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Telephone Nof (62) 313101 007. To A Ae edd ede URE Sc EERE ODF a a ra ee Republic of the Philippines a Department of gocial Welfare and Development a BP ans, Batson PapensaComplon Consiton Hits, Quezon Gy 126 - sterhapinawndewd gow Me tne age af, b JAN 182016 4 FOR: ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS t oie fy Region I-XIl, CAR, (ARAGA & NCR . a = Oper THRU: REGIONAL PROGRAM COORDINATOR au. Pantawid Pamilyarg Pilipino Program ce iS A ATTENTION: REGIONAL COMPUIANCE VERIFICATION OFFICER “/' Os Pantawid Pamilyarg Pilipino Program eer 7 FROM: THE NATIONAL PROGRAM MANAGER... oe Me pecrod Pantawid Pamilyarg Pilipino Program *"> one Up DSWD, Central Offie, Quezon City SUBJECT: AMENDED BENEFICIARY TRACKING REPORT (BTR) GUIDELINES x aoe wae DATE: December 18, 201) Ho his is in reference with the Amended Heneficiary Tracking Report (BTR) Guidelines which was presented and concurred with the Reg}onal CV Focals during the 3 Joint Quarterly Meeting last September 2015 We would like to share with you the fapproved BTR guidelines for your reference, The enhancements made both on the Guidelines and Application aim to address the issues encountered during the pilot implemenfation of BTR module in 2013. Also, as agreed with the CV Focals last reasons for Non-compliance starting 2 BTR module/ application which will be December 9, 2015, the encoding for the validated 15 P4 CV monitoring will be through the enhanced jeployed in the PIS by January 2016. In the meantime that the timeline for 1016, is still under discussion, may we provide you the following timeline for the generatiot and encoding of BTR reports: Period ‘August-September (P4 2015) Validation 7 [February-March 2016 (P1 2016) “nteee(P22016) IY Jocef) aa Sed Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development 7 Gs a BP Road, Batasan Parpbansa Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City 1126 FOR: ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS Region I-XII, CAR, GQARAGA & NCR THRU: REGIONAL PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program ATTENTION: REGIONAL COMPI ICE VERIFICATION OFFICER a Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program ene FROM: ‘THE NATIONAL PROGRAM MANAGER... O78 OF THE sie NAL DIRECTOR Pantawid Pamilyarg Pilipino Program 2 ee f) /y DSWD, Central Offite, Quezon City «eR ‘SUBJECT: AMENDED BENEFICIARY TRACKING REPORT (BTR) GUIDELINES 5 {ais DATE: December 18, 201! This is in reference with the Amended Jeneficiary Tracking Report (BTR) Guidelines which ‘was presented and concurred with the Regjonal CV Focals during the 3" Joint Quarterly Meeting last September 2015. We would like to share with you the approved BTR guidelines for your reference. The enhancements made both on the Guidelines and Application aim to address the issues encountered during the pilot implemenfation of BTR module in 2013. Also, as agreed with the CV Focals las December 9, 2015, the encoding for the validated reasons for Non-compliance starting 2415 P4 CV monitoring will be through the enhanced BTR module/ application which will befleployed in the PPIS by January 2016. In the meantime that the timeline for 3016, is still under discussion, may we provide you the following timeline for the generatioh and encoding of BTR reports: Period Validation Encoding ‘August-September (P4 2015) 22016 ‘October-November (P5 2015) of February, 2016 December 2015-January 2016 (P6 2015) _| February-March | 2 to 3-4 week of April, 2016 February-March 2016 (P1 2016) ril-May 24 to 3 week of June, 2016 ‘April-May (P2 2016) Jpne-july, ‘2nd to 3 week of August, 2016 June-July (P3 2016) lugust-September_| 24 to 34 week of October, 2016 ‘August-September (P4 2016) [ctober-November _| 24 to 3% week of December 2016 October-November (PS 2016) fecember-January | 2 to 3 week of February, 2016 RECORDS SECTION RECEIVED. JAN 08 2016 ave Lanna Page 1 of 3 fs Wu ‘The detailed encoding schedule will be given once the 2016 Timeline is approved to ensure that there will be no over-lapping in the processing. Further, please ensure that