Day 3 Unit Plan

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Springfield College

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Miss Grego
Subject: Visual Arts
Title of Lesson: Sweet and Sour M&M
Commentary Day 3

Date: 11/30/16
Grade Level: 8th
Lesson Length: 43 minutes

Overview of the Lesson

Lesson Summary:
Students will begin their final M&M drawing. Students will incorporate their
keywords about their social issue into their M&M.
Massachusetts Framework Standards:
1.5 Expand the repertoire of 2D and 3D art processes
-Use the appropriate vocabulary related to the methods, materials, and
techniques students have learned and used in grades PreK-8
-2.10 For shape and form, use and be able to identify an expanding and
increasingly sophisticated array of shapes and forms
-2.11 For composition, create unified 2D and 3D compositions that
demonstrate an understanding of balance, repetition, rhythm, scale,
proportion, unity, harmony, and emphasis.
-3.4 Create 2D and 3D representational artwork from direct observation in
order to develop skills of perception
-3.6 Create artwork that employs the use of symbolic imagery, emotions
-4.4 Produce work that shows an understanding of the concept of
-5.6 Demonstrate the ability to describe the kinds of imagery used to
represent subject matter and ideas, for example, literal representation,
simplification, abstraction, or symbolism.
-10.2 Continue to apply arts knowledge with other disciplines
Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to..
-Draw M&Ms with form from direct observation (still-life).
-Add value to their M&Ms.
-Write a social, political, or economical controversial issue on the M&Ms
Materials/Equipment to be Used in Teaching the Lesson:
-drawing paper
-colored pencils
Enduring Understandings:
Big Ideas: The students will understand that
-Drawing from direct observation (still-life) allows for more realistic drawings
-Creating an interesting composition makes artwork much more appealing and
-M&Ms are not circles, they are spherical because they have form.

Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
-Social, economic, and political issues can be embedded into art
-Art can actually be a way of making the public aware of controversial issues.
Social, economic, political issues, still-life, composition
Essential Questions:
-What kinds of controversial issues did you write on your M&Ms?
-Why is it easier to draw from a still-life?
-What makes a composition interesting?
-Why do artists include social, economic, and political issues in their art?
Factual Content:
Student will be creating their own still-lifes from M&Ms and draw from them.
They will add controversial issues to the M&Ms.
Tier 1:
Form, value
Tier 2:
Still-life, direct observation
Tier 3:
Critical Thinking Skills (Reading, Writing, Speech, Listening)
Students will be able to think critically about what makes a shape 2D versus
3D. Students will be able to think critically about a controversial issue and
incorporate it onto their M&Ms.
Assessments (Performance Tasks/Tests/Quizzes Formative/Summative,
Students will be graded on their DO NOW journals everyday as well as their
Students will be given a rubric where they will be graded in 5 categories: work
ethic/effort, composition, completeness, creativity, and craftsmanship.

Action/Instructional Procedures
1. DO NOW: Copy the definitions for value from the board into your sketch books. Use
vocabulary word in a sentence.
2. Discuss with the class some key words for the issues they chose and why
3. Have students begin their final copy of the M&Ms

Springfield College
Lesson Plan Template
4. Add the keywords after
5. Add value with colored pencils

Reflection on Lesson
a. The Lesson Plan:
b. Teaching Skills:
c. The Students:

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