inin ihracata ve dk deerli bir para birimine

olan klasik bamllnn tekrar dzenlenmesini
talep eden dier uluslararas aktrler inin ihracata
olan bamlln ve deeri dk para birimini
iddetli biimde eletiriyor.

D) Amerikan Gkbilimciler Topluluunun son

zamandaki bir toplantsnda duyurulan keif,
galaksimizde gezegen sistemlerinin ve hayatn
yaygn olduuna inanan bilim insanlar iin nemli
destek salamaktadr.

C) inin ihracata ve dk deerli bir para birimine

olan klasik bamll Birleik Devletlerden ve dier
n plana kan uluslararas aktrlerden giderek
artan eletiri alyor.

E) Amerikan Gkbilimciler Topluluunun en son

toplantsnda duyurulan keif, galaksimizde
gezegen sistemleri ve hayatn yaygn olduuna
inanan bilim insanlar iin nemli kantlar

para birimi Birleik Devletlerden giderek artan

eletiri alyor ve uluslararas aktrler inin ihracat
gdml ekonomisinin tekrar dzenlenmesini talep

E) inin ihracata ve dk deerli bir para birimine

olan klasik bamll Birleik Devletlerden ve
inin ihracat gdml ekonomisinin tekrar
dengelenmesini talep eden dier uluslararas
aktrlerden giderek artan eletiri alyor.


D) inin ihracata olan bamll ve deeri dk

40. Amerikada, Britanyada ve dier birka lkede, II.

Dnya Sava sonrasndaki yllar, yava gelien
ocuklarn retimine dair metotlara artan ilgi ve bu
konuda yaplan aratrmalar bakmndan dikkate

A) In America, Britain and other countries, the years

38. The moon remains drier than any desert on Earth;

furthermore, the water is said to exist on the moon
in very small quantities.

during World War II were noted for interest in, and

research on, methods of teaching retarded children.

B) In America, Britain and several other countries, the

A) Ayn dnyadaki herhangi bir lden daha kuru

years after World War II were notable for increased

interest in, and research on, methods of teaching
retarded children.

olduu ve hatta ay zerindeki suyun ok az

miktarda olduu sylenmektedir.

B) Dnya zerindeki herhangi bir lden daha kuru

C) The years following World War II, in America,

olan ay zerinde ok az miktarda su bulunduu

ifade edilmektedir.

Britain and many other countries, were cited for

increased interest in, and research on, methods of
teaching children with disadvantages.

C) Ay dnyadaki herhangi bir lden daha kurudur,

ayrca ay zerinde ok az miktarda suyun olduu

D) America, Britain and a few other countries are

noted for their great interest in, and research on,
methods of teaching disadvantaged children,
notably in the years after World War II.

D) Ay zerinde bulunan ok az miktardaki su

dnyadaki herhangi bir lde bulabileceinizden
yine de daha fazladr.

E) Besides America and Britain, in several other

E) Ay dnyann herhangi bir yerindeki bir lden ok

countries, the years after World War II were notable

for ascending interest in, and research on, methods
of teaching retarded children.

daha kuru olmasnn yannda yzeyinde ok az

miktarda su bulundurmaktadr.


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

42. Gnmzdeki en kullanl icatlarn bazlar ilham
anlarnda ortaya kmtr ve dk teknoloji ve
basit materyaller kullanan amatr bilim insanlar
tarafndan gelitirilmitir.

41. Eitim kanunu okullarla ilgili olan yasa alandr ve

esas itibaryla hem ocuklara, hem yetikinlere hem
de zel retime ihtiya duyan ocuklara eitim
salamakla ykml olan okullar, okul sistemleri ve
okul kurullar ile ilgilenir.

A) The most useful inventions in modern times have

A) Education law is regarded as the area of law

been created at the moments of inspiration and put

into use by notable scientists who used simple
materials and low technology.

relating to schools, school systems and school

boards that are expected to provide education to
children, adults and special needs children alike.

B) Several of the most helpful inventions in modern

B) Education law is the law on schools, school

times are the results of inspirations, developed by

certain scientists with simple materials and rather
low technology.

systems and school boards in charge of providing

education to children and special needs children.