the following procedures are followed accordingly: PERSON IN-CHARGE TASK RITO/ CMT. ‘* Downloading and printing of BTR forms and corresponding transmittal f§rms. C/ML's ‘* C/MLs shall Ipcate the concerned beneficiaries to identify the reason for ndn-compliance in the corresponding program conditionalitles. This is to determine the appropriate intervention] In cases where the designated C/ML's are not available, thd SWA will facilitate the validation. ‘* For inter-regjon monitoring process, the validation for non- compliance df those beneficiaries who are currently enrolled and are being monitored by other regions shall be facilitated lated C/ML.. Validated reason shall be forwarded n for the encoding in the BTR. Proper coordination] should be followed accordingly. ‘+ All BTR Forsps shall be submitted by C/ML to SWO III every period for rebiew prior to the submission to CCVOs. | The SWAs onC/MLs shall forward the signed accomplished BTR Forms tp CCVOs for the encoding of reasons for non- compliance ds well as the provided interventions in the BTR Module in PHIS every period, CCVO's Inthe event pf non-availability of internet connection at the POO level, h4mpering the encoding process, CCVOs shall report at the Field (fice for encoding of BTR forms. RCVO's ‘* RCVOs will gnerate the consolidated BTR reports. The said reports will be submitted to RPC for approval. © The BTR repprts will be endorsed to the concerned divisions to initiate necefsary interventions and will take the lead in Operational/System Related category. 2. RBOs for the facilitation of the complaint-driven tro payment of the Operational/System Related cftegory for the affected household beneficiaries. 3. CEVOs to ensure that the child/ren household | bfneficiaries are included in the CVS monitoring efery period. 4. IAD to facilitate the coordination with our key pertners for the supply-side related issues. GAD = GAD/FDS Foals to facilitate the conduct of case management _ Page 2 of 3 with SWO Il for cases that fall under 1)Children in Especially | stances (CEDC), 2)External We trust that the said amended BTR gui Jines are properly disseminated to all concerned staff. For your guidance and appropriate actior Thank you. ben DIR. LEONARDO C. REYNOSO_Zjrat® Certified Copy: N eMYLOUP. MIRAVALLES ‘le-Chlet, General Services Division ce: Beneficiary Data Management Divisidn, NPMO Grievance Redress Division, NPMO Institutional Partnership Division, NHMO Gender and Development Unit, NPM Family Development Division, NPMO| Page 3 of 3 Republic of the Philippines Department of Sokial Welfare and Development BP Road, Batasan Pambifisa Compiox, Constitution Hills, Quezon City 1126 Telephone Nos. (422) 921-9101 to 07; Telefax (692) 931-8191 frail oseccidsws gow ph ‘wobite: hep srw. sv. gov.p November 23, 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY Thru U/SEC. PARISYA H. TARADII Undersecretary and National eputy Project Director for Operations Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Pyogram FROM ‘THE NATIONAL PROGRAM MANAGER Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Pogram SUBJECT Amendment to Procedural Gide for the Beneficiary Tracking Report May we respectfully submit the herein attachet! Amendment to Procedural Guide for the Beneficiary Tracking Report System. It will be used in fhe Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program for proper monitoring of reasons for non-compliance of hofisehold/children beneficiaries to the set conditionalities of the program and to provide them with immediate and appropriate interventions. The following are the changes made from the pipvious BTR guidelines: BTR Module will be available in the Pantawid Pafnilya Information System (PPIS); | Section | ~ Rationale and Objectives _— I L ‘Additional reasons with description for non-cdmpliance of the beneficiaries in | Section =H = Education, Health Center Visit, and Family Development Session (FDS); Standardized Code: A (Education), Reasons for non-compliance were arranged alfhabetically for easy reference of | (Health), C(FDS) the field staff; 8 | | Category were added in