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New Lawyer Training


Table of Contents

Business Goals.4
Statement of Problem..5
Research Methods...6
Situation Analysis.7
Communication Goals.8
Key Stakeholders11
Key Messages.12

The Orange County Bar Association has established a community of area
attorneys giving them the opportunity to exchange information related to their specific
fields of expertise as well as providing legal and community services to other residents in
surrounding areas. The OCBA is currently a 3,500 member voluntary association within
Orlando, FL with members of regional, state, and national recognition.

Currently, their association is lead by OCBAs

President: Jamie Moses
President-Elect: Wiley Boston
Treasurer: Elizabeth McCausland
Secretary: Richard Dellinger
And an Executive Council of 12 other members

Their mission is to:

Promote honor, dignity, truth and professionalism within the legal community;
Promote improvements in the law and aid in the administration of justice;
Enhance the delivery of and access to quality legal services;
Educate the public about the legal system;
Provide for an inclusive bar
Promote camaraderie, a forum for discussion on issues pertaining to the legal system and
education for its members.

With this mission in mind, this campaign will set out to entice new lawyers in
Orange County to attend the OCBA New Lawyer Training Program, August 5-6, 2016.
This program will be used to:

Prepare new attorneys for the field

Receive expert and professional advice
Become better familiarized with Orange Countys court system
Equip themselves to become as successful as possible

By using content that will draw in this age group (22-30 years old) such as lighthearted quizzes that will ask questions leading the individual being quizzed to the
registration site, where they can be informed on the program and proceed to registration.
This will be accomplished through creating a BuzzFeed-like quizzes that will be posted
on OCBAs Facebook and Twitter pages. These platforms have been chosen for their
interaction rates and audience exposures.
Once the content is created, it will be shared via a link that takes our intended
audience to a site that allows them to engage in the quiz related to their field. Once the
quiz is completed, it will send the individual to the registration site. Our goal, is to get as
much exposure and interaction with new, young attorneys and lawyers to increase the
attendance to the New Lawyer Training Program.

The Orange County Bar Association is currently reaching several professional
attorneys and other law associations and practices through their social media platforms.
This networking provides them the ability to be exposed to attorneys and lawyers nation
wide while being linked in communication and exposure with and through other
associations. Though they currently have relevant followers, the OCBA will need to
increase their exposure to younger, local followers in their field to promote the New
Lawyer Training Program.
The problem facing them is as follows: exposure to a young, local audience
through social media content to encourage the attendance of their New Lawyer Training
Program. Creating such content will need to be geared towards a 22-30 years old (recent
graduates into the field of law).
With most of their followers being associations or professionals within the field or
court system, these followers will not be benefitted by the program and therefore will not
be as heavily influenced by the promotion of it. Though they may be able to share it with
new Orange County lawyers and attorneys through their networks, such a process would
not be as impactful or efficient. It is crucial that the content be relevant to 22-30 years old
attorneys/lawyers that will evoke interaction with the content and page.
The best platforms to reach this age group of OCBAs current social media will be
Twitter and Facebook. Content used on Twitter because of their current followers being
similar associations and professionals that can share the content with the targeted
audience and having a larger percentage of younger users. Content should also be created
for the use of Facebook because of the consistency of users being more active on a daily


Research Goals:

Test if the targeted audience (22-30 years old) will engage with BuzzFeed like
quizzical content that promotes the New Lawyer Training Program.
Ask current members of the OCBA in this age group to participate in a
practice run
Identify the likelihood of participation from targeted audience
Get feedback to ensure engagement with content

Primary Research:

Interview with current members of the OCBAs in targeted audience age group
(22-30 years old) to get first-hand feedback.
Evaluate responses
Critique problem areas
Consider recommended changes

Secondary Research:

Evaluate the analytics of OCBAs Twitter and Facebook for the use of possible
content creation.
Look at analytics of both platforms (followers, follower interactions, etc.)
Evaluate demographics and psychographics of targeted audience (what
kind of content will they engage best with)


A. Strengths:

Expertise: Composed of members that have achieved regional, national, and state
Reputation: Well-known for experience and member standings
Partners: Those partnering with this association that give more opportunity and

B. Weaknesses:

Social Media: Currently lacking proper audience exposure

C. Opportunities:

Training: Ability to prepare new lawyers in their fields using the already obtained
expertise from present members
New Partners: Gaining/Changing partnerships that give members the most
opportunities and support
New Members: Chance to grow membership and volunteer bases