C) Education law is the area of law relating to schools

C) Some of the most useful inventions in modern times

and it deals mainly with schools, school systems

and school boards in charge of providing education
to children, adults and special needs children alike.

have resulted from moments of inspiration and

have been developed by amateur scientists using
simple materials and low technology.

D) The law of education is enforced by an array of

D) Most of the most useful inventions in modern times

schools, school systems and school boards

responsible for providing education to children,
adults and special needs children alike.

result from moments of inspiration and are

developed by amateur scientists using simple
materials and low technology.

E) Education law is the area of the law relating to

E) Some of the most useful inventions resulting from

schools and it deals only with schools, school

systems and school boards responsible for
supplying education to children, adults and special
needs children.


moments of inspiration have been developed by

scientists using simple materials and low


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

44. It is clearly stated in the passage that fusion ----.

43. - 46. sorular aadaki paraya gre


would live around a fusion power plant

B) is an environment-friendly energy source

C) may well trigger a chain of events leading to a
boom in carbon dioxide emissions

D) can effortlessly be converted to large quantities of

energy with the help of existing technology

E) will be the main reason of many international

conflicts in the future

45. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) ITER must succeed in order to design future power


B) different countries are reluctant to help each other


Fusion is arguably the perfect way to power the world.

For one thing, there is enough fusion fuel to supply all of
the world's energy needs for millions of years.
Furthermore, it produces no environmentally damaging
wastes, no carbon dioxide emissions and there could be
no accidents that require evacuating the population
surrounding a fusion power plant. Fusion plants would
also not need significant land area, and fusion fuels
(lithium and deuterium) are available in seawater.
Unfortunately, it is hard to make fusion work. Indeed,
after more than 60 years of fusion research, no device
has yet made more energy than it consumes. ITER, the
next fusion machine and the first to be built as an
international collaboration, is designed to demonstrate
the scientific feasibility of net energy production. It is
expected that ITER will produce about 500MW of fusion
power 10 times the input power. Just as importantly, it
will show how to integrate the many cutting-edge
technologies required for efficient and reliable future
power station designs. Put simply, it is the big step
needed to prove the viability of fusion as a commercial
energy source. Unfortunately, ITER's construction
expenses have risen from about 5bn to over 13bn
and the cost overruns have prompted some to question
why chasing nuclear fusion is a priority. How sure are
we that ITER will work? Could this money be spent
more wisely in other areas of energy research, such as
renewables or new fission?

A) can be perilous with regard to the people who

out in projects like ITER due to their high costs and

low possibility of success

C) there will be more expensive projects like ITER

since it has failed to solve the energy problem

D) if fusion power is given more time, it will undeniably

be put into use at the projected scale that can
forever solve our energy problems

E) the questions whether ITER will succeed are still


46. Other than supplying energy, one important side of

ITER is that ----.

43. One point introduced in the passage is that because

of ITERs ever-soaring cost, ----.

A) in case of an accident, there might be a need to

A) international collaboration funding it decided to call

evacuate people living close to the power stations

it off

B) there will be less pollution coming from ITER

B) some concerns pertaining to both the priority and

compared to other fusion reactors

the feasibility of the project have come about

C) it will produce ten times more electricity than

C) it is understood that existing technology is not

needed worldwide

enough to make ITER work and thus more research

is underway now

D) it will help combine the modern and newest

technologies to make superior power stations in the

D) its construction expenses have been under harsh

criticism by many scientists

E) its surplus will be used for the research on

E) fusion energy is not going to be used in commercial

renewable energy sources



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

48. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

47. - 50. sorular aadaki paraya gre


A) the endeavours of health professionals may not be

systematic as long as it provides the necessary

Treatment of children with rheumatic diseases is

complicated. The efforts of a team of health care
professionals need to be melded into a well-regulated
system of care that is individualized to meet the needs
of each patient and that is sensitive to the capabilities
and psychosocial resources of each family. In addition,
the rheumatic diseases are not static targets. In each
child, disease manifestations vary in severity over time,
and treatment needs to be adjusted accordingly. The
therapeutic program must provide active treatments for
currently symptomatic problems, such as arthritis, and
must also include appropriate screening methods for
often clinically silent problems such as uveitis in patients
with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and early nephritis in
patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Nor should
the treatment regimen focus only on the child with the
rheumatic disease. When rheumatic disease afflicts a
child, all family members are affected. Indeed, studies
have indicated that siblings of a child with a rheumatic
disease are often more adversely affected psychosocially
than the patient. Several studies have shown that the
emotional status of the parents at the time of diagnosis
of rheumatic disease in their child is one of the strongest
predictors of treatment outcomes 5-10 years later.