the guidelines for ever} reasons of non-compliance such | Section Il- Category | as Children in Especially Difficult Ciftumstances (CEDC), External Pressure/Negative Environmental Influences, Dysfunctional Family Situation, Operational/System Related Reasons, and Supdy Side Related Reasons; | Enhanced process in handling each case: management; Concerned Units/Diistons | Section V-Procecures,) jpdating, supply-side and case | Section — W "| Page 1 of 2 ‘Report Module is incorporated to fast-track the eneration of necessary reports such as list of non-compliant beneficiaries, reaspns for non-compliance. These | reports will be the basis for providing necessary intervention by the designated Unit/Divisions For the Secretary's kind approval and signature, Thank you. DIR, LEONARDO C. REYNOSO Approve seer Arter) \/Disapproved A App tne/ CORAZON JULIANO-SOLIMAN “ ecretary, Section ili Category; B ~ Categorization of Reasons for Non- Compliance Page 2 of 2 TITLE: BENEFICIARY TRACKING RI BENEFICIARY TRACKING REPORT SYSTEM PORT, MONITORING OF REASONS. FOR NON-COMPLIANCE OF HOUBEHOLD/CHILDREN BENEFICIARIES AMENDMENT TO PROCEDURAL GUIDE: Monitoring of Reasons for Non-Compliatce of Household/Children Benefi eventually tagged as “Not Attending Schpol, Health Center Visit or FDS” using Offline Database called Benefifiary Tracking Report (BTR) 1, RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES It has long been recognized that becquse of the dynamic nature of the Program and its beneficiaries we face intermittent challehges in the implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. It is for this reason] that the Program is employing necessary efforts to rationalize and strengthen its systems dnd processes. In line with this, we have conducted & number of massive update initiatives]to address the issue on the increasing number of beneficiaries marked as “Not Attendinglschoo!”, “Dropout”, “Not Enrolled” and “No Record in the Health Center’. However, the rfcent Compliance data shows that there are still 2 significant number of beneficiaries thft need to be updated with their current education and/or health data profile. The management had developed a tragking mechanism to facilitate the proper monitoring of these beneficiaries to provide them with immediate and more appropriate interventions. The BTR Module is now being enhanced tf improve the monitoring and records keeping of the various satellite offices of Pantawid, | Outputs from the BTR are to be forwarded to the respective division/unit for appropriat beneficiaries to comply with conditio significantly decrease if not eradicat compliant to the set conditions of the intervention. It aims to continuously encourage the lities set by the program. With this initiative, it will the incidence of Program beneficiaries not being gram. Given the above, the City/Municipal finks (C/MLs) plays a major role in the validation and monitoring of compliance of the benefciaries to the set conditions of the program. As @ Case Manager, the C/ML concerned mug: ensure the veracity of the data reflected in the Compliance Forms during the monitdring period as well as to capture the specific reason behind the non-compliance to conditi immediate intervention and action. of a particular beneficiary to provide and recommend Page 1 of 19 With @ goal to strengthen the complianke of the beneficiaries and respond to the helping process of the social work it seems necessary to develop a tool that will capture the reasons for non-compliance and filing system during the data gathering process. The database when ‘analyzed will provide valuable informatipn as to aggregate the reasons and can be used in developing specific interventions to ensurp the compliance of the beneficiaries. Il. STANDARDIZED CODES: Reason for ngn-compliance ‘The reasons cited below are consolidate reasons gathered from the Field Offices (FOs). The list is not exclusive and it may be enriched, reduced, or modified if necessary, subject to the concurrence of system focals nationwide. The primary purpose of this list is to create a common and cohesive standard across