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Before arriving at what Biology means, we must first understand what the term

Science means According to Soanes & Stevenson, (2008), Science is defined as

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the
structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and
experiment. In other words, the study of nature and man.
Science can be split into three categories. The first category is physical sciences.
This category involves sciences such as: physics, chemistry and astronomy. The
second category is earth sciences. This category involves sciences such as:
Geology, Oceanography, Paleontology and Meteorology. The third science which
will be discussed today, Biological Sciences (FactMonster, n.d).
The name biology speaks for itself as it derived from the Greek word Bio, which
means life and ology which means the study of (Boundless, 2016). With that
being said, when combining those words, the term Biology is a natural science
that is concerned with the study of life and living organisms (Boundless, 2016).
The study of life consist of a very broad range of scales, from the microscopic
world of cells to the vast scope of the Earths Ecosystem. The levels of Biological
Organization can include: the biosphere, the ecosystem, the community,
population, organism, organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, organelles, molecules
and atoms (Simon, 2014, pp. 4-5).
Some of the factors in biology was studied long before we were born. For example,
Schleiden and Schwann began promoting the universal ideas of cell theory in the
18th century (Boundless, 2016). They changed the way the communitys way of
thinking and got many biologist today and back then to embrace the term. Another
example can include the discovery of double helical structure of DNA in 1953
(Boundless, 2016). Although evolution theory was brought about in the 18th and
19th century by Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, many biologist and
communities still do not believe the theory to be quite accurate as they said
statements such as, monkeys evolving into humans.
With that being said, without such history, students like us would have never
gained knowledge about our environment and our bodies. There is still a lot that
boiologists havent discovered, but when they do, I hope to be alive to witness the
fascinating discoveries that they have unfolded.

Boundless. (2016, July 25). Introduction to the Study of Biology. Retrieved from

FactMonster. (n.d). The Branches of Science. Retrieved from Fact Monster :

Simon, E. J. (2014). Biology: The Core (1st Edition ed.). New Hamphshire: Pearson

Soanes, C., & Stevenson, A. (2008). Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th Edition
ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

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