Biology Syllabus

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Room: E-3
Instructor: Miss Ducote

1. Course Description:
Biology the study of life is an incredibly unique disciple that requires a
lifetime of study. It must be learned through experimentation and
observation to comprehend our personal connection to the living
worlds structure and function. I look forward to sharing my passion for
Biology with you through the course of this year. I have designed a
curriculum that will develop your analytical skills to make informed
judgments about society and the environment.

2. Course Content:
This is a transition year because we are embracing a new model of
learning science through the NGSS standards. First year Biology
students will be expected to understand: 1. The Organization of life, 2.
Introduction to the Chemistry of Life,
3. Photosynthesis and Respiration, 4. Genetics ,5. Evolution 6. Ecology,
7. Ecosystems. All standards may be found on my website:

3. Materials:
1. 3-ring binder with a section for Biology
2. Binder Paper-College Rule
3. #2 pencils, ball point pens (blue or black ink only)
4. Lab Notebook-a bound composition notebook (no spiral bound).
The lab
notebook will generally be kept in the
classroom unless you need to take it home to do pre-labs or finish
your lab write-up.
5. Scientific Calendar
*Important: Students should bring the above materials to class
each day, contact me if you have trouble locating any of the
above materials. *

4. Course Goals:
1. Enhance students experiences and perceptions about the
natural world.

2. Cultivate a positive understanding of the natural world and

discover the novelty of living things.
3. Encourage analytical reasoning skills to provide a framework to
make informed choices.
4. Build pragmatic skills relevant inside and outside of the
classroom including: interpersonal skills, communication skills,
observation skills, creativity, curiosity, and study habits

5. Student Participation
1. Students will experience greater learning if they attend class
regularly and participate frequently, therefore I have added some
incentives for regular participation and engagement in class. These
incentives are raffle tickets that may result in potentially winning a
homework pass, 1 extra point, 2 extra points, music privileges for the
entire class (using your individual ear buds and during an appropriate
time appointed by me), or nothing at all.
2. Additionally, white boards will be used frequently to increase
my awareness of student learning and your own awareness of what
you are learning.

6. Student Responsibility:
1. I strongly believe as a science educator that every student is
capable of learning science and can do science. However, it is the
students responsibility to attend my tutorial and voice any concerns
they are experiencing about their progress in my class. I am happy to
assist with teaching study skills and deducing what may assist my
students with being successful in their studies.
2. It is the students responsibility to email me with any concerns or
questions. I am available up until 4 pm when I start my own classes.
3. It is the students responsibility to study, complete & turn in their
homework on time, maintain a positive attitude and live up to all
behavioral expectations as designated by my rules.

7. Tutorial Period:
This is a time to gain assistance and additional support in your
more difficult subject matters. You may utilize this time to complete
homework, meet with your groups to collaborate on projects, take
make-up exams, quizzes and cultivate relationships with all of your
teachers. This will reduce unnecessary stress that is innate to any
academic setting. It is pivotal this time is used properly to cultivate
better academic experience. This time is a privilege that is not
extended to other schools within the district, therefore make the most
of this privilege!

8. Classroom Rules:

Recall our school has a Commitment to

Character. All rules listed in the student handbook will be enforced.
Moreover, these specific classroom rules will be enforced because they
reflect the values of a professional learning environment:
1. Be prepared for class with all necessary work completed, materials
required and a positive attitude. I have high expectations of all my
students, therefore appropriate classroom behavior is expected the
moment you enter my class.
2. You will be marked as tardy if you are not in YOUR ASSIGNED SEAT
and completing the warm ups when the bell rings.
3. Late work will NOT BE ACCEPTED and a 0 will be issued for the
assignment. All homework assignments will be reflective of
assessments and projects, therefore it is to your benefit to complete
the homework on time.
4. Instructional time is NOT social time, therefore.
a. I will hold the entire class afterwards for every second you waste.
b. NO texting during instructional time. Your cellphone will be
confiscated if this occurs.
5. Profanity is not acceptable in the classroom. 25 cents per
inappropriate word fine will be issued or a an automatic detention if
the student is unable to pay the fine.
6. Derogatory or disrespectful language or engaging in behavior that
proves to be distracting to other students or disruptive to the class will
result in immediate disciplinary action being taken.
7. Use of classroom facilities:
a. Destruction or defacing of school property will not be tolerated. The
student/ parent will be responsible for the financial repair or
replacement of the damaged object (s).
b. Use all laboratory equipment with great care, clean it carefully, and
return it to its PROPER location.
c. Eating is allowed in class, but you must clean up after yourself. I will
revoke the privilege if any garbage is left behind (including gum).

