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Profound thought, or had delivered himself up to despair.

Prepare the stakes, said Alp

Arslan. An involuntary, but universal, shudder might be distinguished through the whole
assembly. A salve advanced and offered Alroy a scroll. He recognised the Nubian who
belonged to Honain. His former minister informed him that he was at hand, that the terms
he offered in the dungeon might even yet be granted,; that if Alroy would, as he doubted
not, as he entreated him, accept them, he was to place the scroll in his bosom, but that he
will still inexorable, still madly determined on a horrible and ignominious end, he was to tear
the scroll and throw it in to the arena. Instantly Alroy took the scroll, and with great energy
tore it into a thousand piece. A puff of wind carried the fragments for and wide. The mob
fought for these last memorials of David Alroy, and this little incident occasioned a great
confusion. In the meantime the negroes prepared the instruments of torture and of death.
The obstinacy of this Jewish dog makes me mad, said the King of Karasme to his countiers.
I will hold some parley with him before he dies. The favourite minister entreated his
sovereign to be content; but the royal beard grew so red, and the royal eyes flashed forth
such terrible sparks of fire, that even the favourite minister at length gave way. The trumpet
sounded, the criers called silence, and the voice of Alp Arslan was again heard. Thou dog,
dost see what is preparing for thee? Dost know what awaits thee in the halls of thy master
Eblis? Can a Jew be influenced even by false pride? Is not life sweet? Is it not better to be
my slipper-bearer than to be impaled? Magnanimous Alp Arslan, replied Alroy ina tone of
undisguised contempt; thinkest thou that any torture can be equal to the recollection that I
have been conquered by thee? By my beard, he mocks me! exclaimed the Karasmian
monarch, he defies me! Touch not my robe. I will parley with him. Ye see no farther than a
hooded hawk, he sons of a blind mother. This is a sorcerer; he hath yet some master spell;
he will yet save himself. He will fly into the air, or sink into the earth. He laughs at our
tortures. The King of Karasme precipitately descended the steps of his throne, followed by
his favourite minister, and his councilors, and chief captains, and the Cadis, and the Mullahs,
and the Imams, and the principal personages of the city. Sorcerer! exclaimed Alp Arslan,
insolent sorcerer! Base son of a base mother! dog of dogs! dost thou defy us? Does thy
master Eblis whisper hope? Dost thou laugh at our punishments? Wilt thou fly into the air?
Wilt thou sink into the earth? eh, eh? Is it so, is it so? The breathless monarch ceased, from
the exhaustion of passion. He tore his beard out by the roots, he stamped with
uncontrollable rage. thou art wiser than thy councilors, royal Arslan; I do defy thee. My
master, although not Eblis, has not deserted me. I laugh at thy punishments. Thy tortures I
despise. I shall both sink into the earth and mount into the air. Art thou answered? By my
beard, exclaimed the engaged Arslan, I am answered. Let Eblis save thee if he can; and
the King of Karasme, the most famous master of the sabre in Asia, drew his blade like
lightning from its sheath, and took off the head of Alroy at a stroke. It fell, and, as it fell, a
smile of triumphant derision seemed to play upon the dying features of the hero, and to ask
of his enemies, where now are all your tortures? 4. We shall yet see an ass mount a ladder.
Hebrew proverb. 2 re 12. Our walls are hung with flowers you love. It is the custom of the
Hebrews in many of their festivals, especially in the feast of the Tabernacle, to hang the
walls of their [13. The traditionary tomb of Esther and Mordecai. I accompanied the priest
through the town over much ruin and rubbish to an enclosed piece of ground, rather more
elevated than any in its immediate vicinity. In the centre was the Jewish tomb-a square
building of brick, of a mosque-like form, with a rather elongated dome at the top. The door
is in the ancient sepulchral fashion of the country, very small, consisting of a single stone of
great thickness, and turning on its own pivots from one side. Its key is always in possession
of the eldest of the Jews resident at Hamadan. Within the tomb are two sarcophagi.

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