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Racca 1

Melissa Racca
Ms. Jizi
ENG 1104-015
12 October 16
International Relations Inquiry
(Proposal First Draft)
The world works in mysterious ways, or so it seems. Billions of
interactions, both simple and complex, take place every day around the
world. While much of it might be normal day to day activity, a great deal of
these exchanges are driven by various global affairs, political institutions,
and even cultural conflicts.

How individuals, organizations, and entire

nations interact is exactly what those in the field of international relations

seek to understand and work to regulate. While it can be an extremely
rewarding line of work, it is often an equally difficult one to navigate.
Being such a broad field, there are a countless number of career paths
within the discipline of international relations. International non-profits,
intergovernmental organizations, governments themselves, media outlets
and global corporations are just a few of the sectors a degree in this subject
can prepare you to work in. So, the question I would like to explore with this
inquiry project is: what career path(s) within the field of international
relations will not only allow for the lifestyle I want, but also help me live a
more meaningful life. The aim of this inquiry is to explore the various paths I
can take, different organizations I may like to work for, and build on my

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knowledge of the field itself. I hope that upon completion of this project I will
have a more clear-cut vision of my future and a better understanding of how
to achieve it.

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