all implementers of Pantawid, A, EDUCATION aE “ADESCRIPTION, pen eee Hfossrcl merber beneldorycannat-g0 to 1 eee eed natrenment or Peg | qf. ‘fertnedy thleparents Prsehold mabe beneciay Ad nol meek he >| amonarersonat matters | cfueston condtoratty because they attend |g CAD/=DD Sfonany, wedding or ther portant evens 3 Beneficiaries nowhere to be | Spneficiary is missing/cannot be located. BOMD | found iremarr seaicay camping to We Coniors he | sanecery regstered unter [opm i ther fty not refed inthe | soMD other foity Tere of tne ‘beneeony Inthe Panta | (HMO/NPNO) abs : Tene Eaaiad member belay Wotan a] GADIFDD ; > | | luliving in the schoo! facility. | tne moynentoy | Household member beneficiary does not want to | | con no lngr cope with the | frnesreol sue to. presen | GD/FOD demands of sh001 tic sequrements, demands ofthe teache! | RMOINEMO} || at often eu ina’ of cho! authors | ~wamncma | fossils ember panty been | ABTS 7 Child in conflict with the la fonfined in a detention facility. (RPMO/NPMO) MIG beveicay engaged work Suh | GAD/FOD 8 Child Work - Fishery {shing, diving, laborer, or vendor of fish. {RPMO/NPMO} “ann TES Genco engoged in worn minings@= | GAD/FOD eon ene on Ls br mining related activities. —_|_teemornemo) awe twain Ti Deatasy egages nwoWTn hear | GADIFDD Y rae “ {RPMO/NPMO)_| Si —benetcay a worting 7] 6x0 /F00 a Ce ti velper/maid/gardener/housekeeper. _{RPMO/NPMO} ~ i beelcer ib compeled to work norderfo x2__| Onld Work (others rie theepoeneranay the ret fatto chlo | gSADMDD. | | ork in fishery, mining farming, and domestic. | a | Confit with Cuture7Beief/ | Btending school contradicts ultural beliefs] | GAD/FDD | | Tradition \fresition/cutture ofthe benefician | emoynemor_} Page 2 of 19 Conte tn ved ee Tousehold bonaGayy fot standing teu compton MP reuse there tat theyareconplant | GRD as contested Conte anes) tolconditions but tagged as non-compliant and | ({RPMO/NPMO} wed ower amour o a {ofr member benetcary ad wat mes the caojroo 15 | cutng Cisse ef cine oe Heaven | gas ~ ‘Hdusehold member beneficiary did not meet the 17 | pesthin the Fi see tetnaance Tae due to the death of | gSRO/7O, fafher/mother/brother/sister/relatives. " SN 18 | Doceaed ifsc menberbentcry assole | gnome) his beneten safered from 3 conven Heese srentavenve, et) thot render | _ ox0/F0D ts | co hifn/ner to unable to comply with the conditions | {RPMO/NPMO) - forthe rogram ] fe householé residence is far-flung from wt 20) pistnce Ting te the td bene tae 1 | gy ___| hhurs to get to the nearest schoo! facility) Cee) pian eneicry snot yokes to belns ao/ro0 nx | emotional Unprepared | Soo eornmentCan be touted to ea “metonsty ners eee nee nn | @wonewey srt oo not sand the Tron To We 22 | Family conts [ren army dec’ to untoward Inaence | CADDO, appened in the household. y 1 spite the assistance being provided by the | 23 | Francia Fin the parent ef the cn sil doesnot |g CADVFOD [etna tosend al chien ose fed to wood area where the hovehol | 2 " cele ember beneficiary is enrolied in a school IPO. | contests compliance vpn to conions but tgsed $2 900 \ | o ympliant and received lower amount of (epMO/HPO) is sas games Td not atend the shaded | GADIEDD a petro | APs for fear of his/her safety. {RPMO/NPMO} seta ember beneiaty isnot vi 9 | Death inthe Fmt ete certer due to the. denth of) CAD/D thr/nthrther serrate : ows usehaid Bereta already ied nf 20 ° a (RPMO/NPMO)_ ra nella was 001 le BRE FOS | tt | stance Pease vee ety FO" Myon ro dot aend 7S pray Bue 79 GAD/FDD 12 | Famiy conte sroward inddence happened in the | CA? aot esol) Tones barely aerded The 5 al s saendaneg [fe fot ato sn the atendoce chest | £00 13 | Forgot to sign the attend Fendering him/her not present during the | (RPMOYNPMO) | a rantee/Guardian not aware of | the D | = Forgot the Schedule | bcheduled FDS. (RPMO/NPMO) | | srantee/Guardian failed to attend FOS ‘GAD/FDD (ee ome lbecause they are in gambling activities, {RPMO/NPMO) Icrantee/Guardian were not able to attend | e in me. GAD/FDD/BOMD 15 | covesith fee ees ake isin tor on the some | SHO/FOD/ROM Schedule ; aaa Bote toa of [ronson att