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Spencer Vue

Systematic Observation
Evaluation Team
November 15, 2016
Week 7
1. Overview
This is a systematic observation for Julio Cervantes and Freda Pus teaching performance for
the week 7 of November 15, 2016. In Julios lesson, the lesson focus was dancing and there
was no prior skills needed for this. For the equipment, Julio needed a portable speaker, either a
phone or computer where he can play music through, and 10 cones. This lesson was taught on
the grass with approximately 20 3rd grade students. In Freda Pus lesson, her lesson focus was
football running drills. Prior skills needed for this was running with a football, throwing and
catching. The equipment that she needed was 4 footballs, 8 cones, and 12 poly spots. This
lesson was taught on the grass area with approximately 20 4th grade students.
2. Systematic Observation 1
The first systematic observation that was completed was the System for Observing Fitness
Instruction Time (SOFIT) for Julio Cervantes. Based on the DT performance and the systematic
observation form that I completed, Julio had his students move with a purpose more than half of
the lesson which is pretty good. Some things that we can work on is getting all kids to
participate. This one is the most common because since some students are afraid to dance, it is
really easy for them to say no and stand in the back and do nothing. So one thing we need to do
is split those who are in the back into more of the middle so they can be surround by other
students who are dancing. With dancing, it can be really hard to teach if students are not
engaged, but that wasnt the case. Majority of the students were dancing, so I think one thing
will help is having some students come up front to help dancing and show moves. This will
encourage other students in my opinion because their friends are doing it.
3. Systematic Observation 2
The second systematic observation that was completed was the Time Analysis (TA) on Freda
Pu. Based on the DT performance and the systematic observation form that I completed, there
was a lot of problems in the lesson. First off, there was too much standing around in the lesson.
Throughout the lesson, especially in the tasks, only a couple of students were participating while
the other students were waiting. Eventually she lost the students who were waiting because
they starting fooling around. One thing we can do is set up stations and divide the students up.
Then explain all the stations to all of the students. This will help because the students wouldnt
be standing around and have them more engaged. Freda can have eyes all around and
facilitate the lesson. Secondly, the transitions were bad. It didnt look organize because most of
the students looked lost. I think what we can do is set up everything first before actually
teaching the lesson. This will help the transitions be more smooth. Thus, moving the whole
group together and explaining it to the group will help facilitate the transitions. Something to
mention is there was no audio work so knowing the instruction time and management time were
hard to separate.
4. Closure

This week was a good week for Julio but not such a great week for Freda. It was a mixed bag
because with Julios group, though it was dancing, he got all the students moving and overall it
was a really good lesson. There are still the little details to be worked on such as getting the
kids who are in the back into the middle or front. On the other hand, Fredas lesson needs to be
more organized. There were glimpse of good things such as having student demonstration, but
there was too much standing around. It may be a bad week for Freda but only we can improve
for the next week.

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