ST Helena at Last

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St Helena at last!

The Island was spotted as the sun rose above the horizon. Sailors imaginations
must have run wild when they first saw this large rock rising out of the Atlantic
as they made their approach. It does help being a local but it will be the kids
first time here and they are looking forward to stepping on daddy's home turf
for the first time.
We were greeted a few miles out at sea by my brother Jonathan on Gannet 2
who had bought some family members and friends and motor vessel Sea Horse
owned by Anthony Thomas. It was just wonderful to see them again.
There was no grand entrance of Carpe Diem. No heeling over or flying off the
top of a wave, the winds were too light for anything dramatic.
After anchoring mid morning on the east side of the harbour we were then
ferried ashore where we caught up with my step mum, dad and two sisters.
There were other family members and friends and of course the media who
wanted an arrival photo before we disappeared into the arms of my family.
Oops Customs and immigration first! Being over whelmed by my family almost
pulled us out of our cruising mode.

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