aings Tew) 7p aS rete aveg pron toatend thers. | _ GEMONPNO) fe Ind har dwepoces in Tek 2) — yyy 15 | acurate ata Tih woul! deem the cHd not elgBle "0 | gp SOM ay epee Fegutcted households whe were proven cet nthe pegommasenl wro| Gg, | se | ncusion sorweiee/rave | voluariyrenoueee thar ris 8 the | ‘program/households who were proven to {RPMO/NPMO) have deceived the program for personal gain. | Page 8 of 19 rantee/Guardian was informed the residency. Page 9 of 19 ; 00 20 | informed but didnt attend eneduled FOS but fled to attend the FDS. | (geyeanndo) , 1 porents/Guardian puto a : GAOTFOD 21__| alles _ _ {RPMO/NPMO}) arents/Guardian is hesitant/not willing to pe ee ttend the scheduled FDS during the | GAD/FDD yonitoring period. (RPMO/NPMO) ~ jinor beneficiary attends the FOS to proxy OD 23_| Minormember as Proxy Hfeendeesreae (oho) ~ 1 ~ jousehold member beneficiary is/are not soMD | 24 | Moved-out but no updates fied _|fiving wit the household andfalled ta inform | gg Q0MO he C/N and dit nt file update ! ausehoid’ member beneiry Ware not as _| Moved-out with updates already [Jig withthe household but informed the | ,,00MD aa /MILs and filed updates. (Rew 10) ‘Multiple names reflected in GV |fiame of household member beneidary are wo form feacted in cv Form many tes, (semomemo) household has no eligible child/ren for CV 27 | No eligible beneficiaries fronitering ether the eren snot oe ys | ,C¥O/BMD | |Jold, overage, college, high school graduate. 4 J Not formed? Beneficiary wos not informed te changes on oo 28 | Miscommunication onthe tne sede of ros | schedule of activity iseworono) | Benet 6 not Iteresed to aend | —Gaoyeop 29. | Notinterestedin the program —rowyprogram isowronrmo} nla Tansess durin curing YardinessTn attending FOS session, | _GAD/FDD eee ce remoinemor _| Parent/Guardian not able to attend FOS due | Gap/rpp 31 | Pwo to thelr condition (PWO} tnenao/nemto) Pareni/s di not attend FOS due to recehing [ow ‘amount of rents despite of being cro 32 | Reduced Grants compliant to. -—the.-~—program | —(gpmoynpmo} conditionalties — Parent/Guardian were not able to attend FOS earn) 33. | Risky Pregnancy due to their delicate pregnancy condition. {RPMOINPMO} Darenis/Suaraan & unable Yo send FOS ave , a | sick to poor health condition during the GAD/FDD * 1 sia monitoring period. (RPMO/NPMO) Parents/Guardian is unable to attend FDS due 35 —_| sity to poor health condition more than one | SAD/FDD ‘monitoring period/succeeding periods. {RPMO/NEMO} The beneficiary has moved out of the] red Residence arangay/province/region or transfer of eee | 36 | Transferred Resid barangay/province/regi transfer of | igpyaomnpatoy | ae Fouseold member benicar wee notable fo attend school ue to ccaurence of 2 | —GAD/FD0/evD 37 | Unavoidable Circumstances Tealamity which are either natural or man- | (RPMO/NPMO} nate, i —_ [Occurrence of armed conflict in the area AD/FDD/CVD 8 pees ne oe | makes beneficiaries unable to attend FDS. (RPMO/NPMO) 1 The member benefclry sein oT | lolenceor being’ abusedin a dameste 28 | visi of Domeste lence ering, sch at inmaragearcohataion | ,GPO/FOD resulting to non-compliance to set condition | for arly Development sion, | | Paren/Gurdan "didnot attend Te] 40 | work ouside the area Scheduled FOS because they work In the | qgAD/FOD | oe other area as house helper/maid, etc erin tothe wrong incon of te CISA oo 42 | wongenry the roster te elon Ware nota meme | — g @2M2 of the household). eee Other reason for nar-ampTance that Fak | — BOMBTEVOT 42 | oterneasons (es. speciy) | allunderthe above Coder descrip. | _GROVGAD/PD/ - - | F0D iRemoynemoy ti caTEGonY In view of gender dimension of these further grouped by categories as follow: -asons for non-compliance, the standardized codes are For Education and Health 1. Children in Especially Difficult Circ 2. External Pressure/Negative Enviro’ 3.