B) the treatment schedule should only focus on the

child with the rheumatic disease

C) children with rheumatic diseases should be treated

by taking various aspects of the disease into

D) emotional condition of the parents during the

diagnosis of rheumatic disease provides little data
about the results of the treatment

E) it takes at least two decades or so to see the

treatment results in rheumatic diseases

49. According to the passage, uveitis ----.

A) can show differences in its symptoms in each child,


which are difficult to detect early on

B) is seen in all patients with juvenile rheumatoid


C) must be included in the therapeutic program

D) must provide active treatments, ultimate results of
which can be seen in a decade

E) almost always affects all family members

50. As can be understood from the passage, rheumatic

diseases ----.

47. It is told in the passage that treatment of the

rheumatic diseases in children ----.

A) are difficult to treat, especially if the patient is a

A) works much better if the family interferes as much


as they can to the process

B) have been treated via a well-regulated system of

B) is mostly a simple process that does not involve so

care individualized to meet the needs of physicists

much decision-making as uveitis does

C) in children have been observed to a limited degree

C) can be limited to the affected child rather than the

in research centres

whole family since it is not a contagious disease

D) have a significant positive effect on parents to take

D) should be tailored in accordance with the severity of

precautions against further diseases

the manifestations in each child that change over


E) will definitely afflict all other children interacting with

the patient

E) poses great physical risks to the siblings of the

affected child


2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

52. It is understood from the passage that the condition
of the labour markets is still grim, ----.

51. - 54. sorular aadaki paraya gre


A) so a lot of major companies keep laying more and

more of their employees

B) yet governments are reluctant to take necessary

precautions to prevent it from getting worse

C) because the key policies of Germany, Italy and

Japan turned out to be futile, leaving the economy

D) although G-20 countries coordinate with one

another to make improvisations

E) but it would have been worse without the policies

initiated by the governments

53. According to the passage, even though measures

have played an essential part in slowing the job
loss, ----.


Though the situation in labour markets is dire today, it

could have been worse - had it not been for policy
responses by governments during the Great Recession.
At the onset of the recession, most central banks quickly
lowered their policy interest rates. Governments also
allowed the decline in their tax revenues to show
through in increases in their fiscal deficits. And to add to
that, many countries provided a fiscal stimulus, and one
that was internationally coordinated across countries
under the auspices of the Group of 20 (G-20) countries.
These policy responses may have kept the Great
Recession from turning into the next Great Depression.
Beyond these common macroeconomic policy
responses, countries differed in the extent to which they
used more policies targeted more directly at the labour
market. One of the key policies adopted in Germany,
Italy and Japan was to provide government financial
assistance to encourage companies to keep workers at
their jobs but reduce their working hours and wages.
Such short-time work programs can spread the burden
of the downturn more evenly across workers and
employers, reduce future hiring costs and protect
workers human capital until the labour market recovers.
While it is too early to undertake a full assessment,
these programs are credited with having played a
crucial role in dampening the increase in unemployment
in many countries.

A) many countries complained about their not being so

effective as they expected them to be

B) the complete scale of the effects can only be seen


C) Great Depression is inevitable for several reasons

D) interest rates still remain very high
E) people are not content with their governments

54. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

51. According to the following statement While it is too

early to undertake a full assessment, how can we
describe the attitude of the writer?