D. Threats:

Age: Frequently keep up-to-date both in information and techniques

E. Strategic Implications:

Use of partners (such as partners sharing the content) will make content appear
more professional and get more interactions
Focusing on reaching proper audience exposure

Stressing the importance of the training program through content

Now that we have assessed our potential road-blocks and open doors, we will
establish our goals through communication:

Use of OCBAs Facebook platform for most likely interactions

Make content that is engaging and directive towards the business goal
Inform potential registering individuals of the program and its benefits

A. Develop the Campaign Theme

The Campaign theme to promote the program will be Courtship in the
Court System, proceeded by the slogan Find the right Court for you.
The quiz will be similar to that of a BuzzFeed quiz with short, quick
questions that are more entertaining then quizzical. It will be a spin off of
questions similar to a dating site to match the new lawyers/attorneys to
the right court system. At the end of the quiz, they will find their match
which will be the registration and informational page of the New Lawyer
Training Program.
Before the release of the quiz, promotions can begin beforehand. This
entails creating images associated with the quiz as introduction. Posting
this image first accompanied by information that encourages the audience
to stay tuned for the reveal of the campaign. This will create hype for the
campaign as a foundation instead of starting the campaign out with little to
no footing. If the audience is briefly informed prior to the release, it will
increase the likelihood of their participation due to their awareness of the
campaign. Unawareness may lead to hesitation resulting in less exposure
and interactions.
B. Physically Interactive Posts
In order to get the most interaction through the campaigns posts, we need to
create a post that captures our targeted audiences attention that then captivates

them for the next two minutes. Two minutes because its quick but gets the degree
of interaction we need to fully expose them to the program.
Creating the quiz will be the first initial step. After the completion of
the quiz, the link will be accompanied by an image that will be posted on
both the Facebook page and Twitter page. The image captures the
audiences eye when scrolling and will entice them to click on the link
provided. With both the link and the image in the posts, individuals will
have the quick ability to share on their own page or directly to other
interested and qualifying individuals.
Hashtags are one of the most effective tools in making a campaign
become trending. By including one brand hashtag for the campaign will
create relevancy and branding. The hashtag will be #OCBAMatchMaking.
After implementing these goals, our objectives would be to
further the reach of the campaign and its impact on our targeted
audience. Overall, we want to solidify the exposure to the proper
audience to ultimately increase the attendance of the program.
A. Increase Audience Exposure

In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the campaign,

we need the proper audience exposure. Using our
communication goals can only be useful if exposed to the
proper audience. Increasing exposure can be done in a few
ways. This can be accomplished through contacting UCF
and other Orange County colleges and inquiring about their
current law students, recent graduates (within the past 4
years), and Master students in the field. From there, OCBA
can follow these individuals on both Facebook and Twitter
to increase potential exposure to our targeted audience.

Another route that could be implemented is contacting

several law firms and practices of Orange County inquiring
about their current attorneys and lawyers that qualify for
the program. As well as sending newsletters and emails to
them and current members of the OCBA informing them of
the opportunity presented through the New Lawyer
Training Program and encouraging them to share the
opportunity with others they may network with.

B. Increase Audience Awareness

Once the audience has been increased, the use of

newsletters, emails, and introductory promotions can
begin. This builds their awareness of the program and will
increase the chances of them participating with the
campaign in its early stages. Preparing the audience for
the campaign will determine their engagement later.

C. Increase Registration

The overall objective is to gain more attendees to the

program. Informing, encouraging, and engaging with them
is half the work. It is



essential that once we have got them to the registration

portion, that they are well informed going into registering.
The most effective way of doing so will be to add any
qualifying individual to an emailing list and continue to
expose them to information that will answer any questions
that may be preventing or prolonging their registration. It
is essential to meet them where they are at. Provided in
the newsletters/emails can be a link to were FAQs are
provided and a
contact person to answer any other questions they may
have concerning registering and the program itself.
Expanding the reach of OCBAs current audience to the intended
target audience (22-30 years old) of new, young attorneys and
lawyers will ensure a more effective campaign. Without
expanding their reach, the effectiveness may take longer and will
ultimately result in fewer registrations since the current audience
does not qualify for the program or have no beneficial gain from



There is a specific audience that the campaign can benefit from

including in its reach:
18-65 year olds
Broader due to the potential contacts this age group
may have
Of the licensed audience:
88% Caucasian
5% African American
4% Hispanic
64% Male
36% Female
Of law students:
52% Male
48% Female
72% Caucasian
28% other minorities

Social Media
OCBAs Twitter ( : 458 followers
These followers consist of mostly other bar associations,
law practices, firms, and corporations, etc. There also
includes followers within the profession such as individual
lawyers and attorneys. This is a strong platform in reaching
other law practices that may have referrals for the

OCBAs Facebook
( :
This platform is effective for the more daily users and
contains 87% of the users in the 18-29 years old group.


