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Alan McLawhorn

Connie S. Douglas
UWRT 1101
11 December 2016
Visual-Oral Literacy Reflection
With my essay Affected by the Hurricane, I feel like its an improvement over my first
essay, mainly due to my more thorough research and better writing. The reason I selected my
topic, hurricanes, is that I was at my home when Hurricane Matthew: therefore, the topic was
more personal to me. I decided to structure the paper the way I did, starting with the situation in
the grocery store and then going into the research, because it just seemed to be more interesting
that way. I think it draws the reader in more than it would if I put the research before the
situation in the Piggly Wiggly. Many people probably would have done it the opposite way:
most probably would have discussed predicting hurricanes and relief efforts in general, but going
to the example.
I chose The Future to write about for my slam poem, because I have a mixture of hope
and anxiety about the future of the planet, the human race, and my own. I tried to style this like a
rap, because I listen to a lot of rap, and feel comfortable writing like that. I feel like this is my
voice, more than anything else Ive written. I think the events in politics recently have made me
less optimistic about the future of the human race and the planet.

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