A) labour markets are likely to slide into a much critical

situation in the near future

A) cautious

B) developing countries suffered a lot more than the

developed countries during the Great Recession

B) ignorant

C) if governments interfere with the free market, they

C) overconfident
D) reckless

are immediately accused of having a socialist


E) assured

D) labour markets might have witnessed a worse

financial crisis

E) it was the swift action of the banks that saved the

whole economy from collapsing



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

56. As pointed out in the passage that, contrary to the
notion that was held in the beginning, ----.

55. - 58. sorular aadaki paraya gre


A) social networking is poised to invade even more

Not so long ago the Internet was presumed to be an

unrelieved social backwater. Nearly all the initial studies
about people who used the Internet for social interaction
suggested that they were getting lonelier. Those studies
were predicated on the notion that people used the
Internet to replace face-to-face interactions and that
relationships formed online would stay online. For
disabled users who could not get around that practice
worked well, but for others, it didnt. A person could not
even know for sure who was really on the other end of
the line. Psychology research focused on this scene
with critical eyes, often dismissing online socializing as
lonely escapism from the disquiet of real relationships.
However, this dire view of social networking began to
change as research grew more nuanced. Neither total
amount of time spent online nor time spent
communicating online correlated with increased

areas of our lives

B) people are spending ever more time on social

networks, and some are getting into trouble over it

C) the interaction we have on social networks is no

longer believed to cause a rise in loneliness

D) like television, social networks are superb at

delivering instant gratification

E) social networking is simply a new forum for bad


57. It can be concluded from the passage that ----.

A) earlier studies on social networking were not as


detailed as the subsequent ones

B) social benefits gained from participating in a social

network are immense

C) social networks have become havens for people

with a poor self-image

D) online interactions will someday take the place of

real-life ones

E) the Internet is a medium where lonely people get

the most benefit

58. One can infer from the passage that ----.

55. What could be the best title for the passage?

A) interaction in person is impossible for the disabled

and the elderly

A) Does the Internet Enable Socializing?

B) Controversial Proposals About the Internet

B) people got lonelier due to online interaction

C) What Does the Internet Offer For Disabled Users?

C) time spent interacting with others online leads to

increased loneliness

D) A Recent Psychology Research On the Internet

D) total amount of time spent on the Internet

E) Is There Any Further Need For Research On the

determines the degree of online addiction


E) social networking is seemingly not so bad a thing

as it was previously thought to be



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

60. According to the passage, the number of people
living in the world ----.

59. - 62. sorular aadaki paraya gre


A) will steadily continue to rise unless steps are taken

For nearly 10,000 years -since the dawn of civilization

and Holocene era- our world seemed unimaginably
large. Vast frontiers of land and ocean offered infinite
sources. Humans could pollute freely, and they could
avoid any local repercussions simply by moving
elsewhere. People built entire empires and economic
systems on their ability to exploit what seemed to be
inexhaustible riches, never realizing that the privilege
would come to an end. But thanks to advances in public
health, the industrial revolution and later green
revolution, population has surged from about one billion
in 1800 to nearly seven billion today. In the past 50
years alone, our numbers have more than doubled.
Fuelled by affluence, our use of resources has also
reached staggering levels; in 50 years, the global
consumption of food and freshwater has more than
tripled, and fossil-fuel use has risen fourfold. This
wanton growth has also expanded pollution from a local
problem to a global assault.

to curb it

B) fifty years ago was a quarter that of people living


C) is on the increase partly because of a fair

distribution of wealth

D) more than doubles every 50 years

E) has nearly risen sevenfold in the last two centuries

61. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) switching to low-carbon energy sources will save


the planet

B) Earths habitability has been under threat since the

industrial revolution

C) there is a change for the worse in the Earths


D) an endless supply of natural resources will make

life on Earth sustainable

E) humanity from the very beginning has been

environmentally conscious

59. As one can conclude from the passage, ----.

A) scientists and policy makers are seeking ways to

avoid the most devastating consequences the Earth
is facing

B) the sudden acceleration of population growth,

resource consumption and environmental damage
has become a global problem

62. The underlined word staggering in the passage is

closest in meaning to ----.

C) decisive actions can keep the environmental

damage within safe bounds

A) stressing

D) although climate change gets ample attention,

B) delicate

species loss and nitrogen pollution exceed safe

limits by greater degrees

C) imposing

E) allowing environmental processes to exceed certain

D) astounding

limits could have serious repercussions, but it is

always possible to reverse the trend

E) arduous



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

65. Aya:
According to a recent research, the odds that
blacks will develop cognitive impairment,
including dementia, in later life are 2,52 times
greater than the odds for whites.

63. - 67. sorularda, karlkl konumann bo

braklan ksmn tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
63. Akif:
We had a complaint about one of our employees;
Mehmet, to be exact.