__Dysfunetional Family Situations 4 5, stances (CEDC) ental Influences Operational/Systems Related Reas Supply Side Related Reasons ns A, Description ‘Children In Especially | These are the reasons. for nor-complance of the chid/ren to. the | Difficult Circumstances | conditionalitis due to Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances (CEDC), | (ceoe) those childred who are for shorter or longer periods in their lives, exposed to intense, multfple risks to their physical and mental health. Children lack proper adult |care and protection, and that they lead their lives outside mainstream fociety. These children are socially marginalized. Children within ethnic] minority communities, child laborers and children living and | working in thq streets are among some of the examples of this. Page 10 of 19 External Pressure/Negative Environmental Influences > The pfenatal environment, the chemical balance of the mother's | dnd the presence of conditions or potentially toxic substances | that fn alter development processes, examples are the mother's use of drugs or alcohol, mother suffered from viral or bacterial | diseasts, and direct traumatic injury to the fetus; > The pifysical environment, the air the child breathes, the nutritional value $f food the child eats, exposure to conditions that can lead to diseasp, accident, or injury, including child abuse and neglect; ‘The spcial/cultural environment, consists of the norms, values, belief fystems and morals, standards of behavior that regulate life in the cuftural group in which the child is raised; The Idarning environment, the degree and type of stimulation avallale in the child's immediate environment, sensory input | promdtes and shapes cognitive development, stimulation, in y 9 my g 3 emotibnal environment shapes personality and affects the Dysfunctional Family Situation | These are tie reasons for non-compliance of the household to the due to the household/family is in conflict, misbehavior, and ‘often child qeglect or abuse on the part of individual parents occurs continually aid regularly, leading other members to accommodate such actions, As aresult, the child left on his/her own without the guidance of adult membedin the household. Operational/System Related Reasons | These are tHe reasons for non-compliance of the household to the conditionalitigs that are related to the bugs in the system, not updated data of the househpld beneficiary, and being not eligible for monitoring/inclusion in the progra ‘Supply Side Related Reasons These are the reasons for non-compliance of the household to the conditionalitids that are related to the supply-side such as distance, not | accessible arfa due to terrain/no road access, unavailable of facility/key | partners in fhe area for them to be monitored and comply the set conditionalitids of the program. Page 11 of 19 B, Categorization of Reasons for Non}Compliance GAD/FDD Beneffciaries have to attend the care of other 3 | family members [calico Ts | Child sisting parents in income generating activities | GAD/FDD 7 TI a conflict with the law GAD/FOD 8 ‘GAD/FDD 3 GAD/FDD 10 | Gap/eoo in (GAD/FDD 2 | ‘GAD/FOD 17 a {3 GAD/FDD [a9 31 GAD/FOD Cc 16 GAD/FDD 16 | GAD/FOD | 3B GAD/FOD 30 GAD/FDD 33 GAD/FOD (38/38 34/35 GAD/FOD a2 ~[_GAD/FOD_ a | 7 | | GAD/FOO/CVD | External | z 2] 1 GAD/FDD | 2 GAD/FDD 5 GAD/FOD | 6 | | Gao/rop_ | [at 1 |6a0/eDD a 6 é GAD/FDO_| 4 7 5 GAD/FDD 16 Cuttibg Classes | GaD/FoD 2 T Emofonally Unprepared GAD/FOD 14 Fear pf Immunization GAD/FDD 23 Finaycial - GAD/FDD 1d_| Forgbt the Schedule GAD/FOD 13 _| Forgpt to sign the attendance - GAD/FDD | 15 _| Gar GAD/FDD “| 17 _[ HH diceeds allowable times of Proxy GAD/FOD 20 _| Infoired but didn’t attend [_sanyFoD | [ - 21 : __|_Gad/FDD 29 a Lacklor Loss of interest in School GAD/FOD 2 | GAD/FDD_ | Page 12 of 19 iieralPressfe/ Negative Envonmentalnlunees 28 | GAD/FOD 28 GAD/FOD 5 GADD a1 GAD/FOD (35 GAD/FOD 30 GAD/FOD a 36 | a7 GAD/FOD 6 38 [35] GAD/FOD 26 GAD/FOD [| 40 ‘GAD/FOD 2s GAD/FOD 33 27 | GAD/FDD 37 | — _GAD/EDD ‘Operatlonal/System Related Reasons 3 3 4 _| Beneficiary nowhere to be found _ ‘DMD [a | Beneficiary registered under other facility ‘8DMD a5 9 7 | Contfsted Compliance GRD 18 10 | 10 | Decebsed BOMD 15 [ For Olisting BOM 26 19 | 18 | Inecdrate data BOM [27 | 20 | 19 | Inclufion Error/Waived/Fraud GRD 28 Inelifble for CV Monitoring