Orlando, FL
OCBA is looking to reach new lawyers/attorneys in the
Orlando/Orange county area.


Our key messages will be what we determine is the most

important information our audience takes from engaging with the
campaigns posts.

New lawyers/attorneys experience and preparation for their field

is crucial to their success
Because of this fact, it is OCBAs desire to supply a
program to meet the needs of these individuals and equip
them. Much of what these new lawyers/attorneys will gain
from the 2-days of intensive seminars, will prepare them
for the challenges ahead, more so than the preparation
from bar exam.

The OCBA is qualified and professional

Our audience needs the certainty that the information and
training will be from the hands of professional and qualified
individuals. With this knowledge, new attorneys/lawyers
will be more likely to register and invest in seminars they
believe will be impactful upon their career. Also, presenting
qualified and professional material reflects upon the OCBA
and their standards.

You do not have to be a OCBA member to join

Making sure there is full knowledge that non-members can
attend is important. If there is reason to believe that
strings may be attached, such as having to become a
member beforehand may prevent possible attendees from
registering. Though non-members are welcome to attend,
stressing the benefits of being a member of the OCBA can
be reflected in the information provided to those
registering through emails/newsletters.

As part of Orange Countys court system, it is each

lawyers/attorneys responsibility to maintain professionalism
This can be used to encourage new lawyers/attorneys to
continue their education to maintain a smooth and
professional running court system. This not only benefits
them, but other attorneys/lawyers in the field as well.



In order to communicate these messages, our strategies include:

Quick Interactive Postings

Ensuring that the campaigns posts have increased
exposure and interaction will be based upon the
successfulness of how relevant and engaging the quiz will
be. This age group has been exposed to several online
quizzes, so its relevancy will be easy to follow along.
Keeping the quiz short will also keep their attention.

The association of the quiz with the hashtag
(#OCBAMatchMaking) creates consistency and the sharers
from other associations, firms, etc. will encourage
participation and increase knowledge of the program.



In order to implement these strategies, here are several actions

to put the promotion into full swing.
A. Create Newsletters/Emails Prior to Launch

By informing the potential target audience beforehand that

a new campaign presented through OCBA will be coming
soon, gives your audience the opportunity to turn on
notifications and be checking in regularly. Also, the
background knowledge will make them more likely to

B. Pre-Posting
Creating a branding image that will also be used in the quiz
will give it a familiarity. Posting this image beforehand
creates awareness so that when the actual quiz launches,
the audience will easily identify it and be able to interact
with it.
C. Sharing
Networking with practices, firms, corporations, etc. of
Orange County will increase the reach of the promotion.
Having these key stakeholders share the posts will increase
the exposure and ultimately the interactions.
D. Hashtag
Utilizing a hashtag will make the promotion easily
locatable, trend, and promote the association of the
campaign to OCBAs name.
E. Evaluating
Keeping track and evaluating the analytics and responses
weekly or even daily will help gauge the exposure it is



With the ending of the campaign the day refunds are no longer
permitted (July 15th, 2016), evaluating the success in increasing the
registration will be implemented. Preparation can begin as early as the
last week of May, and the posts begin in the first two weeks of June.
Pre-Campaign (1 week before)
Evaluate analysis of current social media activity and
Test quiz on current (22-30 years old) OCBA members and get
Directly inform law firms/practices/associations/etc. of Orange
County about program
Contact law firms/practices of Orange County inquiring about
their qualifying current attorneys and lawyers
Send newsletters/emails to possible candidates
Weeks 1-2
Create and begin posting the image associated to the campaign
Use image as cover photos on social media platforms
Weeks 3-4
Officially post quiz
Observe registration changes
Be aware of glitches or other problem areas and assess them
Be available via email/social media of comments/concerns/etc.
Re-evaluate analysis reports
Weeks 5-7
Keep new registers updated via email/newsletters with FAQs and
Send promotional newsletters/emails for registers to encourage
qualified individuals they may know
Keep posting daily
Offer scholarships/reimbursements to registers that refer 3 or
more individuals to register for program
Re-evaluate analysis reports
Weeks 8
Final push through posts
Express immediacy

Final updates/reminders
Compare analysis from weeks before to current

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