Interesting! Can physical properties, or race,
matter in such an issue?



Still, the customer who filed the complaint
seemed pretty upset.

Now, I see it better. Racial gaps in socioeconomic
resources are to blame, then.

My best guess is that it is an isolated incident. We
need to talk to him and find out what happened.

A) Racial differences in health problems do not explain

much of the racial gap in cognitive impairment.

A) I know why. He should have been more polite while

B) The findings do not fully explain blacks' higher risk

interacting with the customer.

of cognitive impairment.

B) Thats weird. We hardly get any complaints about

C) Yes, to a large extent. Lower socioeconomic status

him. He is a decent worker.

in adulthood may yield such a result.

C) Not again! I told him a thousand times that he

D) Cognitive impairment among the elderly is a

needs to be more attentive to the clients.

growing problem - spending on dementia care

alone exceeds $100 billion a year.

D) No surprises there. This is not the first time this


E) It is not their physics but social and economic

disadvantages that play a significant role in this

E) There must be a mistake. He wouldnt upset a


customer. What do you think happened?

66. Arda:
Do you think satellite images could have a say in
mapping poverty?
Why not? If we take the challenges of gathering
data on the ground, satellite images would be

64. Aydn:
Ive always liked sleeping in a relatively warm
room, but it turns out sleeping in a cold room has
some health benefits.


I know. It helps increase the amount of calorieburning brown fat in our bodies, for example.

So simple! High-powered cameras on satellites
are constantly snapping photos of Earth with
every detail and these details can give helpful
clues as to whether a place is poor or not.

Thats news to me. So, should we sleep in a cold
room from now on?

A) I heard that daytime satellite images are

dramatically better than night-time images for
mapping African poverty.

A) I dont know about you, but I try to avoid it despite

its benefits because it makes me have nightmares.

B) Drawing conclusions from these subtle hints is

B) Well, I read a lot about it. Thats where my

beyond the ability of even a trained human expert.

It is so difficult, indeed.

knowledge is coming from.

C) Ive never thought about buying a new bed, as Im

C) In fact, I still couldnt get how they can help in this

comfortable with what I have now.


D) Honestly, I dont think you can do it. Do I have to

D) But, I know that they show only subtle differences

remind you that you are afraid of dark?

between regions of absolute and moderate poverty.

E) As long as you are happy with the amount of sleep

E) To me, ground-based surveys are better tools for

you get, I dont think you need prescription pills.

this thing.



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

69. No matter how much reading and researching you
do, you can't totally prepare for the upheaval that
comes with pregnancy, childbirth, and a new baby.

67. Ceyda:
It seems that we wiped out a deadly disease from
the earth. Almost 2 years passed without a wild
polio case on the global scale.

A) However hard you read or carry out research on the


issue, you can never deal with pregnancy,

childbirth, and a new baby in an impeccable

I cant believe it! Did it reappear there?

B) Your efforts to prepare for pregnancy, childbirth, a

new baby through reading will be undermined by
the fact that you can never be completely ready for

It is not certain yet, but there is news that two
children were paralyzed by wild-type polio virus.

C) As it is impossible to get ready for the havoc

A) Yes, we did! Nigerias neighbours are preparing

wreaked by pregnancy, childbirth, and a new baby,

reading and researching you do will not be able to
you offer much relief.

major polio vaccination efforts in a bid to prevent

new cases.

B) We need to take some urgent precautions.

D) The more reading and researching you do before

pregnancy, childbirth, a new baby, the better
prepared you can be for the upcoming

C) The new outbreak didnt come as much of a

surprise to those who have long been trying to
eradicate the virus.

E) The mayhem that accompanies pregnancy,

D) Unfortunately, I heard that Nigeria recently

childbirth and a new baby is not something you can

be completely ready for regardless of the amount of
your reading and research.

launched a massive vaccination campaign against


E) It seems so. Many of the government experts who

led the battle to wipe out the virus in Nigeria have
moved on.


70. While geographically North America includes

Mexico, the general perception of many North
Americans is that the name refers to the United
States and Canada.

68. - 71. sorularda, verilen cmleye anlamca en

yakn cmleyi bulunuz.
68. Language permits us to share the contents of our
hearts and minds, in ways that are unparalleled
elsewhere in the animal kingdom.

