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Auspicious Results of Different Rajyogas in Jaimini

As in Vedic astrology, different Rajyogas also form in the Jaimini astrology
by different combinations as follows:
When any planet aspects the birth Ascendant, Hora Ascendant and Ghatika
Ascendant then powerful Rajyoga will form in the birth-chart of a person.
Due to this yoga, he will live his life like a king and will enjoy all the
luxuries and comforts. He will get good wealth, fame and prosperity and he
will achieve respect and honor in the world.
The results will be same if any planet aspects the sign, Navamsha, Drekkana,
Ascendant and the 7th house. Intensity of this yoga will be reduced if any of
the above mentioned factors is not present.
In the Navmansha Kundali and Drekkana, if the Ascendant, Hora Ascendant
and Ghatika Ascendant are aspected by any planet or they form a relationship

then the person will get Rajyoga in his birth-chart. If any of the above
mentioned factors is not present then this Yoga will not be so influential.
If Mars, Venus and Ketu are placed in the 3rd house from each other, and if
they form mutual aspects then one of the Rajyogas known as Vaithanica
will form in the birth-chart. He will achieve fame and prosperity in his life
due to this yoga.
If 2nd, 4th and 5th houses from the Atamakaraka have equal strength or these
houses are occupied by auspicious planets, then the native will get higher
position and rights in his profession. If planets which are placed in the 3rd
and 6th house from the Atamakaraka have equal strength or they are occupied
by malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu) then the native will
achieve higher post and rights in his vocation.

If 2nd, 4th and 5th houses from the Ascendant lord or the 7th lord are
occupied or aspected by benefic planets, then he will get a prosperous life. If
Venus is placed in the Karakamsha as an auspicious planet in the birth-chart
of a person, then he will be very fortunate and will be blessed with a happy
life. If the Ascendant lord is in conjunction with the 5th lord as an exalted or
debilitated planet or in the own Navamsha, then he can become the governor
of a country.
If same number of planets are located in the Ascendant and seventh house
then the person will get Rajyoga later in his life. If Venus, Mars and Ketu are
located in the 2nd and 4th house from the Atamakaraka then he will be
blessed with a luxurious and happy life. If the Ascendant, 7th and 9th house
are located in a strong position, then he will be a great political leader. He

will get Rajyoga in his birth-chart, if there are equal planets placed in the
Ascendant. He will get good results in his later life.

If equal planets are placed in the Ascendant and 4th house, then the person
will be blessed with Rajyoga and he will achieve success and fame in his life.
If Jupiter and Moon are placed in the Ascendant and 11th house or if the
Ascendant and 7th house are aspected by benefic planets, then he will live his
life as a king.
If Mercury and Jupiter are placed in the Ascendant and 11th house or if the
Ascendnat and 7th house are aspected by benefic planets then he will get
Rajyoga in his birth-chart. He will enjoy his early life. If Venus and Moon are
in conjunction when they are placed in the 10th house from Atamakaraka and
if they aspect Atamkaraka then he will get a royal life. If Moon is in

conjunction in the 7th house with auspicious planets then he will get
opportunity to work with royal people. If benefic planets are placed in the
trine houses (1, 5 and 9) and Kendras (1, 4, 7 and 10) then he will work for
country on the higher position.
Rajyoga will form in the birth-chart, if in the Navamsha Kundali, Moon is
located in the 4th house or 11th house from Jupiter. Due to this combination,
the person will get power and fame in his profession. If benefic planets are
placed in the birth sign an, the 10th and 11th house of Navamsha Kundali
then he will get normal Rajyoga. It will give him prosperous life.
If the Ascendant and Atamakaraka signs are occupied or aspected by any
exalted planet then he will enjoy his life like a king. If Navamsha sign of
Atamkaraka is same as the Ascendant, birth sign or sign where Jupiter is
placed, then he will get higher position in his life. If auspicious planets are

placed at the same number in the Arudha Ascendant and 9th house of
Navmansha sign, then he will make his career in politics. If malefic planets
are placed in the 3rd and 6th house from Atamkaraka or Arudha Ascendant,
then he will be blessed with a luxurious life

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