cvb/BD MD 2 Mischrriage BOMD/CVD_| 30 23_| 24 | Movd-out but no updates filed DMD 3 24__| 25 _| Movdd-out with updates already filed DMD 32 25__| 26 _| Multfple names reflected in CV Form cv. 26 Newly Registered _ swDIEOTFOD_| 27__| No Efgible beneficiaries [spmp/evo_| 29 Overbge ‘BDMD 36 32 | 32 _| Redied Grants GRD C 35 | 36 | Tranfferred Residence 7 39) 41 | Wrojf Entry [somo —| 20 mz | u PD 24 a7 PD 25 18 PO | 40) 33 Side due to unavailability of school feciity 11D] [a [34] Supyfy-Side due to unavailability of | IPD | | I Teacher/DCW/Health Worker i Page 13 of 19 CONCERNED UNITS/DIVISION ‘The following unit/division is the oferall in-charge to coordinate and conduct necessary interventions for the concern of the Heneficiaries. A. UPDATE CASES ~ Beneficiary Dath Management Division To ensure that updates will be} captured in the next CV generation and concerned beneficiaries will be monitored ip the next CVS Monitoring period, the following steps should be undertaken: UNIT/INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY FREQUENCY Bo NeaRaeD: Provide BTR report that falls to Regional/Cluster Operational/System Related categpry in the CV Focal Every Period reason for non-compliance to the BDMD unit Regional/Cluster {or follow through with the C/ML: BUS Focal Locate the concerned beneficiarieb to identify the current Schoo! or Health Centr facility Every Period | “tv/Muniipal and their status Consolidate and forward the corrdctly accomplished Update Forms togefner with the necessary documentary requirempnts (if necessary) to the Regional/Cluste} BUS Focal or encode update using the Offlink BUS as the | case may be | | Household beneficiary should coofdinate with their previous C/MILs for them to frform that they transfer to other area. Assighed C/MLs at | Every Period present address should provide updating form for them to include in monitorin Forward the documents for upda City/Municipal very Period a Links: | C/MLs/Regional/ Cluster BUS Focal Regional/Chuste Every Perio | inthe system ery Period BUS Focal | Perset | Encoders/Regional/ | ncode the neces: Encode t acme __Timeline _|_Cluster BUS Focal Regional/Cluster ‘Approval of the updates pian BUS Focal/ Regional Director_| For cases where children benefifiaries are marked “Not Enrolled” or “No Record in HC” in a particular period and are vidated to be enrolled in a different School or visiting a different Health Center, the FO qhould follow the existing updating procedure. B. SUPPLY-SIDE CASES ~ Institutiogal Partnership Division For cases where supply-side if the major factor that contribute to the inability of beneficiaries to comply with the program conditionalities, the following steps should be undertaken! Page 14 of 19 UNIT/INDIIDUAL CONCERNED. Regional/Cluster CV Focal Regional/Cluster IPD Focal activity FREQUENCY Provide BTR report that falls to Supply Side | Every Period IPD Every Period | powo/NeMo) 1D | | the availability of Health Facility/t Even Patios) (RPMO/NPMO) Worker. _ 7 Provide access to other support interventions and recommend to DSWD Social sas IPD Bureau to develop alternative optfpns for | _ Every periox education. DepEd, DOH and the LUBUs should eee compelto provide solution. | | . CASE MANAGEMENT ~ Family Di Division For cases (non-system issues are fhe main reasons for the beneficiaries’ non-compliance to the program conditionalities] where case management is deemed necessary, the following are the suggested step to be undertaken: lopment Division and Gender and Development UNIT/INDIVIDUAL activity equency | UMT/DWIOU ie PMO/NPMO CV Generate/Print BTR Forms every Period | RPMO/NPHO CY) a 7 Focal | Provide BTR Forms to be distributed to | Regional/Cluster CV | designated C/MLs and SWO II fo validation/home visit. Designated C/Mls and SWO Ill shfl conduct interview with the Parent Granted, beneficiaries to identify the cause for non-combliance to the conditionalities of the program ad convince them to send back their children fo Schoo! or Visit Health Centre C/MILs and SWO II shall accomplifh the necessary | documents. Treatment Plan, Progress Note and | Not Attending tracking template.