A) Geographers seek to include Mexico as part of

North America, but general population still prefer to
use the term to talk about the United States and

A) We can communicate the contents of our hearts

and minds thanks to language, but the way we do it
is not different from the animal kingdom.

B) Many North Americans do not prefer to include

Mexico as part of North America, but they rather
use the term to mean the United States and

B) The ways language enables us to share what we

have in our hearts and minds are nowhere to be
found in the rest of the animal kingdom.

C) Geographical boundaries of North America cover

C) The role of language in our communication is to let

not only the United States and Canada, but also

Mexico, yet many Mexicans use the name to talk
about their own country.

us express our feelings and ideas in a way that

separates us from the animal kingdom.

D) Language is what we use to convey the gist of what

D) Although Mexico is, geographically speaking, a part

we think, whereas animals have their own ways of

sophisticated communication.

of North America, many North Americans using the

term tend to refer to the United States and Canada.

E) As opposed to the animal kingdom that does not

E) Mexico should geographically be included in North

have a common means of communication, we have

language to share what we feel and think.

America despite the general tendency of the

Americans to use the name to refer to their own
country and Canada.



2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

71. Scientists are often hesitant to publish a new finding

or conclusion until they have studied enough
people to determine that their discovery is reliable.

73. Some physicists say that people do not need to

worry about Large Hadron Collider, the most
powerful particle accelerator ever built. ---- To the
contrary, many physicists actually hope very much
that the LHC will indeed produce black holes, too
small to be dangerous, of course, but desirable as a
sign of new physical phenomena to study. After all,
the LHC may be the only way scientists can learn
the deepest secrets of the universe - how it began,
what its made of, why theres such a thing as mass.

A) The findings or the conclusion of a new study are

not published after scientists working on it decide
that the results are conclusive and ready to be

B) Scientists opt to study as many people as possible

before they make a final decision about whether the
results of a new study are reliable enough to be
published or not.

A) They will condense mass-energy densely enough

to create small black holes.

C) Before scientists study a sufficient number of

B) In fact, humankinds future may depend on what the

people to conclude that what they have discovered

is dependable, they are usually reluctant to release
a new finding or conclusion.

LHC discovers.

C) Sober analysis of the plan inevitably concludes that

D) Determining the reliability of a discovery by

the ability to power long-range, human-occupied

space vehicles exceeds earthly energy capabilities.

scientists always requires studies to be carried out

on enough people before the study can be made

D) Without destroying the Earth, the Large Hadron

Collider might help humans explore the cosmos.

E) After extensive studies are carried out on a

significant number of people to verify the reliability
of a discovery, scientists usually decide to go
ahead and publish their findings.

E) The reason for their opinion is not that the LHC is

hopelessly incapable of producing anything so
dreadful as a baby black hole.

72. People regard diabetes as a disease which causes

the patient to excrete a lot of sugar, makes him very
thin and inordinately thirsty. These are regarded as
obvious and common symptoms of the disease. ---However, there are some minor warning symptoms
to look out for. Diabetes tends to be hereditary. If
you have a diabetic parent, brother, sister or even
aunt, there is an increased risk of the disease. But
people often dont realise that although it often
causes youngsters to lose weight, later on in life
there may be a filling out of the waistline.


72. - 75. sorularda, bo braklan yere, parada

anlam btnln salamak iin getirilebilecek
cmleyi bulunuz.

A) Another way the diagnosis can arise is when a

74. ---- Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite
guest is to be on time. If a person is invited to dinner
at 06:30, the hostess expects him to be there at 06:30
or not more than a few minutes after. Because she
usually does her own cooking, she times the meal
so that the coffee and meat will be at their best at
the time she asks the guest to come. If he is late, the
food will not be so good, and the hostess will be
disappointed. When the guest cannot come on time,
he calls his host or hostess on the telephone, gives
the reason, and tells at what time he thinks he can

A) The rule is very simple: use all the items in the

patient goes for a life assurance medical

examination and is rejected.

order in which they lie, beginning from the outside.

B) When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is

B) Similarly, a mother who produces a really large

customary for the men to help the ladies by pushing

their chairs under them.

child for example, over four and a half kilos

needs to consider this possibility.