9. Discipline Procedure:

The following consequences will be issued if the student does not

follow the classroom behavior policy. If the infraction is blatant
disrespectful or a safety issue a referral will be issued immediately.
1. A verbal warning will be provided.
2. Noncompliance will result in documentation of the infraction and
a meeting during tutorial (same day as the said infraction). A
detention may be issued and guardians will be contacted.
3. A Referral will be given.

10. Tardy Policy

All students are to be in their seats prior to when the tardy bell rings.
School policies for the accumulation of tardies will apply. Additionally,
the teacher and not the bell will dismiss the students.

11. Bathroom Policy:

As you know it is best to use the bathroom before or after class. If you
are not in class you are not learning. You might miss a piece of very
important information so use the bathroom during class at your
own risk. You must be:
1. Excused by me.
2. Sign out.
3. Place your cell phone in the Cell Phone Box.
4. Obtain a pass to use the bathroom.
5. Sign-in upon your return.

12. Homework:
Homework will be posted in class on the white board and found on the
classroom website. It is your responsibility to write the homework down
first thing in class and check your homework calendar regularly.
Students are responsible for understanding what homework was
assigned and when this homework is due. All work must be turned in
on its due date at the beginning of the period. Unexcused late work will
NOT BE ACCEPTED and a 0 will be issued for the assignment.

13. Absences/ Make-Up Work/ Test Make Up:

Students must complete all assignments, including class work,
homework, labs, quest, and projects. Absent work is due no later than
the total number of days that you are absent from class. It is your
responsibility to make arrangements for making up missed work within
the designated time period. When making up a lab exercise is not
possible, an alternate less fun dry lab activity may be assigned. IF

students receive an unexcused absent that will receive a zero on that

assignment. Make-up tests, quizzes and lab work must be completed
during tutorial period only.

14. Written Work Format Policy:

Student headings should include:
a. Student full name
b. Course Title
c. Period
d. Date
e. Title of assignment

15. Assessment/ Grading System:

Homework/ class work 25%
Quest 35%
Performance based Assessments: Projects/ Labs 25%
Final Exam: 15%

16. Note to Parent/Guardian:

You can do a lot to enhance the success of your son or daughter in this
1. Provide a place and adequate time for home study (This is in
addition to the written assignments per week, your child should
review each days lesson and read the relevant pages in the
text from the current unit of study.)
2. Encourage your student to attend school regularly. It is possible
that many of our labs may not be replicated due to the nature of
these activities.
3. Be aware of your students progress. I post grades frequently
4. Encourage your student to schedule a time to come in to see me
after school if they are struggling with the material or have any
5. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
My e-mail is . (I check my email frequently, but
will be unavailable to respond after 4pm due to my own classes
starting at that time.) I prefer to communicate by email to
prevent phone-tag.
Please indicate by circling the response below:

1. My child (has/ does not have) access to the internet and a printer
at home.
2. My child (has/ does not have) allergies. Please list below in the
designated section if he/she does have allergies.
3. My child (has/ does not have) documented special needs (ADD/
ADHD, visual problems, other medical issues I should be aware
of, 504, IEP, etc..)
*Important * Please list below allergies, special needs, or
anything I need to know regarding the safety, wellness and
learning needs of your child:

Parent/Guardian Signature


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