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112.18 b.2
Approx. time: 35 min
Ziplock bags
Density tube model

Anticipatory setting:
Ziplock baggie exploration (having water and oil in a Ziplock bag to show
the fact that oil and water do not mix. The molecules of water cant mix with
the molecules of oil. The oil floats on top because water is more denser than


A= Students
B= will identify density
C= after viewing different models
D= and answering at least 3 questions.

Relevancy: Density is important because it affects whether objects will float or

sink. It is an important property to consider when building things like ships and hot
air balloons. For example, hot air balloon are able to float in the air because helium
gas density is lighter than the density of air.

Instructional Input:
Introduce students to density. Define density, show the formula to find density. We
will write a page in journal.

& Guided Practice: Density tube model ( different liquids in
order of density)

Independent practice:

Draw a diagram of density tube in their journal, and an explanation.

Assessment & Closure: Post YouTube video on edmodo. Watch video and
answer questions posted

Work density problems together

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