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Yr 8 Rm12

For days and days I had had a sore leg. I had been to the
doctor’s and he thought that it was either an irritable hip
or an infection so I had to go get X-rays done. The X-rays
showed nothing (except bones but nothing was wrong with
them). That got me, Dad, Mum and the doctor worried. I
had a blood test too. After a while I could hardly walk and
if I did, it was so painful. I was on quite alot of medicine
then eventually I was in so much pain that basically all I
could do was lie down - which was stink.

I went to physiotherapy and my physiotherapist said there

was purple and red marks all around it and said that it could
be my ‘physatic’ nerve (eh?). I was very confused. Was it an
infection? Was it my ‘physatic’ nerve? I didn’t know (and
neither did anyone else, which made it so frustrating!!).
Then finally, one Monday, I was taken to hospital. I was in a
room with 2 other girls, Christina and Harmony. When mum
and dad left I cried (It was my 1st time in hospital and they
weren’t staying!!! I was a cry baby at hospital). My Dad
ended up crying too – for ages.

After a while I watched TV (it was on a really cool robotic

arm over my bed) for ages then I decided to sleep, only I
couldn’t because there was tubes hanging from me and
Christina and Harmony were singing all night. I knew I had
to get up early in the morning which was quite bad because I
should’ve been asleep by now. And whenever I did fall asleep
the machine I was hooked up to would beep or the nurse
would come around with her torch and ask me if I was
asleep (which was dumb because she woke me up with her
light and her talking so loud).

The next day I was (rudely) woken by people (staff) wanting

to look at my leg. About an hour later I was taken into
SURGERY. Apparently I had an abscess that had burst. I
wasn’t scared or nervous until I actually got outside the
operating room. They had pictures of Winnie the Pooh and
they had 2 clocks (weird). All I remember was that the
people would tell me I’d feel weird – and I did.

The next thing I knew I was in recovery. A lady gave me an

ice block and I asked her “Where’s Dad?”, because he had
gone into the operating room with me. She brought my dad
in and he told me that I had to stay another night and I
cried. (Cry baby). I was taken back to my room (number 4!!)

That night I woke up and there was blood everywhere. The

packing over my leg (my leg now had a huge hole in it) had
come off. I was so scared, I got up and blood splotched
onto my foot. I was so scared I cried. (Again, cry baby).

The next morning was Wednesday. I was told I had caught

M.R.S.A from the hospital which meant any medicine with
penicillin in it didn’t work on me - so I had to get put on a
new antibiotic.

That day was an interesting one. When my dressing got

changed I got put on laughing gas, I saw a person in the
window and when Mum looked he was gone! She said I was
imagining things but he was totally there ! I was also
changed to my own room (YES!!) With my own bathroom
(BONUS) and a nice view (I didn’t really care about the view
but I was happy!)

I had to stay another night after that and I had trouble

breathing. (I got so scared that I would stop breathing.)
But I lived!!

Since then I’ve had another abscess, which is now gone, and
now, finally, I’m fine (sort of).


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