Written Literary Reflection Lil Broski

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Alan McLawhorn

Connie S. Douglas
UWRT 1101
11 December 2016
Written Literary Reflection:
Now that I have reread my essay This I Believe, I realize that although my points were
good, my writing wasnt as good as it could have been. I also think the organization of my paper
was logical, but, mainly, my wording and grammar were not very good. Since this was my first
major assignment in many years, I struggled. The high school I went to was an inner city school,
and I know it didnt prepare me for writing papers and researching. This is not an excuse, as I
had a lot of responsibility for the work I did or didnt do.
As I reread this paper now, I see grammatical errors and some sentences where my
subjects and verbs dont agree. In other words, I have some plural subjects and singular verbs in
the same sentence in certain places. I didnt notice them when I first wrote the essay, but its
obvious now. However, I believed in what I wrote, and I think it shows.
It also shows in my journals for this section, as I reflect on my This I Believe daybook
reflection. At that point I knew what I believed in strongly and I feel if you are passionate about
something, write about it. My essay is not the greatest but I feel like it shows what and who I
stand for. I also feel passionate about the power of introverts, as I identify as one. Introverts are
misunderstood, but are needed in society to become creative to solve problems for our nation.
Overall, I am passionate about my work, even though it is hard to show it at times.

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