C) But there are many people who probably have

C) Even an American may be confused by the number

diabetes and wont know they have it until a severe

symptom arises.

of knives, forks, and spoons beside his plate when

he sits down to a formal dinner.

D) One of the other skin conditions associated with

D) Every land has its own dining custom, and the

diabetes is when there is infuriating itching,

generally at night.

United States is no exception.

E) Although some customs differ according to the

E) If this happens, the patient needs to go and see

countries in which and for which they are designed,

the dining custom does not change anywhere.

their own doctor and take a specimen of urine with




2016 Sonbahar YDS Deneme Snav

75. Profits are vital to the economic system of the

United States, Canada, and other countries where
private enterprise is encouraged. In such countries,
profits belong to the owners of companies or the
stockholders of corporations. ---- The desire for
profits motivates companies to produce their goods
efficiently. This is because the lower a company's
costs are, the greater its profits can be.

78. (I) While the distribution of blood types and abnormalities

was the first evolutionary pattern identified among
recent human populations, perhaps the most famous is
peoples ability to digest milk beyond infancy. (II) Around
30 percent of the calories in milk from humans and all
other mammals come from a sugar called lactose, and
to make use of the energy stored in lactose, the digestive
system must be able to break it down into its two
chemical subunits, galactose and glucose. (III) This
chemical reaction is catalysed by the enzyme lactase,
the gene for which is shared across all mammals.
(IV) Regular consumption of milk by an adult can
sometimes spur a minimal amount of lactase production,
but drinking a large amount of milk or other lactosecontaining dairy products can cause severe digestive
distress. (V) In most species, however, lactase is only
expressed in young prior to weaning, leaving adults
unable to digest lactose.

A) One of the chief reasons for operating a business is

to make a profit.

B) The bother and risk of entering an unfamiliar

industry also keeps some new firms from competing
with a product that is not especially profitable.

C) Some business executives constantly lower prices

to capture sales but cannot make money.

D) Sometimes, new firms cannot duplicate a profitable

A) I

product because of patents or trademarks.

E) These expenses include costs of such things as




E) V

raw materials, workers' salaries, and machinery.

76. - 80. sorularda, cmleler srasyla

okunduunda parann anlam btnln bozan
cmleyi bulunuz.
76. (I) Darwins powers of observation and reason extended
from micro flora to mega fauna. (II) He could see the
whole forest while scrutinizing the branches on the
trees. (III) Darwin penned his idea in a manuscript that
remained unknown to the public until 1858. (IV) His
ideas illuminated lifes development in the Earths deep
past and foreshadowed many scientific developments
that would come in the future, including the modifications
and refinements to his theory that scientists are still
exploring. (V) Yet, were Darwin alive today, his head
might spin at the complexities entangling the expansion
of his original ideas.
A) I





A) I





E) V

80. (I) Much of contemporary Christianity believes that

certain objects or people are very 'linked' to the demonic
realm in some way. (II) Contrary to contemporary thought,
there are very few references to 'cursed objects' in the
Bible. (III) According to this belief, contact with these
people or objects (even casual or unknowing) can invite
disaster into your life. (IV) They will become a 'curse' to
you. (V) If you involve yourself with these people or these
objects, you are inviting demonic activity into your life.

E) V

77. (I) There have been many studies on how kefir can aid
in human health. (II) Probiotics are microorganisms that
can help with digestion and may offer protection from
harmful bacteria. (III) Prebiotics, on the other hand, are
carbohydrates that probiotics use as fuel. (IV) Kefir, a
fermented milk product that comes from the Caucasus
Mountains in Eastern Europe, has both of these. (V) It
also contains calcium, protein and B-vitamins.


A) I

79. (I) The last five years before you retire may be some of
the most critical years in terms of retirement planning
because you must determine within that period whether
you can truly afford to retire. (II) The determination will
hinge heavily on the amount of preparation you have
done to date, and the results of such preparation. (III) If
you are financially prepared, then you may just need to
maintain your program and continue on to your retirement
goal. (IV) If not, then you may be looking at more than
five years of a modification to your planned retirement
lifestyle. (V) Incomplete retirement-needs analysis is the
primary reason why many people who are approaching
retirement are not financially ready for post-work life.

A) I




E) V

E) V



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