[The parent | Every Period | C/Ms/SWO I grantee needs to sign to signify tat information gathered by the C/MLsis correct. | Every Period | Focal/C/MLs/SWO | Mm Every Period | C/MLs/SWO II C/MLs and SWO I! shall follow thfough the case | Three (3) [Per family for 6 months Periods C/MLs/SwWO Itt Page 15 of 19 UNIT/INDIVIDUAL activiy srequency | UNT/NDWIDY if after 6 months, all concerned hdusehold beneficiaries don’t give a positive fesponse on As Need c/Mis/swo ll’ | ‘our counselling efforts, they will bp asked to sign | Arises GAD/FDD a waiver to signify that they are ng longer (RPMO/NPMO) interested to be part of the progrdm, | Household to be referred to the Spstainable Livelihood Programs or other appfppriate social | Every period Gap/FOD service intervention, depending of the (RPMO/NPHAO) ily |. Every Period For cases where household m: conditionalities that falls to Chil Influences and Dysfunctional compliance. The following inten ber/s decided to stop complying with the program en in Especially Difficult Circumstances, Environmental amily Situation category in the reason for non- tion should be undertaken: ‘AacriviTy ‘UNIT/INDIVIDUAL | FRE CONCERNED )ermisso | Every Period GAD/FDD | weewonemo) | | C/Mis/SWO 7 Every period Ga0/F0D {neMO/NPMO} Cts] GaD/eDD (RPMO/NPIO) ciits/swo ti | EveryPeriod | GAD/FD0 (apmo¢nemo) | Every Period eho UNIT/INDIVIDUAL [cREQUENCY CONCERNED | Dd Even/Pefiod | rewioynpmo) _| ICTMS/CVD Every Period | (RPIMO/NPMO) Page 16 of 19 ia the osehOTA eT Monitoring __ Provide r@P4 to unit/division for necessary u rovide report ifiaeeneaiea for cases where the beneficiarbs is receiving OF ‘hey are compliant to the progrfm conditional = the following steps should be unplertaken: FREQUENCY Every Period Every Period Every Period low amount of grants or attesting that ities yet they are receiving low: NT/INDWIDUAL | CONCERNED cvb/epMD | ({RPMO/NPMO) CVD. | apmo/nemo_| CVD/BDMD (ReMo/NPMo) _| grants, | onTANoWOUAL | a RGO should f | GRD | rocess fora very Period | droerrau pamentprcesfopteced | Bey Femed | Gexomnan) | Once certification 5 | bi cer eetetion on actu 85% | : Every Period | C/MLs/GRO RPMO Seworming and FOS. Necessary updating should be c SMD. Npwvio/BUS-RPMO. C/Wils/GRO/BDMD Every Period | (RPMO/NPMK Es JSR — = Belo Rlicibie request will be encodfd as excel fi | Sed on Household Matrix for | geo very Period | Every Period | (reMio/NeMO} Retancive payne aie wT I li¢ated, prepared and uplobded by the | Stal Grievance Officer, certified by the ‘ Shai Deputy Manager, and | GRD Shal Deputy program Manader, an aa ed by the Regional Directfr, Approved | ‘v*"Y Perio | (RPMO/NPMO} on. | | ed retracive paymentilbe | ES] tO. UFMS for payroll pbcessing | 8 MS for payroll ppcessing | very Period GRD NPMO Page 17 of 19 activity NPMO will provide the BTR report of children/household with reasons for non-c together with the provided interventions t BDMD, GAD, GRD to take the lead to Regior for necessary actions. RBDOs will facilitate the Update Cases or th | Operational/System Related category. ‘GAD/FDS Focal to facilitate the conduct of management with SWO Ill those BTR repo! +o Children in Especially Difficult Circumsta External Pressure/Environmental influence} Dysfunctional Family Situation category in for non-compliance for the resolution. GOs to process complaint-driven retro pa} affected households. RCVOs/CCVOs to ensure that the children/ beneficiaries are included in the CVS moni period, _ IPD to facilitate the coordination with our in provision of facility in the area that falls Supply-Side Related Reasons category. UNIT/iNDIVIBUAL FREQUENCY AT ANDDIDU j pliance cvo/roo/iPo/80M FO, Io, | EveryPeriod | yok oyeRD NPMO | fal Focals SMD __| seerrreriod | pontoynonto) that falls ces, | Gapyeoo/swo mt and Every Period | (pMo/NeMo} e reason ment for | GRD Every Period | (Rpmo/NEMO) fousehoid | | cvo zngevery | fren Pero | pyoynMo) | eihe | Every Period Eo a yPeriod | (RpMio/NPMO) Approved this of , 2015 and shall take effect immediately. Page 19 of 19

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